18 year old charged with sex with 14 year old.

The 14 year old who is now 15 parents are assholes. They trapped that girl because of their own hatred and homophobia.
The girl needs to lawyer up.

How can you "Trap" someone into do something Illegal. :cuckoo:

Read into the story. They had been dating before she was 18. The moment she turned 18 they went to the police. I am guessing they didnt warn her either. It is also stated they blamed her for their daughter's homosexuality. Like I said, asshole homophobes.
The 18 year old should sue them.
The 14 year old who is now 15 parents are assholes. They trapped that girl because of their own hatred and homophobia.
The girl needs to lawyer up.

How can you "Trap" someone into do something Illegal. :cuckoo:

Obviously the parents set their daughter up with a lesbian rapist in order to trap the poor innocent lesbian.
The 14 year old who is now 15 parents are assholes. They trapped that girl because of their own hatred and homophobia.
The girl needs to lawyer up.

How can you "Trap" someone into do something Illegal. :cuckoo:

Read into the story. They had been dating before she was 18. The moment she turned 18 they went to the police. I am guessing they didnt warn her either. It is also stated they blamed her for their daughter's homosexuality. Like I said, asshole homophobes.
The 18 year old should sue them.

Sue them for reporting a crime against a minor? Oh that would be a good one.

Of course the whole "the parents knew all the time and only went to the police after Hunt turned 18" is a total fabrication. No wonder no one came up with any proof of that fairy tale.


Seems like the basketball coach was the first to know, and kicked Hunt off the team because the players were not allowed to date one another. The parents learned of it after that and found that Hunt was 18 when the relationship began.

The two had a consenting relationship that began soon after Kaitlyn Hunt turned 18,


Homosexuals do NOT want minors protected from same sex sexual predators. That's the bottom line and incidentally what we've been saying all allong.
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The 14 year old who is now 15 parents are assholes. They trapped that girl because of their own hatred and homophobia.
The girl needs to lawyer up.

How can you "Trap" someone into do something Illegal. :cuckoo:

Obviously the parents set their daughter up with a lesbian rapist in order to trap the poor innocent lesbian.

Rapist? Homphobe much?
And they did set her up. They wait until she was 18 to do something. The girl was a senior and her girlfriend a freshman. I remember a lot of same sex couples of the same nature in high school.
And none of you would have a problem with a senior dating a freshman if they weren't gay. You should be proud.
I would have too.

If you have a 14 year old girl, who is dating an adult, and you tell the adult to stay away and she won't..

You press charges. It doesn't matter what the 14 year old *wants*. 14 year olds are famously manipulated and preyed upon by predators all the time. They're infants with raging hormones and adult bodies.

It's our responsibility as parents to protect our children and shield them. Children do not dictate to their parents, and parents who allow their children to enter into illegal sexual relationships with adults are nothing more than pimps.

... what she said ... --------- ^^^^
How can you "Trap" someone into do something Illegal. :cuckoo:

Read into the story. They had been dating before she was 18. The moment she turned 18 they went to the police. I am guessing they didnt warn her either. It is also stated they blamed her for their daughter's homosexuality. Like I said, asshole homophobes.
The 18 year old should sue them.

Sue them for reporting a crime against a minor? Oh that would be a good one.

For entrapment. They set her up.
I am sure they were just waiting for the day for her to turn 18. These people will end up not having a relationship with their daughter. Ten bucks, once she is 18 she will be long gone. I know I would be if I had such assholes for parents.
The 14 year old who is now 15 parents are assholes. They trapped that girl because of their own hatred and homophobia.
The girl needs to lawyer up.

How can you "Trap" someone into do something Illegal. :cuckoo:

Read into the story. They had been dating before she was 18. The moment she turned 18 they went to the police. I am guessing they didnt warn her either. It is also stated they blamed her for their daughter's homosexuality. Like I said, asshole homophobes.
The 18 year old should sue them.
Poor Luissa... really... could you show us where anywhere in this story someone said they were SCARED or FRIGHTENED? Poor Luissa... no... no homophobes in this story... sorry hun.

Just concerned parents, wise up.
I would have too.

If you have a 14 year old girl, who is dating an adult, and you tell the adult to stay away and she won't..

You press charges. It doesn't matter what the 14 year old *wants*. 14 year olds are famously manipulated and preyed upon by predators all the time. They're infants with raging hormones and adult bodies.

It's our responsibility as parents to protect our children and shield them. Children do not dictate to their parents, and parents who allow their children to enter into illegal sexual relationships with adults are nothing more than pimps.

... what she said ... --------- ^^^^

KG forgot to mention she wasn't an adult for most of the relationship. ;)

Why don't you bigots actually look into a story before passing judgment? Or do you only have to know that she was gay?
Looks like seawytch got her lesbo feelings hurt and left the debate, bodey is prolly comforting her now.

We were actually kicking back on the huge couch and watching NCAA Softball on the big screen tv in that gigantic space we've rented in your head.

You would need a HUGE couch to hold up that giant kilted ass of yours.

And now I've got room to add an annex. :lol: Poor Bootlicker, been pwn'd by women his whole life.
Read into the story. They had been dating before she was 18. The moment she turned 18 they went to the police. I am guessing they didnt warn her either. It is also stated they blamed her for their daughter's homosexuality. Like I said, asshole homophobes.
The 18 year old should sue them.

Sue them for reporting a crime against a minor? Oh that would be a good one.

For entrapment. They set her up.
I am sure they were just waiting for the day for her to turn 18. These people will end up not having a relationship with their daughter. Ten bucks, once she is 18 she will be long gone. I know I would be if I had such assholes for parents.
I agree that they couldn't have handled this in a worse way. Instead of going to the other girls parents, they went to the school and then the police. Most likely their daughter is facing huge issues in school and her community now and I'm sure they have hurt their relationship with her, hopefully not beyond repair.
Read into the story. They had been dating before she was 18. The moment she turned 18 they went to the police. I am guessing they didnt warn her either. It is also stated they blamed her for their daughter's homosexuality. Like I said, asshole homophobes.
The 18 year old should sue them.

Sue them for reporting a crime against a minor? Oh that would be a good one.

For entrapment. They set her up.
I am sure they were just waiting for the day for her to turn 18. These people will end up not having a relationship with their daughter. Ten bucks, once she is 18 she will be long gone. I know I would be if I had such assholes for parents.

Yes, the parents are assholes for showing concern for their MINOR child's BAD JUDGEMENT.

You sure have some twisted views girl, and now they're really hitting a new low.
How can you "Trap" someone into do something Illegal. :cuckoo:

Read into the story. They had been dating before she was 18. The moment she turned 18 they went to the police. I am guessing they didnt warn her either. It is also stated they blamed her for their daughter's homosexuality. Like I said, asshole homophobes.
The 18 year old should sue them.
Poor Luissa... really... could you show us where anywhere in this story someone said they were SCARED or FRIGHTENED? Poor Luissa... no... no homophobes in this story... sorry hun.

Just concerned parents, wise up.

What are you even talking about, bigot?
The article plainly states that the relationship was consensual. But a child cannot consent. Which makes absolute HASH of the homosexual argument that laws against child molestation don't affect gays because they aren't pedophiles and if they are, children can't consent anyway.

Kaitlyn Hunt "assumed" that the younger girls parents knew about the relationship and agreed to the rape of their daughter. She assumed wrong didn't she? This isn't even as good a defense as parents agreeing that their daughter be raped by some guy because he paid them.

Remember Mary Kay Letourneau? She went to prison and so should Kaitlyn Hunt.

That's child molestation, and of course there should be an investigation to find out what other crimes were committed against this child.

Kaitlyn Hunt should be in prison.

Kissing is "child molestation". How old were you when you first kissed?
Two females cannot "have sex." This is semantic bullshit introduced by the gay community to try to "normalize" their sexual practices.

You might remember in the ancient past we had a President who truthfully told America that he did not "have sexual intercourse" with Monica Lewinsky. Receiving (or giving) a blowjob is not "having sex." Same for handjob, stink-finger, fudgepacking, titty-fucking, and any other non-reproductive activity which artificially stimulates a sexual response from the reproductive organs. They are all forms of masturbation, nothing more. And just because there are two people involved, that doesn't elevate it from mastubation to "having sex."

Sex is a reproductive act. Except for those (liberals/progressives) who insist that words mean whatever the fuck they want them to mean at any given moment.

To the case at hand...there is a chasm of maturity difference between a normal 18-year-old and a normal 14-year-old. There is a reasonable presumption in the law that an adult can exert undue influence on a minor to induce the minor to engage in activity that the minor would not engage in, absent the undue influence. And a minor cannot consent to have her parts played with by an ADULT - she lacks the legal capacity to do so.

Thus, the 18-year-old has done something for which some legal sanction is probably warranted. But it ain't "rape," by any rational definition of the term, and the punishments called for in cases of rape and statutory rape would be grotesque overkill in this case.

Tell her not to do it again and forget about it.

Is that an option?

Have you ever heard of rape by penetration of a foreign object?
My goodness....you are just FULL of information today, aren't you? :eek:
Read into the story. They had been dating before she was 18. The moment she turned 18 they went to the police. I am guessing they didnt warn her either. It is also stated they blamed her for their daughter's homosexuality. Like I said, asshole homophobes.
The 18 year old should sue them.
Poor Luissa... really... could you show us where anywhere in this story someone said they were SCARED or FRIGHTENED? Poor Luissa... no... no homophobes in this story... sorry hun.

Just concerned parents, wise up.

What are you even talking about, bigot?

So you're just having a FIELD DAY throwing out all those tired old homo buzz words aren't you?

So, concerned parents are ASSHOLES, and all heterosexuals are BIGOTS.

You're a tired old broken record Luissa, tired and old, and pathetically over used to the point of absurdity.
Sue them for reporting a crime against a minor? Oh that would be a good one.

For entrapment. They set her up.
I am sure they were just waiting for the day for her to turn 18. These people will end up not having a relationship with their daughter. Ten bucks, once she is 18 she will be long gone. I know I would be if I had such assholes for parents.

Yes, the parents are assholes for showing concern for their MINOR child's BAD JUDGEMENT.

You sure have some twisted views girl, and now they're really hitting a new low.

Both of them were minors would the relationship started. Should most parents who have children dating in high school be concerned, or just parents with gay children?
Hitting a new low? Because I actually took the time to find out the real story? And didn't pass judgment solely based on my hatred and bigotry?
The 14 year old who is now 15 parents are assholes. They trapped that girl because of their own hatred and homophobia.
The girl needs to lawyer up.

How can you "Trap" someone into do something Illegal. :cuckoo:

Read into the story. They had been dating before she was 18. The moment she turned 18 they went to the police. I am guessing they didnt warn her either. It is also stated they blamed her for their daughter's homosexuality. Like I said, asshole homophobes.
The 18 year old should sue them.

You dont get it. If she wasnt breaking the law they couldnt trap her could they. They did not make her have sex with a 14 year old girl did they :cuckoo:

I read the story.
I graduated high school in 1973. Back then the vast majority of kids dated others in the same grade/same age. Rarely did we have someone dating someone from a grade lower. Had a senior been dating a freshman, it would have been the scandal of the school. Had the senior dating a freshman been girl on girl, it would caused such a scandal that quite possibly the school would have put an end to it had the parents not.

Just goes to show how things have changed. Back then girls valued their virginity and homos were mentally ill. Abstinence was the rule, not promiscuity and free condoms. There were no pregnant girls walking the school halls either. Every girl in my class of '73 graduated without child, and it's my guess most of them virgins, at EIGHTEEN. Now, you need to sign to get an ASPIRIN if you're under 18, but can walk in and get THE DAY AFTER BIRTH CONTROL PILL NO QUESTIONS ASKED if you're FIFTEEN! Things change yes, but not always for the better. I can see PROGRESSIVES that helped CHAMPION the HOMO CAUSE making a big deal out of this as a baby step in the fight to NORMALIZE PEDOPHILIA, just as they did HOMOSEXUALITY. Since the ages are close, this is their golden opportunity. But in the eyes of the law, 14 is a minor and 18 is an adult. So just change it to an 11 year old and a 65 year old, in the eyes of the law, it's the SAME THING, SAME CHARGE, but the PROGRESSIVES can't use a case like that to push for more LENIENT penalties for pedophiles. They have to use cases like THIS one, and they will.

If there's a sexual deviancy, something disgusting, something perverted... PROGRESSIVES/LIBERALS/DEMOCRATS are in FAVOR of it.

I also graduated from HS in 1973...and we had older grades dating younger grades all the time. In fact we had several girls in our class marry older boys after they graduated...and the ones I know (3 couples) are STILL together today.

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