18 year old charged with sex with 14 year old.

If it had been an 18 year old boy and a 14 year old girl, the boy wouldn't have been expelled and facing felony charges. This was a consensual relationship between two teens.

what??? you think it's because she's a dyke?
HAHAH I love all the libtards squealing because of the gubbmint.......hahahaa

and she's a basketball player, who knew?
Actually....in the accounts I've read so far, they've been going together since the older girl was 17 and the parents WAITED til she was 18 to get charges filed.

Probably because they could not talk their daughter out of dating the older person. So they waited until there was something they could do about it. IMO they have a perfect right to try to keep their child from being sexually involved with someone that much older. The girl is only 14. Doesn't anyone have a 14 year old child? Don't you realize how young that is? She should not be involved in a sexual relationship, especially with someone so much older. At that age, 3 or 4 years is a lot. It's not like after 20 and a few years don't mean much. At 14 one or two years is a lot. The older person is taking advantage of the younger one.

I dated a 14 year old when I was 17. I have several friends who were the same. My one friend started dating his now wife when he was a senior(18) and she was a sophomore(15), the same ages as in this story.

So you committed a crime, if you had sexual contact with the child.

And you maintain that it should therefore be legal?
Actually....in the accounts I've read so far, they've been going together since the older girl was 17 and the parents WAITED til she was 18 to get charges filed.

Probably because they could not talk their daughter out of dating the older person. So they waited until there was something they could do about it. IMO they have a perfect right to try to keep their child from being sexually involved with someone that much older. The girl is only 14. Doesn't anyone have a 14 year old child? Don't you realize how young that is? She should not be involved in a sexual relationship, especially with someone so much older. At that age, 3 or 4 years is a lot. It's not like after 20 and a few years don't mean much. At 14 one or two years is a lot. The older person is taking advantage of the younger one.

I dated a 14 year old when I was 17. I have several friends who were the same. My one friend started dating his now wife when he was a senior(18) and she was a sophomore(15), the same ages as in this story.

You dated a 14 year old boy when you were 17?
Two females cannot "have sex." This is semantic bullshit introduced by the gay community to try to "normalize" their sexual practices.

You might remember in the ancient past we had a President who truthfully told America that he did not "have sexual intercourse" with Monica Lewinsky. Receiving (or giving) a blowjob is not "having sex." Same for handjob, stink-finger, fudgepacking, titty-fucking, and any other non-reproductive activity which artificially stimulates a sexual response from the reproductive organs. They are all forms of masturbation, nothing more. And just because there are two people involved, that doesn't elevate it from mastubation to "having sex."

Sex is a reproductive act. Except for those (liberals/progressives) who insist that words mean whatever the fuck they want them to mean at any given moment.

To the case at hand...there is a chasm of maturity difference between a normal 18-year-old and a normal 14-year-old. There is a reasonable presumption in the law that an adult can exert undue influence on a minor to induce the minor to engage in activity that the minor would not engage in, absent the undue influence. And a minor cannot consent to have her parts played with by an ADULT - she lacks the legal capacity to do so.

Thus, the 18-year-old has done something for which some legal sanction is probably warranted. But it ain't "rape," by any rational definition of the term, and the punishments called for in cases of rape and statutory rape would be grotesque overkill in this case.

Tell her not to do it again and forget about it.

Is that an option?

Have you ever heard of rape by penetration of a foreign object?
Probably because they could not talk their daughter out of dating the older person. So they waited until there was something they could do about it. IMO they have a perfect right to try to keep their child from being sexually involved with someone that much older. The girl is only 14. Doesn't anyone have a 14 year old child? Don't you realize how young that is? She should not be involved in a sexual relationship, especially with someone so much older. At that age, 3 or 4 years is a lot. It's not like after 20 and a few years don't mean much. At 14 one or two years is a lot. The older person is taking advantage of the younger one.

I dated a 14 year old when I was 17. I have several friends who were the same. My one friend started dating his now wife when he was a senior(18) and she was a sophomore(15), the same ages as in this story.

You dated a 14 year old boy when you were 17?

She was supposed to be babysitting, no doubt.
Probably because they could not talk their daughter out of dating the older person. So they waited until there was something they could do about it. IMO they have a perfect right to try to keep their child from being sexually involved with someone that much older. The girl is only 14. Doesn't anyone have a 14 year old child? Don't you realize how young that is? She should not be involved in a sexual relationship, especially with someone so much older. At that age, 3 or 4 years is a lot. It's not like after 20 and a few years don't mean much. At 14 one or two years is a lot. The older person is taking advantage of the younger one.

I dated a 14 year old when I was 17. I have several friends who were the same. My one friend started dating his now wife when he was a senior(18) and she was a sophomore(15), the same ages as in this story.

You dated a 14 year old boy when you were 17?

I did. And I kissed him too.
Probably because they could not talk their daughter out of dating the older person. So they waited until there was something they could do about it. IMO they have a perfect right to try to keep their child from being sexually involved with someone that much older. The girl is only 14. Doesn't anyone have a 14 year old child? Don't you realize how young that is? She should not be involved in a sexual relationship, especially with someone so much older. At that age, 3 or 4 years is a lot. It's not like after 20 and a few years don't mean much. At 14 one or two years is a lot. The older person is taking advantage of the younger one.

I dated a 14 year old when I was 17. I have several friends who were the same. My one friend started dating his now wife when he was a senior(18) and she was a sophomore(15), the same ages as in this story.

You dated a 14 year old boy when you were 17?

Have you noticed that the term "date" has adopted the prostitution use of the word? "Do you want a date" is solicitation for sex, apparently by kids in school as well as on Anaheim Street in San Pedro.
Sounds to me that the failure is on the parents. 14 years old is too young for sex. They should have put the kibosh on this "relationship". I have a 14 year old daughter and there is no way in hell I would let her date an 18 year old boy. If I thought one of her girl friends was trying to get it on with her, I wouldn't allow her to see that person any longer either.
Sounds to me that the failure is on the parents. 14 years old is too young for sex. They should have put the kibosh on this "relationship". I have a 14 year old daughter and there is no way in hell I would let her date an 18 year old boy. If I thought one of her girl friends was trying to get it on with her, I wouldn't allow her to see that person any longer either.

You just nailed it.
I graduated high school in 1973. Back then the vast majority of kids dated others in the same grade/same age. Rarely did we have someone dating someone from a grade lower. Had a senior been dating a freshman, it would have been the scandal of the school. Had the senior dating a freshman been girl on girl, it would caused such a scandal that quite possibly the school would have put an end to it had the parents not.

Just goes to show how things have changed. Back then girls valued their virginity and homos were mentally ill. Abstinence was the rule, not promiscuity and free condoms. There were no pregnant girls walking the school halls either. Every girl in my class of '73 graduated without child, and it's my guess most of them virgins, at EIGHTEEN. Now, you need to sign to get an ASPIRIN if you're under 18, but can walk in and get THE DAY AFTER BIRTH CONTROL PILL NO QUESTIONS ASKED if you're FIFTEEN! Things change yes, but not always for the better. I can see PROGRESSIVES that helped CHAMPION the HOMO CAUSE making a big deal out of this as a baby step in the fight to NORMALIZE PEDOPHILIA, just as they did HOMOSEXUALITY. Since the ages are close, this is their golden opportunity. But in the eyes of the law, 14 is a minor and 18 is an adult. So just change it to an 11 year old and a 65 year old, in the eyes of the law, it's the SAME THING, SAME CHARGE, but the PROGRESSIVES can't use a case like that to push for more LENIENT penalties for pedophiles. They have to use cases like THIS one, and they will.

If there's a sexual deviancy, something disgusting, something perverted... PROGRESSIVES/LIBERALS/DEMOCRATS are in FAVOR of it.
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Sounds to me that the failure is on the parents. 14 years old is too young for sex. They should have put the kibosh on this "relationship". I have a 14 year old daughter and there is no way in hell I would let her date an 18 year old boy. If I thought one of her girl friends was trying to get it on with her, I wouldn't allow her to see that person any longer either.

Sounds like homophobia to me. The parents KNEW their 14 year old was dating a 17 year old, but pressed charges when she turned 18. There is ZERO evidence of a sexual relationship from anything I've read.
Sounds to me that the failure is on the parents. 14 years old is too young for sex. They should have put the kibosh on this "relationship". I have a 14 year old daughter and there is no way in hell I would let her date an 18 year old boy. If I thought one of her girl friends was trying to get it on with her, I wouldn't allow her to see that person any longer either.

You just nailed it.

The parents did. They are the ones who went to the police and forced the school to expel Hunt.
Sounds to me that the failure is on the parents. 14 years old is too young for sex. They should have put the kibosh on this "relationship". I have a 14 year old daughter and there is no way in hell I would let her date an 18 year old boy. If I thought one of her girl friends was trying to get it on with her, I wouldn't allow her to see that person any longer either.

Sounds like homophobia to me. The parents KNEW their 14 year old was dating a 17 year old, but pressed charges when she turned 18. There is ZERO evidence of a sexual relationship from anything I've read.

And there we have it... the HOMO using well known, tried and true tactics to intimidate and SHUT UP anyone who is so BOLD as to say ANYTHING anti homo.

Fuck off.

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