19 Huge Broken Campaign Promises of President Obama

Apparently you are not aware that the U.S. Navy Seals belong to the Pentagon? :lmao:

The C.I.A. did not kill Bin Laden. It was a joint operation with the final step being run by the Pentagon's JSOC (that would be the Joint Special Operations Command - the division which runs all special forces ops - for those who don't know anything about the Seals or think they work for the C.I.A.).

And who did those SEALs turn their evidence over to? In that operation, Yes, the SEALS were working for the CIA. Troubling isn't it?

Not the Pentagon

The SEALs fall under the Department of The Navy which answers to the Pentagon. They worked with the cooperation of the CIA. The CIA found Bin Laden then provided intel for mission planning to the SEALs.

Point beng the fucking Pentagon doesn't have pictures of Bin Laden because all collected evidence was turned over to the CIA
19 Huge Broken Campaign Promises of President Obama

Whatever Obama's shortcomings, the American public still think that he is definitely preferable to what the "Stupid Party" has to offer!

My favorite is the Right wing blocked him from completing every one of those promises and then giggles and says..........Obama didn't keep his promises

I had no idea Democrats are now called "the right wing." Thanks, Nutwinger!
Which gun did Obama use to kill bin Laden?


Another rightwing circle jerk

Obama never shot a gun

Like Biden said- Just rack that shotgun and fire off a round....



Like Dick Cheney said- Duck!

Passed Healthcare
Killed bin Laden
Got us out of he wars

Works for me

Passed Healthcare by threatening and bribing congressmen. Prism was already in operation at the NSA by this time. He has the goods on them. He's been watching every keystroke of every member of congress and if they decide to go against him somebody just might find out about their penchant for buying wands or wearing fairy costumes in private.

Was in office when they found Bin Laden and reluctantly went along with the operation, then started blabbing all of the Top Secret details of the mission which led to the death of several of SEAL Team Six members.

We're still in Afghanistan today and we still have 50,000 American civilians and service members in Iraq. Iraq is quickly becoming another Iran. We will end up losing both wars thanks to his failure to lead or even have a goal other then leaving without admitting defeat.

Yup, works for you as long as it doesn't personally effect you.

Wait till you get a letter from the IRS dipshit.

Bin Laden sleeps with the fishes.........Obama put him there

Celebrate it like the rest of America

Prove it, that is all you have to do, show the proof.
19 Huge Broken Campaign Promises of President Obama

Whatever Obama's shortcomings, the American public still think that he is definitely preferable to what the "Stupid Party" has to offer!

My favorite is the Right wing blocked him from completing every one of those promises and then giggles and says..........Obama didn't keep his promises

You mean you favorite lie? What the f...k didn't he get?

Health care that you brag about and is screwing the country, got it.

Wall Street reform, got it.

Stimulas to the toon of at least 6 trillion, got it.

The surge in the Afghanistand war and the following admitted failure, got it.

Ability to kill Americans, including a 16 year old, got it.

Jobs bill, got it.

TARP got it.

GM bailout, got it.

Raise in the minimum wage, got it.

Wire tapping of Americans, got it.

Auditing of political rivals by the IRS, got it.

WTF more damage do you think he needs to do? He got all of what he wants and if he didn't it is because he isn't a leader or has the knowledge of how to work with people. But we told you all that before the empty suit was elected but of course you would not listen.
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Passed Healthcare by threatening and bribing congressmen. Prism was already in operation at the NSA by this time. He has the goods on them. He's been watching every keystroke of every member of congress and if they decide to go against him somebody just might find out about their penchant for buying wands or wearing fairy costumes in private.

Was in office when they found Bin Laden and reluctantly went along with the operation, then started blabbing all of the Top Secret details of the mission which led to the death of several of SEAL Team Six members.

We're still in Afghanistan today and we still have 50,000 American civilians and service members in Iraq. Iraq is quickly becoming another Iran. We will end up losing both wars thanks to his failure to lead or even have a goal other then leaving without admitting defeat.

Yup, works for you as long as it doesn't personally effect you.

Wait till you get a letter from the IRS dipshit.

Bin Laden sleeps with the fishes.........Obama put him there

Celebrate it like the rest of America

Prove it, that is all you have to do, show the proof.

I have testimony of US Navy SEALS

Good enough for me
Health care that you brag about and is screwing the country, got it.

Better coverage at lower premiums, coupled with record-low spending growth (and health price inflation) in the U.S.--what a nightmare!

Someone bring back the GOP to put it back the way it was!
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Passed Healthcare
Killed bin Laden
Got us out of he wars

Works for me

Interesting, Bush passed HC, and Iraq ended on the Bush timeline (Obama tried to keep us in Iraq) and OBL was killed with Intel Bush obtained...

So you're a full fledged Bush supporter now?

Odd though, seeing as Obama spends more on military than Bush, has not ended a single war on his own, started a couple new wars and expanded Afghanistan.... But I guess giving the order to kill OBL makes up for the incredible lack of living up the the other 99% of promises Obama made, for you.
Passed Healthcare
Killed bin Laden
Got us out of he wars

Works for me

Passed Healthcare by threatening and bribing congressmen. Prism was already in operation at the NSA by this time. He has the goods on them. He's been watching every keystroke of every member of congress and if they decide to go against him somebody just might find out about their penchant for buying wands or wearing fairy costumes in private.

Was in office when they found Bin Laden and reluctantly went along with the operation, then started blabbing all of the Top Secret details of the mission which led to the death of several of SEAL Team Six members.

We're still in Afghanistan today and we still have 50,000 American civilians and service members in Iraq. Iraq is quickly becoming another Iran. We will end up losing both wars thanks to his failure to lead or even have a goal other then leaving without admitting defeat.

Yup, works for you as long as it doesn't personally effect you.

Wait till you get a letter from the IRS dipshit.

Bin Laden sleeps with the fishes.........Obama put him there

Celebrate it like the rest of America

5 years later and all you got is "Obama killed OBL."


It's kinda funny watching you these days... you try and dodge so hard but fail even harder.
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