19 Huge Broken Campaign Promises of President Obama

2013 deficit estimate lowered to $642 billion | Fox News
www.foxnews.com/.../2013-deficit-estimate-lowered-to-642-billion/ - Cached
May 15, 2013 ... The budget office now predicts a 2013 budget deficit of $642 billion, more ...
predicts deficits over the coming decade of $6.3 trillion, down $522 billion ... a
$600 billion-plus tax increase on upper-bracket earners in January.
GOP's goal isn't deficit reduction. It's gutting the safety net.
May 20, 2013 ... “A sudden improvement in the outlook for the government deficit over ... a $642
billion budget deficit for fiscal year 2013, down $200 billion from ...

if you could only get off the BS anti-O-Care channel...
Where's the deficit now? Just over $600 billion yearly and falling.

I remember it was almost three times as much yearly 5 years ago. So, actually, it's a promise kept. The deficits are actually way less than half of what they were 4-5 years ago.

Are you people all stupid? You call Obama a dictator, but then you blame him for not closing Gitmo. But he can't close Gitmo because he's NOT A DICTATOR and needs the Congress to actually authorize the funding of it closing.

Which President put people in Gitmo and which President has been taking them out?

The game we really need to play is, "List the achievements of George W. Bush".

He added more to the national debt in his first three years ($7+ trillion) than all presidents in U.S. history combined did in their first 4 years.

What planet are you living on? You really are a fuck'n moron!
why would the Pentagon have evidence? It was a CIA operation you asshole

Apparently you are not aware that the U.S. Navy Seals belong to the Pentagon? :lmao:

The C.I.A. did not kill Bin Laden. It was a joint operation with the final step being run by the Pentagon's JSOC (that would be the Joint Special Operations Command - the division which runs all special forces ops - for those who don't know anything about the Seals or think they work for the C.I.A.).
2013 deficit estimate lowered to $642 billion | Fox News
http://www.usmessageboard.com/polit...2013-deficit-estimate-lowered-to-642-billion/ - Cached
May 15, 2013 ... The budget office now predicts a 2013 budget deficit of $642 billion, more ...
predicts deficits over the coming decade of $6.3 trillion, down $522 billion ... a
$600 billion-plus tax increase on upper-bracket earners in January.
GOP's goal isn't deficit reduction. It's gutting the safety net.
May 20, 2013 ... “A sudden improvement in the outlook for the government deficit over ... a $642
billion budget deficit for fiscal year 2013, down $200 billion from ...

if you could only get off the BS anti-O-Care channel...

He added more to the national debt in his first three years ($7+ trillion) than all presidents in U.S. history combined did in their first 4 years. He's also added more to the debt in his first 3 years than any president in history did in their entire terms - including those that served 8 years.

What planet are you living on? You really are a fuck'n moron!
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bin Laden sleeps with the fishes..........Obama sent him there

why would the Pentagon have evidence? It was a CIA operation you asshole
Dealing with bin Laden in the manner it was done was wastefully counterproductive. It involved a great deal of planning and risk just to make a martyr of him.

It would have been far more productive to kidnap him, imprison him, and try him in open court, which could have been done just as easily as killing him and removing his corpse -- if in fact it was his corpse we disposed of. But presuming it was him it seems rather obvious he was killed to silence him.

I watched the PBS Frontline interview of Osama bin Laden in 1998, long before the 9/11 attack, and I must say he made a good case for why the U.S. was setting itself up for serious trouble in the Middle East. It now is all too clear that we should have paid attention to what he had to say back then, and I believe the reason he was killed rather than captured was to prevent having the American People listen to him now. I would be particularly interested in hearing what he would have to say about the Bush dynasty and its connection with the Saudi Royal Family, which bin Laden was a member of.

Barack Obama has done a very good job of protecting the Bush crime family.
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Passed Healthcare
Killed bin Laden
Got us out of he wars

Works for me

Low information voter, buy a clue. We are still in the Afghanistan war. Obama had his surge and the surge was a great increase in deaths and then Obama admits failure. Just because the hypocrite left shows they could care less about our men doesn't mean they still ain't fighting and dying. Three died just the other day.

Show me the proof he killed OBL.

Pentagon admits it has no photo evidence of Bin Laden's death

Read more: Pentagon admits it has no photo evidence of Bin Laden's death (Includes interview)

bin Laden sleeps with the fishes..........Obama sent him there

why would the Pentagon have evidence? It was a CIA operation you asshole

Because Seal Team Six works for the CIA, right?
I guess you really are a low information poster. I thought you were being disingenuous somehow. Apologies.
Passed Healthcare
Killed bin Laden
Got us out of he wars

Works for me

Passed Healthcare- This will not stand. Fiscal failure of epic proportions
Killed Bin Laden- Um, no he didn't
Got us out of wars- He helped get us in them and we are still there

Does NOT work for me. So we null each others perspective

Where's the deficit now? Just over $600 billion yearly and falling.

I remember it was almost three times as much yearly 5 years ago. So, actually, it's a promise kept. The deficits are actually way less than half of what they were 4-5 years ago.

Are you people all stupid? You call Obama a dictator, but then you blame him for not closing Gitmo. But he can't close Gitmo because he's NOT A DICTATOR and needs the Congress to actually authorize the funding of it closing.

Which President put people in Gitmo and which President has been taking them out?

The game we really need to play is, "List the achievements of George W. Bush".

Then why promise something you know you can't deliver?
All 19 blocked by Pubs, but progress made on all of them...that's not broken promises, dumbazz dupe.

He had Senate and House and was filibuster proof in 2009 and we still have Gitmo, seems to me, Democrats had a hand also, or did Obama just abandon his idea, because of public opinion?
Passed Healthcare
Killed bin Laden
Got us out of he wars

Works for me

Passed Healthcare by threatening and bribing congressmen. Prism was already in operation at the NSA by this time. He has the goods on them. He's been watching every keystroke of every member of congress and if they decide to go against him somebody just might find out about their penchant for buying wands or wearing fairy costumes in private.

Was in office when they found Bin Laden and reluctantly went along with the operation, then started blabbing all of the Top Secret details of the mission which led to the death of several of SEAL Team Six members.

We're still in Afghanistan today and we still have 50,000 American civilians and service members in Iraq. Iraq is quickly becoming another Iran. We will end up losing both wars thanks to his failure to lead or even have a goal other then leaving without admitting defeat.

Yup, works for you as long as it doesn't personally effect you.

Wait till you get a letter from the IRS dipshit.
why would the Pentagon have evidence? It was a CIA operation you asshole

Apparently you are not aware that the U.S. Navy Seals belong to the Pentagon? :lmao:

The C.I.A. did not kill Bin Laden. It was a joint operation with the final step being run by the Pentagon's JSOC (that would be the Joint Special Operations Command - the division which runs all special forces ops - for those who don't know anything about the Seals or think they work for the C.I.A.).

And who did those SEALs turn their evidence over to? In that operation, Yes, the SEALS were working for the CIA. Troubling isn't it?

Not the Pentagon
Passed Healthcare
Killed bin Laden
Got us out of he wars

Works for me

Passed Healthcare by threatening and bribing congressmen. Prism was already in operation at the NSA by this time. He has the goods on them. He's been watching every keystroke of every member of congress and if they decide to go against him somebody just might find out about their penchant for buying wands or wearing fairy costumes in private.

Was in office when they found Bin Laden and reluctantly went along with the operation, then started blabbing all of the Top Secret details of the mission which led to the death of several of SEAL Team Six members.

We're still in Afghanistan today and we still have 50,000 American civilians and service members in Iraq. Iraq is quickly becoming another Iran. We will end up losing both wars thanks to his failure to lead or even have a goal other then leaving without admitting defeat.

Yup, works for you as long as it doesn't personally effect you.

Wait till you get a letter from the IRS dipshit.

Bin Laden sleeps with the fishes.........Obama put him there

Celebrate it like the rest of America
Passed Healthcare
Killed bin Laden
Got us out of he wars

Works for me

Passed Healthcare by threatening and bribing congressmen. Prism was already in operation at the NSA by this time. He has the goods on them. He's been watching every keystroke of every member of congress and if they decide to go against him somebody just might find out about their penchant for buying wands or wearing fairy costumes in private.

Was in office when they found Bin Laden and reluctantly went along with the operation, then started blabbing all of the Top Secret details of the mission which led to the death of several of SEAL Team Six members.

We're still in Afghanistan today and we still have 50,000 American civilians and service members in Iraq. Iraq is quickly becoming another Iran. We will end up losing both wars thanks to his failure to lead or even have a goal other then leaving without admitting defeat.

Yup, works for you as long as it doesn't personally effect you.

Wait till you get a letter from the IRS dipshit.

Bin Laden sleeps with the fishes.........Obama put him there

Celebrate it like the rest of America

Which gun did Obama use to kill bin Laden?
19 Huge Broken Campaign Promises of President Obama

Whatever Obama's shortcomings, the American public still think that he is definitely preferable to what the "Stupid Party" has to offer!
Passed Healthcare by threatening and bribing congressmen. Prism was already in operation at the NSA by this time. He has the goods on them. He's been watching every keystroke of every member of congress and if they decide to go against him somebody just might find out about their penchant for buying wands or wearing fairy costumes in private.

Was in office when they found Bin Laden and reluctantly went along with the operation, then started blabbing all of the Top Secret details of the mission which led to the death of several of SEAL Team Six members.

We're still in Afghanistan today and we still have 50,000 American civilians and service members in Iraq. Iraq is quickly becoming another Iran. We will end up losing both wars thanks to his failure to lead or even have a goal other then leaving without admitting defeat.

Yup, works for you as long as it doesn't personally effect you.

Wait till you get a letter from the IRS dipshit.

Bin Laden sleeps with the fishes.........Obama put him there

Celebrate it like the rest of America

Which gun did Obama use to kill bin Laden?


Another rightwing circle jerk

Obama never shot a gun
why would the Pentagon have evidence? It was a CIA operation you asshole

Apparently you are not aware that the U.S. Navy Seals belong to the Pentagon? :lmao:

The C.I.A. did not kill Bin Laden. It was a joint operation with the final step being run by the Pentagon's JSOC (that would be the Joint Special Operations Command - the division which runs all special forces ops - for those who don't know anything about the Seals or think they work for the C.I.A.).

And who did those SEALs turn their evidence over to? In that operation, Yes, the SEALS were working for the CIA. Troubling isn't it?

Not the Pentagon

The SEALs fall under the Department of The Navy which answers to the Pentagon. They worked with the cooperation of the CIA. The CIA found Bin Laden then provided intel for mission planning to the SEALs.
19 Huge Broken Campaign Promises of President Obama

Whatever Obama's shortcomings, the American public still think that he is definitely preferable to what the "Stupid Party" has to offer!

My favorite is the Right wing blocked him from completing every one of those promises and then giggles and says..........Obama didn't keep his promises

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