19 Huge Broken Campaign Promises of President Obama

I'm beginning not to trust anything this administration says or puts out as fact.
Passed Healthcare
Killed bin Laden
Got us out of he wars

Works for me

Interesting, Bush passed HC, and Iraq ended on the Bush timeline (Obama tried to keep us in Iraq) and OBL was killed with Intel Bush obtained...

So you're a full fledged Bush supporter now?

Odd though, seeing as Obama spends more on military than Bush, has not ended a single war on his own, started a couple new wars and expanded Afghanistan.... But I guess giving the order to kill OBL makes up for the incredible lack of living up the the other 99% of promises Obama made, for you.

I do recall Bush killing bin Laden

It was right about the time he cured cancer and ended global hunger
Passed Healthcare
Killed bin Laden
Got us out of he wars

Works for me

Interesting, Bush passed HC, and Iraq ended on the Bush timeline (Obama tried to keep us in Iraq) and OBL was killed with Intel Bush obtained...

So you're a full fledged Bush supporter now?

Odd though, seeing as Obama spends more on military than Bush, has not ended a single war on his own, started a couple new wars and expanded Afghanistan.... But I guess giving the order to kill OBL makes up for the incredible lack of living up the the other 99% of promises Obama made, for you.

I do recall Bush killing bin Laden

It was right about the time he cured cancer and ended global hunger

Did Obama himself kill OBL? Like jump rope into OBL's living room and blast him with a photon lazer matrix II canon? No.... Getting OBL was a team effort, the military/whoever used Intel obtained under the Bush presidency to put together a plan to kill OBL, Obama gave the "ok."

As I said, all you got with Obama is "he killed OBL," but when you break it down, it's simply not a very impressive achievement as a President seeing as it took Obama the effort that of a nod, then people like you to extract all credit form everyone else involved and place it on top of Obama, your man crush.

Here's something interesting... most Americans don't give 2 fucking chits that OBL was killed... Most, like 80% + easily. Remember, we're talking about a population that does not even know anything about our constitution other than "Free speech!!! Bro!!!" So keep bragging.

If OBL is dead, and we have killed him #2 46 times... why is the war on terror expanded even still to this day under Obama?
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Passed Healthcare
Killed bin Laden
Got us out of he wars

Works for me

Which wars are those? Really, HE pulled the trigger? Give me a break, and if you think that raising the cost of health care by 50%+ is a good thing then all I can say is you must be a health care CEO.
and why was it a horror "When Bush Did It" yet when Obama pulls the same stunt, we hear from every liberal commentator, well "When Bush Was President". as if its ok if Obama causes the same embarrassing screw up. God, especially with that Goolski character we see on Hannity time to time, every time Sean asks Goober about the latest Obama mess up, Goolski always refers to Bush !!!
Passed Healthcare
Killed bin Laden
Got us out of he wars

Works for me

Interesting, Bush passed HC, and Iraq ended on the Bush timeline (Obama tried to keep us in Iraq) and OBL was killed with Intel Bush obtained...

So you're a full fledged Bush supporter now?

Odd though, seeing as Obama spends more on military than Bush, has not ended a single war on his own, started a couple new wars and expanded Afghanistan.... But I guess giving the order to kill OBL makes up for the incredible lack of living up the the other 99% of promises Obama made, for you.

I do recall Bush killing bin Laden

It was right about the time he cured cancer and ended global hunger

Yup, I remember that too.

It was around the time that Obama got the oceans to recede.
I don't know if we will make it by November 2014. we have already sunk like the titanic in early 2009.

Bit DIM.
AND, it seems you live in a cave.

this "Doomed" economy is one of the G-20's best economies.

the DOW has doubled, corporate profits at an all time HIGH.

15 million NEW cars sold last year.

millions of new jobs created (not in the public sector)

ALL in a "doomed" economy.

"The US economy remains the sole bright spot, with economic activity, employment and financial markets all showing unexpected although still modest strength. There are signs housing markets have stabilized in many hard-hit areas, which could set the stage for a rebound in consumer demand. "

Global Economic Recovery Hits the Ropes | Brookings Institution

the only thing "doomed" are wackadoodle conservatives.
so can anyone out there explain what a "Noble Peace Prize" represents? has there been peace in the middle east since 2009?
As I said, all you got with Obama is "he killed OBL," but when you break it down, it's simply not a very impressive achievement as a President seeing as it took Obama the effort that of a nod, then people like you to extract all credit form everyone else involved and place it on top of Obama, your man crush.

it takes BALLS, something the Bush admin seemed to lack.

"In 2007, Mark Mazetti of the Times reported:

A secret military operation in early 2005 to capture senior members of Al Qaeda in Pakistan’s tribal areas was aborted at the last minute after top Bush administration officials decided it was too risky and could jeopardize relations with Pakistan, according to intelligence and military officials.
But the mission was called off after Donald H. Rumsfeld, then the defense secretary, rejected an 11th-hour appeal by Porter J. Goss,
Members of a Navy Seals unit in parachute gear had already boarded C-130 cargo planes in Afghanistan when the mission was canceled, said a former senior intelligence official involved in the planning."

Rumsfeld scrapped raid - 6 years before calling OBL kill 'easy call' - POLITICO.com


Here's something interesting... most Americans don't give 2 fucking chits that OBL was killed... Most, like 80% + easily. Remember, we're talking about a population that does not even know anything about our constitution other than "Free speech!!! Bro!!!" So keep bragging.

You just pull this vomit out of your Bottom?

"Americans Back Bin Laden Mission; Credit Military, CIA Most
Eight in 10 say killing of bin Laden was extremely or very important to U.S."

Americans Back Bin Laden Mission; Credit Military, CIA Most

another lying con, WHAT A SURPRISE.

If OBL is dead, and we have killed him #2 46 times... why is the war on terror expanded even still to this day under Obama?

Are you so ill informed as to think ALL terrorists are run by Osama?

THAT is pretty Dim even for a con.

FOX news tell you that?

Alex Jones?

Glen Beck?

Who is the Wackadoodle mentor in your pitiful existence?
so can anyone out there explain what a "Noble Peace Prize" represents? has there been peace in the middle east since 2009?

After his second term is up they should create an image of Obama with the "Nobel peace price" written above, then the death toll from the wars he has done under it.
Stimulas to the toon of at least 6 trillion, got it.

God your Dim.
the stimulus was only about 750 billion, 288 billion of which was TAX BREAKS and incentives.
do any of you cons look things up?
or just vomit what ever pops in your little brains?

The surge in the Afghanistand war and the following admitted failure, got it.
Too bad Bush invaded at all.
The Afghans were going to GIVE us Bin Laden.
Bush chose to attack instead of the cheaper more sane option.

Bush rejects Taliban offer to hand Bin Laden over | World news | guardian.co.uk

TARP got it.
Signed by BUSH you low functioning human

GM bailout, got it.
saved 1.5 milion jobs across several states AND the auto industry in the US.

WTF more damage do you think he needs to do? He got all of what he wants and if he didn't it is because he isn't a leader or has the knowledge of how to work with people. But we told you all that before the empty suit was elected but of course you would not listen.

what more Damage?

since your list above is a pack of Right Wing Talking points with NO basis in truth.

I think someone needs a reality check.
and how much was the debt/deficit under Bush in 2005/2006 along with the unemployment level? and now the left brags about 15,000 DOW, like its a major improvement? then how come we aren't creating 300,000 jobs a month with a 15,000 DOW?
As I said, all you got with Obama is "he killed OBL," but when you break it down, it's simply not a very impressive achievement as a President seeing as it took Obama the effort that of a nod, then people like you to extract all credit form everyone else involved and place it on top of Obama, your man crush.

it takes BALLS, something the Bush admin seemed to lack.

"In 2007, Mark Mazetti of the Times reported:

A secret military operation in early 2005 to capture senior members of Al Qaeda in Pakistan’s tribal areas was aborted at the last minute after top Bush administration officials decided it was too risky and could jeopardize relations with Pakistan, according to intelligence and military officials.
But the mission was called off after Donald H. Rumsfeld, then the defense secretary, rejected an 11th-hour appeal by Porter J. Goss,
Members of a Navy Seals unit in parachute gear had already boarded C-130 cargo planes in Afghanistan when the mission was canceled, said a former senior intelligence official involved in the planning."

Rumsfeld scrapped raid - 6 years before calling OBL kill 'easy call' - POLITICO.com


Here's something interesting... most Americans don't give 2 fucking chits that OBL was killed... Most, like 80% + easily. Remember, we're talking about a population that does not even know anything about our constitution other than "Free speech!!! Bro!!!" So keep bragging.

You just pull this vomit out of your Bottom?

"Americans Back Bin Laden Mission; Credit Military, CIA Most
Eight in 10 say killing of bin Laden was extremely or very important to U.S."

Americans Back Bin Laden Mission; Credit Military, CIA Most

another lying con, WHAT A SURPRISE.

If OBL is dead, and we have killed him #2 46 times... why is the war on terror expanded even still to this day under Obama?

Are you so ill informed as to think ALL terrorists are run by Osama?

THAT is pretty Dim even for a con.

FOX news tell you that?

Alex Jones?

Glen Beck?

Who is the Wackadoodle mentor in your pitiful existence?

I can say confidently that Obama would have done, and probably did, the same exact thing he did during Benghazi, if the UBL raid had gone terribly wrong.

Hid out while it was going on and lied about where he was during the mission. Once it became clear it was a success he ran straight to a camera and started pounding his skinny chest like he actually did something.

Piece of shit.
Passed Healthcare
Killed bin Laden
Got us out of he wars

Works for me

Interesting, Bush passed HC, and Iraq ended on the Bush timeline (Obama tried to keep us in Iraq) and OBL was killed with Intel Bush obtained...

So you're a full fledged Bush supporter now?

Odd though, seeing as Obama spends more on military than Bush, has not ended a single war on his own, started a couple new wars and expanded Afghanistan.... But I guess giving the order to kill OBL makes up for the incredible lack of living up the the other 99% of promises Obama made, for you.

I do recall Bush killing bin Laden

It was right about the time he cured cancer and ended global hunger

OBL was killed at Tora Bora. I have as much proof of that as you do that Obama killed him.
I can say confidently
OH, so then all the bull Poo you have vomited up here MUST be true.
Who needs facts.
Hid out while it was going on and lied about where he was during the mission.
Once it became clear it was a success he ran straight to a camera and started pounding his skinny chest like he actually did something.
The right are so ignorant.

IF you were actually aware of the facts of the day, you would know that Obama was at the Annual Press Dinner just before the operation started, then sat through it along with other Top WhiteHouse officials, in the war room.

He announced it the next day and gave credit to EVERYONE involved. contrary to the right wing blogoshere
Piece of shit.
projecting on yourself again?
why would the Pentagon have evidence? It was a CIA operation you asshole

Apparently you are not aware that the U.S. Navy Seals belong to the Pentagon? :lmao:

The C.I.A. did not kill Bin Laden. It was a joint operation with the final step being run by the Pentagon's JSOC (that would be the Joint Special Operations Command - the division which runs all special forces ops - for those who don't know anything about the Seals or think they work for the C.I.A.).

Typical liberal BS. Confront them with plain fact and they just make up something that can't be proved. The guy from the pentagon didn't say the CIA had anything. And even if they did Obama is CIC he could very well produce the evidence, no on has period end of sentence.
I'm beginning not to trust anything this administration says or puts out as fact.

For sure!
That way you can fully suck up the propaganda from FOX news and the wackaddodle blogoshere.

Think about it.
WHO is telling you different?
the same guys who lied about Romney winning in a landslide.

Now that must be some smart people.
They got the Romney thing DEAD WRONG.
and if you think that raising the cost of health care by 50%+ is a good thing then all I can say is you must be a health care CEO.

another cons pulling vomit facts out of his dark center.

health care cost have been rocketing for YEARS.
That is why we needed Obama care. It's Insurance reform, not a health care plan.
(but most of you knuckle draggers don't seem to know that)

in 2001 up 15%
2002, up 14.7%
2003, up 13.5%
practically 50% in 3 years.
NO EFFORTS from the GOP to control THAT.


you think there were getting ready for Obama care in 2001-03?

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