1946 to 1962 were the best years that ever were or ever will be

No, no, no, no, no..................that leaves out what happened in 1964 on the Ed Sullivan show.

Drug use during those years was virtually non-existent.

That is not correct.

The WWs produced addicts of morphine, opium, and heroin in the veteran population. Alcohol in various forms was pretty bad and equal to any drug. I remember as a boy finding drunks sleeping in the scrap and tin "cabins" I'd built down where the "tracks" and the creek ran close by. This was about 49-50.
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Polio, Korea, McCarthy, the bomb, then the H BOMB! Apartheid, unsafe motor vehicles, unsafe cigarette ads, leaded gasoline and other uncontrolled pollution....

Ah, the good ole days!

Not to mention the near 90% tax brackets.
Only for the super-rich. We need the same progressive tax structure today to make up for the past three decades
no cellphones for one.

no drug use

just goodness - except for civil rights butt hose were being addressed.

I love how the older folks reminisce about the old days like they aren't responsible for why it isn't good anymore.

Thanks baby-boomers! :thup:
Bob, just look at how hard it is to buck the tide right now. As a personal position, I voted Goldwater in 1964, and was so opposed to medicare and the Great Society programs of Johnson I considered moving to Australia.
Bob, just look at how hard it is to buck the tide right now. As a personal position, I voted Goldwater in 1964, and was so opposed to medicare and the Great Society programs of Johnson I considered moving to Australia.

I have no problem with most of the social programs in place. A country this large benefits greatly from them and allows the US to maintain a first-world status.

We could afford these things if we were more responsible/less wasteful with the things that aren't as necessary.
1946 to 1962 were the best years that ever were or ever will be

The OP makes the same mistake as most reactionaries: he fails to take into account advancements in technology, the media, and mass communication; there was as much drug abuse, child abuse, crime, and general human rottenness in the 50s as today, one simply didn’t hear about it then.
you didnt have to have hassle caps "for your protection" to pry off with a srewdriver on over-the-counter bottles of aspirin during the1950s.................

or seals over fucking Chapstick
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you didnt have to have hassle caps "for your protection" to pry off with a srewdriver on over-the-counter bottles of aspirin during the1950s.................

or seals over fucking Chapstick

So your bitterness stems from your inability to open containers? Sad old fool.
I dont like havingt o fuck with opening fucking chapsticks...........................................
I hada 28 inch waist - hollywood good looks when I was 19 - no brag -fact....................................

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