2/3 Of Republicans Believe The 2020 Election Was Stolen

Recent polling shows that 39% of Americans believe the election that just occurred, 'was rigged.' You may not agree with that assessment. But it is nonetheless a reality for nearly half the country. I would note it is not just Republicans who believe that. 31% of independence agree with that statement. 17% of Democrats believe the election was ripped. Even if you do not share that conviction, it is the responsibility, I believe of this office to acknowledge that as a profound threat to this country and to the legitimacy of any administrations that will come in the future," Cruz said
Really and your source for that number is what?
Really? How many people do you think are in the GOP? Half? :alcoholic:

If you want a link I'll gladly provide you but you really should know this and if you didn't then at least naturally curiosity should have kicked in and you already know the answer.
It's well less than half the country. Considering the GOP makes up about 25-30% of the population.
Democrats DONT have a majority
You don't get it, they KNOW it was stolen, the democratic fascists all over this, and every other such thread, know it was stolen, and they love that it was stolen, which is why we are poised to rid the continent of every last one of them! You cannot maintain a political relationship with evil, evil will always subvert the process so that it may perpetuate evil! Evil to such sub-humans is power, they can never be trusted, ever! So, allow them their gloating, soon enough they will be at an ending! ;)
Yes, Most Democrat KNOW this. 17% were honest enough to admit it anonymously. The left-wing lemmings here aren't bright enough for independent thought. They only parroting what the Party bosses tell them to say
Yes, Most Democrat KNOW this. 17% were honest enough to admit it anonymously. The left-wing lemmings here aren't bright enough for independent thought. They only parroting what the Party bosses tell them to say
And how would they "know" this? You have zero evidence. All you have done is embarrass yourself for a solid year, as every one of your fantasies gets laughed off the planet one by one.
Really? How many people do you think are in the GOP? Half? :alcoholic:

If you want a link I'll gladly provide you but you really should know this and if you didn't then at least naturally curiosity should have kicked in and you already know the answer.
I think you have about 40 percent maybe a little more who identify as Republican about the same as Democrat the rest as independent. I also think more and more are identifying as independent over Republican or Democrat and that the partisans on both sides think more people identify with their party than actually do.
Lots of complaints in other elections. But when the count was certified by both Republicans & Democrat's people moved on, To insure the democratic process. No longer, Trust has been beaten to death. Propaganda rules the news, PARTY OVER COUNTRY. not many willing to take responsibility for anything, just blame the other guy.

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