2 gunmen w AR15s open fire in Houston; 2 citizens down; 4 cops; PD helicopter shot

Unfortunately, when one hears on the news of multiple shots fired and people dead or wounded that amounts to more than one person....most folks think terror attack. It's just the way it is in today's world.
When I hear of a mass shooting or other form of random killing, if the report mentions one actor I assume it's a psycho gone over the edge. But if there is more than one it's probably a terrorist attack.

Two exceptions that come to mind are (1) Randy Yousef who single-handedly built and planted a truck bomb in a World Trade Center tower in 1993. That was a terrorist attack. But I believe (2) the Army psychiatrist, Nidal Hassan, who shot up Fort Hood in 2009 inhabits both categories, psychopath and terrorist. What he did was definitely terror-oriented, but his background clearly suggests he is insane.

Hassan's bizarre action does bring to mind the question of whether profound immersion in the Islamic faith is capable of producing a full-blown psycho/pathogenic effect. When I see some of these glaring, bearded Muslims dressed in their tribal clothing and raving on the tv news and in YouTube videos the words that come instantly to mind are, crazy, dangerous, screwball. I definitely am fearful of these people and I deeply resent NJ State government for not permitting me to carry a firearm.
A bombing isn't a mass shooting...fyi.
Two dead?
Pffft...doesn't count as a mass shooting.
Nothing to see here folks.
The suspect has been identified as white. Now Bucs won't respond to his own thread.

I'm pretty sure he knew what everyone one else knew when reading the article. White or Hispanic was identified, right there in the article he posted. This is about the act of terrorism, and their targets. Your accusation that it is a black vs white issue is without merit. So is your insult about loving murder if it comes in the form of cop. Not fair Aaronleland.

^ and that's all from someone that likes you.

Bucs90 reports on EVERY cop killing with glee, and is very quick to identify the perpetrator as black. This is an everyday thing. It's not hard to see where he stands.

Moron......he is pointing out that cops are being murdered and black lives matter morons like you are encouraging the attacks.
Houston shooting: Gunmen take aim at police, bystanders - CNN.com

Terror attack????? 2 gunmen with assault rifles open fire on random people and shoot at cops and police helicopter. Developing story.

OK. Which is it? Your thread title says AR-15s and your post says "assault rifles". Since an AR-15 is NOT an assault rifle, will you please clarify your description as to be accurate?
Stupid ass, if you can fire off 30 shots in under 10 seconds, it is not a hunting gun, it is a gun designed specifically for war. An assault rifle.

Moron.......you have no clue what you are talking about.......
Unfortunately, when one hears on the news of multiple shots fired and people dead or wounded that amounts to more than one person....most folks think terror attack. It's just the way it is in today's world.
Actually we should be thinking "crazy" white guy more often.

Why.....of the 8,124 gun murders in this country in 2014, the majority of shooters were black......

Soon as breaking news comes on tv of a mass shooting...I'm being honest in saying I IMMEDIATELY think Muslim or Black. Ain't gonna lie.

You are not being asked to lie. But it would be nice if you'd acknowledge why this is the case.

And.....thinking it is one thing. Hoping for it is another.
Why??? Because that's all we hear about! And that's all that goes down. But you want me to EXPLAIN this? Jeez.

It has been explained to you that most mass shootings in America are committed at the hands of white men. Very few, in fact, have anything to do with Muslims or other minorities.

Therefore, there is some other reason why you immediately think of a Muslim or a minority when you hear that a mass shooting has occurred.

I'm pretty sure you know what it is. Most people are self aware enough to know something like that.

Wrong....the D.C snipers, the Long Island shooter, Virginia Tech, Fort Hood....San Bernadino........try doing some research.....

Of the 4 mass shootings in 2015......2 of them were by non white muslims....
My mind automatically goes to muslim. Or black. Cuz that's how it usually is.
Sure...Columbine, Sandy Hook, Charleston, Colorado, San Isidro, University of Texas...all Black Muslims.
All so called "gun free" zones...

UT was a gun free zone?.....you sure?
Gun free zones = easy target...
Nice. The RNC convention is a gun free zone.

The Texas Republican convention wasn't, and the NRA convention wasn't either....the Secret Service have control over the convention and they make the rules...tool....
Sure...Columbine, Sandy Hook, Charleston, Colorado, San Isidro, University of Texas...all Black Muslims.
All so called "gun free" zones...

UT was a gun free zone?.....you sure?
Gun free zones = easy target...
Nice. The RNC convention is a gun free zone.

The Texas Republican convention wasn't, and the NRA convention wasn't either....the Secret Service have control over the convention and they make the rules...tool....
You twit... so the Secret Service wants everyone to be a sitting duck at the RNC convention? The GOP could have demanded the right to carry if they wanted to.
All so called "gun free" zones...

UT was a gun free zone?.....you sure?
Gun free zones = easy target...
Nice. The RNC convention is a gun free zone.

The Texas Republican convention wasn't, and the NRA convention wasn't either....the Secret Service have control over the convention and they make the rules...tool....
You twit... so the Secret Service wants everyone to be a sitting duck at the RNC convention? The GOP could have demanded the right to carry if they wanted to.

Wrong moron.......by law the Secret Service has jurisdiction.......they make the call. And of course it won't be a gun free zone...there will be Secret Service agents all over the place as well as police, state troopers.........so if you want to assign secret service agents to every citizen, then you can talk to us about gun free zones....ers
From updated reports.....it seems like a work place shooting...with one guy being specifically targeted...........and the others getting caught when the guy just started shooting badly....
UT was a gun free zone?.....you sure?
Gun free zones = easy target...
Nice. The RNC convention is a gun free zone.

The Texas Republican convention wasn't, and the NRA convention wasn't either....the Secret Service have control over the convention and they make the rules...tool....
You twit... so the Secret Service wants everyone to be a sitting duck at the RNC convention? The GOP could have demanded the right to carry if they wanted to.

Wrong moron.......by law the Secret Service has jurisdiction.......they make the call. And of course it won't be a gun free zone...there will be Secret Service agents all over the place as well as police, state troopers.........so if you want to assign secret service agents to every citizen, then you can talk to us about gun free zones....ers
Hey twit, would you say that it is profoundly stupid of the Secret Service to make the RNC a gun free zone?
Houston shooting: Gunmen take aim at police, bystanders - CNN.com

Terror attack????? 2 gunmen with assault rifles open fire on random people and shoot at cops and police helicopter. Developing story.

OK. Which is it? Your thread title says AR-15s and your post says "assault rifles". Since an AR-15 is NOT an assault rifle, will you please clarify your description as to be accurate?
Stupid ass, if you can fire off 30 shots in under 10 seconds, it is not a hunting gun, it is a gun designed specifically for war. An assault rifle.

You are a SPECIAL kind of stupid, boy.

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