2 gunmen w AR15s open fire in Houston; 2 citizens down; 4 cops; PD helicopter shot

Houston shooting: Gunmen take aim at police, bystanders - CNN.com

Terror attack????? 2 gunmen with assault rifles open fire on random people and shoot at cops and police helicopter. Developing story.
Two more feral conservative white guys Buc. Whatever are you going to do?

Like the DC snipers, the Long Island train shooter, Virginia tech, fort hood, San Bernardino last year?
No dummy. I said white like Timothy McVeigh, Ted Kaczynski, Jared Loughner, and James Von Brunn etc etc etc etc.....etc.

And you forgot the black and Asian mass shooters..........and killers....of course......blacks just aren't engaging in mass public acts....they hold the high number in daily shootings....so you don't care......I can't tell...is that racist for not putting them on your list?
Houston shooting: Gunmen take aim at police, bystanders - CNN.com

Terror attack????? 2 gunmen with assault rifles open fire on random people and shoot at cops and police helicopter. Developing story.
Two more feral conservative white guys Buc. Whatever are you going to do?

Like the DC snipers, the Long Island train shooter, Virginia tech, fort hood, San Bernardino last year?
No dummy. I said white like Timothy McVeigh, Ted Kaczynski, Jared Loughner, and James Von Brunn etc etc etc etc.....etc.

And you forgot the black and Asian mass shooters..........and killers....of course......blacks just aren't engaging in mass public acts....they hold the high number in daily shootings....so you don't care......I can't tell...is that racist for not putting them on your list?
I didnt forget them. I just noticed way more whites do these things by far.
Prove the shooter is white. Post his picture. No media has yet identified him. That in itself is telling.
Prove the shooter is white. Post his picture. No media has yet identified him. That in itself is telling.
I know as soon as you heard about it you said to yourself "I hope its not another white dude". Sorry to tell you it is.
Yet you still have no proof. Just your blind paid for opinion that you thrust on others in an attempt to mislead people into thinking differently about the daily treason committed by the media.
Unfortunately, when one hears on the news of multiple shots fired and people dead or wounded that amounts to more than one person....most folks think terror attack. It's just the way it is in today's world.
Actually we should be thinking "crazy" white guy more often.

Why.....of the 8,124 gun murders in this country in 2014, the majority of shooters were black......
Mass shooters?

Mass public shooters are not a problem...they get more media attention than the real problem....inner city criminals shooting each other....
"Mass public shooters are not a problem..."

Let's all just sit and think about that comment for a little while.:eusa_think:
why are rightwing white christians such feral, mutant, inbred, savage , violent albinos? one off the mysteries of the world
Given your obsession with not telling the truth, no matter what I post, you'll be right there.
Given your obsession with not telling the truth, no matter what I post, you'll be right there.


BTW, gunman's been identified. Let's see how you spin this.
Where is his picture?

They've posted a name but no picture. Until they do, whatever race he is, he hasn't been identified. It's the same with the Houston shooter yesterday. Why do they withhold these criminals pictures?
I found several, but none of them identify him as the shooter.

Then they're not very reliable.

No they aren't...

But you claim they didn't post a photo, whereas mine did. So how can yours be reliable? And are you going to spend the rest of the day demanding that someone else show you where to find a photo? Do you need someone to tie your shoes for you as well?
You shills never tire of lying and misdirecting do you? That's why it's impossible to have meaningful conversations on these forums because trolls like you simply won't allow it.
why are rightwing white christians such feral, mutant, inbred, savage , violent albinos? one off the mysteries of the world
I wonder if your intense hatred and bigotry were caused by one event, a series of events, or if you just popped out like this.

I'm just glad I don't have to go through life like that.

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