2 gunmen w AR15s open fire in Houston; 2 citizens down; 4 cops; PD helicopter shot

The suspect has been identified as white. Now Bucs won't respond to his own thread.

I'm pretty sure he knew what everyone one else knew when reading the article. White or Hispanic was identified, right there in the article he posted. This is about the act of terrorism, and their targets. Your accusation that it is a black vs white issue is without merit. So is your insult about loving murder if it comes in the form of cop. Not fair Aaronleland.

^ and that's all from someone that likes you.

Bucs90 reports on EVERY cop killing with glee, and is very quick to identify the perpetrator as black. This is an everyday thing. It's not hard to see where he stands.
Bucs90 would blow his load onto a dead cop's body if it meant he could blame a liberal.

Those men have families and were working on their lives.

You have no soul whatsoever, you sick twisted son of a bitch.
He's a liberal. They have the same mindset as those trashing the memorials. Scum.
Bucs90 LOVES dead cops.
. You stepping on dead people trying to make a political point ?

You confusing him with the OP?

If the shooters turn out to be your typical gunlubbing rednecks, bucs will 'splain how they were perfectly within their rights to act out in the name of the Sacred Second.


Lie, spin, gobble, choke, smoke, blow. The same old libtard tune. Every day. over and over, never ending.
The shooter is trained. Look at the shit group around drivers head area.

Stfu loser retard. Only the left love dead cops. Friggin scumbag.
There is a big difference between loving it when a cop is killed and simply not giving a damn when certain types of cops draw the Ace -- such as narcs and vice cops, the scumbags of law enforcement.

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