2 Russian stray missiles have just hit a farm in Przewodów on the Polish side of the Polish-Ukrainian border, killing 2 Poles. Nato Article 5?

Do you think with N Korea firing ballistic missiles over Japan, that if one just happened to accidently fall on Tokyo, would that be an unfortunate killing of 10s of thousands of people? Same thing just on a larger scale. If no action is done to Russia right now, you can bet Vlad the bare chested horse rider, will launch a few more accidently to see if he can go further, like he did in the Crimea.

Joe Biden is worse than Neville Chamberlain....
If Russia is responsible then we are in the situation no one wanted and I do not know what the response will be. However as has been reported in this thread, it is looking likely that it was not Russia but an accident by Ukraine. I worry about you people so desperate to start WW3 before you even know what the situation is. You do big attack on Russia or even make Russia believe you are going to and you are dead. That is why this is the situation everyone dreaded though thankfully it looks like it was not Russia
This has the potential to be bad. Especially if Russia says the Poland attack wasn’t an accident


Military experts said that the footage from Poland shows the wreckage of an air defense missile, namely from the S 300 complex. They are in service with the Armed Forces of Ukraine. One of the S-300 complexes is still on combat duty in Slovakia, just 150-200 kilometers from the missile crash site. This position can easily be used to cover the Ukrainian sky in the west of Ukraine, since the use of missiles from the S300 can be exposed for the work of the Ukrainian air defense forces.
Again, you say that, but you constantly shit on the west while repeating Russian talking points.

Just a coincidence I suppose.
When haven't I trashed the MSM and their liberal agenda? I'm utterly consistent when it comes to debunking their propaganda.
Lol. I think I'm back to my original opinion. Ukrainian S-300.

The images are actually from Polish media, I've seen it. There is a short video too.

The fragment has been identified pretty conclusively as coming from a Ukrainian S-300. There is a reference fragment from Mikolaiv that is virtually identical to the one here. The fragment is identified as an end seal for the rocket motor. A KH-101 uses a turbofan...

The damage seems too light for a KH-101. The wooden corn cart is intact, just flipped on it's side but the tires are fine, the tractor paint is still shiny, and most of the timbers fell into the crater (covered pit?), they weren't blasted away.

Russia has no forces in S-300 range, so it would have to have come from Belarus, and that makes no sense because nothing else was being fired from Belarus and why would they target a farm anyway?

Yes, of course. The S-300's weren't launched for no reason.

Not every SAM fired will find it's target, and they have to come down somewhere. Sometimes civilians are harmed- it can't be avoided. The risk is much higher if you don't try to shoot down the incoming missiles.
When haven't I trashed the MSM and their liberal agenda? I'm utterly consistent when it comes to debunking their propaganda.
Moron of course you bash MSM just like you bash any western outlets while you repeat Kremlin talking points. That exactly what I said.
Military experts said that the footage from Poland shows the wreckage of an air defense missile, namely from the S 300 complex. They are in service with the Armed Forces of Ukraine. One of the S-300 complexes is still on combat duty in Slovakia, just 150-200 kilometers from the missile crash site. This position can easily be used to cover the Ukrainian sky in the west of Ukraine, since the use of missiles from the S300 can be exposed for the work of the Ukrainian air defense forces.
S-300 are used by Russians for surface attacks.

True or false?

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