2 Russian stray missiles have just hit a farm in Przewodów on the Polish side of the Polish-Ukrainian border, killing 2 Poles. Nato Article 5?

Here are better pictures.

This isn't a cruise missile impact. The tractor and cart are practically unharmed.

Best I could guestimate for national innocence sake, is some dumbass young Russian missile battery guy, off the reservation, so to speak.
The United States assesses that Russia is suffering failure rates as high as 60% for some of the precision-guided missiles it is using to attack Ukraine. I think that when the Russians fire 100 missiles, one of two of them going way off target is not that unusually.
The United States assesses that Russia is suffering failure rates as high as 60% for some of the precision-guided missiles it is using to attack Ukraine. I think that when the Russians fire 100 missiles, one of two of them going way off target is not that unusually.
S-300 is not even designed to hit ground targets, it's a surface-to-air missile Russians have been using when they don't care what they hit.
Like the Nord Stream 2 pipeline? We still don't know the story behind that.
Don't we? Sweden, Denmark and Germany investigated this though not together. None of them are prepared to say who did it because it could cause problems. Russia says the UK - obviously that would be with the US. Lis Truss's phone was apparently hijacked just after this happened. She had made a call to Blinken saying 'It's done'.
Russia denies striking Poland with missiles, Russia says it's not related to its military operation.

So we have to see facts now, it's not good enough to point fingers to your enemy.

we need facts.
Unfortunately, we have mentally impaired totally corrupt and completely incompetent President named Joe Biden who cannot handle a crisis, unless he can figure out how to make a buck off of it.

What's your point here? That the missile was Biden's fault? That Biden launched the missile? That Biden IS the missile?

Or just that "something bad happened, must be Biden's fault, ugg, ugg"???
Can you quote yourself shitting on Russian propaganda instead of spreading it?
Disagreeing with Western propaganda is not spreading Russian propaganda. You folks are simply incapable of accepting anything that isn't spoon fed from the MSM. Pathetic.
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Merged this topic with another in breaking news, the other threads on this topic in other sub-forums will just do what they are going to do.
It certainly gives a completely wrong impression of the one which was started here. Posts seem to just have been put in in any place. It would have been as well/better just to put it in the bin than what you have done.
NATO should have never gotten that far east, including all these countries next to Ukraine was stupid. This is exactly why.

So, your argument is "Let Putin do what he wants, because appeasement always works"??
S-300 is not even designed to hit ground targets, it's a surface-to-air missile Russians have been using when they don't care what they hit.
Yes, but there are no Russian forces within S-300 range of this location.

The closest point to the Belarus border is 120km and that's even beyond most of the S-300 versions that used the 5V55 motor.

Belarus firing into Poland? Not realistic.

The reports were two explosions- might be one was the Ukrainian S-300 and the other one was a Russian cruise missile that overshot Lviv.

"Russia has not carried out any strikes against targets near the Polish-Ukrainian border, the defense ministry in Moscow said on Tuesday, following reports of a missile striking the village of Przewodow and killing two civilians.

Some Western media outlets and politicians have claimed that Russia is responsible for the incident. However, no evidence has been provided to support such assertions."
You're sure you're not Russian??? That is one weird sentence.
Nothing weird about it at all except taken out of context with thread merging. Russia claimed it had not been firing in that area yesterday. No one had said that on the thread I wrote it in but it is now well said in this thread. I get that you want Russia destroyed at any price. What I don't get is your ignorance in not realising you go as well.
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Russia denies striking Poland with missiles, Russia says it's not related to its military operation.

So NOTHING, their bare words are worth fuck all.

If you haven't learned that by now then you have a disorder.

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