2 Russian stray missiles have just hit a farm in Przewodów on the Polish side of the Polish-Ukrainian border, killing 2 Poles. Nato Article 5?

Yep. The more I see, the less likely the S-300 theory looks. I think the pictures that were posted come from somewhere else. There are a lot of Ukrainian S-300 fragments in Russian occupied areas. A lot...
Let Poland and Belarus take Kalingrad Oblast (Eastern Prussia ) and then call it even.
It wasn't the Russians.
Wasn't Russians??

Russians rutinely use S-300 to attack surface targets. Where the fuck did you get the idea that it wasn't Russians? Because some Sergey told you on tweeter?
You really should read the news once in a while, kid.

Ukraine is kicking Putin's balls.
Is that what you think? You folks are in for some major disappointment. Ask anyone in Ukraine how it's really going. Oh right, between the blackouts, freezing, and losing, nobody answers. Rest assured, the Little Beggar Who Could, will indeed be begging for more American money, more American weapons, and direct action from NATO, because that's what 'winners' do, right?
The same ones who told you Russia was out of ammo months ago?
Source that claim bullshit peddler.

US intel correctly predicted Russian invasion a months in advance, while Russians were lying their ass off telling the world that they will definetly not invade.

Date: November 3, 2021
Speaker: Maria Zakharova, Russian foreign ministry spokeswoman
Quote: Referring to a Bloomberg News report of possible invasion: "This wasn’t one fake news item; this is an entire fresh fake news campaign in American media outlets."

Date: November 12, 2021
Speaker: Dmitry Peskov, Russian presidential spokesman
Quote: “Russia doesn’t threaten anyone … The movement of troops on our territory shouldn’t be a cause for anyone’s concern.”

Date: November 12, 2021
Speaker: Dmitry Peskov, Russian presidential spokesman
Quote: "These headlines are nothing more than empty and unsubstantiated fomenting of tensions."

Date: November 22, 2021
Speaker: Dmitry Peskov, Russian presidential spokesman
Quote: “Russia does not harbor any aggressive plans. It is completely wrong to say the opposite, and it is completely wrong to associate any movement of the Russian Armed Forces across the territory of our country with such plans. This is not true.”

Date: December 4, 2021
Speaker: Statement by the Russian Embassy in Washington
Quote: "Russia is not a threat to any country. The deployment of Russian troops on the national territory is our sovereign right and no one's business."

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US intel correctly predicted Russian invasion a month in advance, while Russians were lying their ass off telling the world that they will definetly not invade.
I predicted that before US intel said it.
Source that claim bullshit peddler.

US intel correctly predicted Russian invasion a months in advance, while Russians were lying their ass off telling the world that they will definetly not invade.
You mean when they said 'any day now' for two straight months? You clowns will believe anything if they wrap in a blue and yellow turd.
You mean when they said 'any day now' for two straight months? You clowns will believe anything if they wrap in a blue and yellow turd.
Idiot, White House warned that Russia will likely invade in February and thats exactly what Putin did.

Russian government kept claiming that they will not invade - they lied, lied and lied some more about that.
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Idiot, White House warned that Russia will likely invade in February and thats exactly what Putin did.

Russian government kept claiming that they will not invade and they lied.
You're funny, but not in the ha ha way. Unlike liberal morons, I do not have the attention span of a gnat. Your silly attempts to rewrite history will not work here.
You're funny, but not in the ha ha way. Unlike liberal morons, I do not have the attention span of a gnat. Your silly attempts to rewrite history will not work here.

You are right, we shouldn't re-write history.

Lets go back some and take a look.

Whats this?

They are amassing within Russian territory. Do you deny that? So now Russia can't even move it's own troops in it's own territory without Western interference? Wow.

Oh thats right, thats you being a fucking braindead tool for Russian propaganda

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