2 Russian stray missiles have just hit a farm in Przewodów on the Polish side of the Polish-Ukrainian border, killing 2 Poles. Nato Article 5?

It wasn't the Russians.
That image is of a Ukrainian S-300 fragment, but the image is not authenticated yet.

But I still think it's the most likely. The village where it landed is just north of Lviv, one of Russia's most frequent targets. So a SAM sitting south of Lviv tried to shoot down a cruise missile, but was not successful and the missiles just kept going until they crashed.

Not clear why they did not destruct after the miss...
So are ya Russian, Chinese or North Korean? Any way you shake it you are an enemy of the United States.
Most of these pro-poootin posters joined USMB in the last few years. They are obviously Kremlin plants. When it becomes obvious, I Ignore them.

USMB is becoming as lawless as what Musk is making Twitter.
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Most of these pro-poootin posters joined USMB last few years. They are obviously Kremlin plants. When it becomes obvious, I Igore them.

USMB is becoming as lawless as what Musk is making Twitter.
Anyone you don't agree with is a Kremlin plant. You folks are pathetic little warmongers.
That's what they are saying it hit now. You don't think the Polish government isn't helping Ukraine with arms on the side?

I would be disappointed if they weren't, just like I'd be disappointed if there weren't American "advisors" on the ground telling the Ukrainians how to use our stuff effectively.
Um...Poland has been supplying arms to Ukraine for a while now. It's been in all the papers. It's not a secret.
It was most likely an accident, it did not hit any hard target and with the incompetence of the Russian military and the number missiles constantly being launched, it's not a stretch at all this would happen eventually.
Convenient, Brandon is getting torched for being a wuss on China, the Ukrainian 'counter-offensive' is stalled out, and Putin saves the day with alleged missile strikes on NATO. I see the warmongers are happy.
Looks to me like you came here very recently from an alternate universe!
Hey, we accidentally bombed a Chinese embassy in Belgrade once. Remember that?

We also bombed the French embassy in Tripoli once.

Explain how you know ( facts) this?

Let's look at an alternate ending to a tragic movie, an ending where millions of people didn't get incinerated in a nuclear war. First let's turn back the clock to 2008, when the Foreign Ministers of the NATO-Ukraine Commission met in Brussels, to discuss NATO-Ukraine relations. It was their decision that Ukraine should not be allowed to become a NATO member until they followed a membership action plan and make some changes to seal the deal. The alliance determined that Ukraine fell short and decided that they needed more reforms such as addressing the country’s political corruption “in a way that ensures domestic stability” before they could be granted NATO membership.

Now let's fast forward to 2019, and President Trump's "perfect phone call" with Zelensky. In that 30-minute phone call, President Trump asked the Ukrainian President to work with Attorney General William Barr in investigating the massive amount of corruption occurring in Ukraine, that which involved the Biden family in particular. Unfortunately that investigation never took place, and Ukraine continued to be known as one of the most corrupt countries in Eastern Europe. And NATO would still deny Ukraine membership into their organization.

Now do you think for a moment that Russia would have invaded Ukraine, had they addressed their corrupt dealings with a former Senator from Scranton, PA, his drug-addicted son, and his various other family members, and had been allowed entry into NATO? Not on your life. Had Trump been allowed to further press Zelensky into an investigation Ukraine's corruption, there would have been no "President Biden." There would have been no "Russian invasion." There would have been no "Ukraine War." And in all likelihood, there would have been no nuclear war, as could very well happen.

ETA: I didn't even mention President Trump's energy policies that allowed America to be energy-dominant. Did you know that he almost destroyed Russia's oil-based economy when he took the brakes off our own oil production? It's pretty hard for a little country like Russia to wage a war when they're having to dump their oil in the market at the same amount it costs to produce it. Elections do have consequences, and sometimes those consequences are unpleasant.
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This is how at least 1/2 the Democratic base gets their news...via social media. The are by far the LEAST informed, so please, don't lecture us.
So what's good for one group of tards is good enough for you. Is that it?
Or it was just a test to see just how weak Biden and NATO really are.
Yes, let's start yet another conspiracy theory in the absence of information!

Then we'll recite it three times and it will become fact!

"I want to bleev it, so it must be true!"

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