2 Russian stray missiles have just hit a farm in Przewodów on the Polish side of the Polish-Ukrainian border, killing 2 Poles. Nato Article 5?

You are right, we shouldn't re-write history.

Lets go back some and take a look.

Whats this?

Oh thats right, thats you being a fucking braindead tool for Russian propaganda
Was I wrong? Nope, Russian troops are legally allowed to amass in Russia. Need any other corrections to your inane lunacy?
Was I wrong? Nope, Russian troops are legally allowed to amass in Russia. Need any other corrections to your inane lunacy?
Yes you were wrong dummy.

Russian troops were getting ready to invade Ukraine, while tools like you were eating up Kremlin bs and repeating their denials.
We all know, anyone not sucking Zelensky's dick must be wrong
you ivan like to suck pootler´s muslims dicks as we all know instead

Yes you were wrong dummy.

Russian troops were getting ready to invade Ukraine, while tools like you were eating up Kremlin bs and repeating their denials.
I didn't care then and I don't care now what Eurotrash get up to. Keep the US out of it, not our problem, never was. Nor do i begrudge the American westward expansion by force, why would begrudge Russian expansion? You folks are hypocrites if you haven't given your home back to some Indian tribe.
Listening to different news stations here interviewing different people. The key is whether it was deliberate. Given that it hit farmland albeit unfortunately killing two people but if someone was wanting to escalate this war people here seem to think they would not do it by hitting farmland. Hitting other countries by accident is apparently quite common in war. Article 5 would put us in WW3 almost certainly ending in nuclear destruction. So basically, here the instinct is that this was a dreadful accident. Apparently, Putin is expected to apologise and give some explanation. The other thing that makes people think it was an accident is because Russia was setting off so many things at Ukraine today including some which did not have great accuracy and going with where it landed that seems to add to it being unlikely that it was deliberate.
Do you think with N Korea firing ballistic missiles over Japan, that if one just happened to accidently fall on Tokyo, would that be an unfortunate killing of 10s of thousands of people? Same thing just on a larger scale. If no action is done to Russia right now, you can bet Vlad the bare chested horse rider, will launch a few more accidently to see if he can go further, like he did in the Crimea.

Joe Biden is worse than Neville Chamberlain....

Lol. I think I'm back to my original opinion. Ukrainian S-300.

The images are actually from Polish media, I've seen it. There is a short video too.

The fragment has been identified pretty conclusively as coming from a Ukrainian S-300. There is a reference fragment from Mikolaiv that is virtually identical to the one here. The fragment is identified as an end seal for the rocket motor. A KH-101 uses a turbofan...

The damage seems too light for a KH-101. The wooden corn cart is intact, just flipped on it's side but the tires are fine, the tractor paint is still shiny, and most of the timbers fell into the crater (covered pit?), they weren't blasted away.

Russia has no forces in S-300 range, so it would have to have come from Belarus, and that makes no sense because nothing else was being fired from Belarus and why would they target a farm anyway?
Listening to different news stations here interviewing different people. The key is whether it was deliberate. Given that it hit farmland albeit unfortunately killing two people but if someone was wanting to escalate this war people here seem to think they would not do it by hitting farmland. Hitting other countries by accident is apparently quite common in war. Article 5 would put us in WW3 almost certainly ending in nuclear destruction. So basically, here the instinct is that this was a dreadful accident. Apparently, Putin is expected to apologise and give some explanation. The other thing that makes people think it was an accident is because Russia was setting off so many things at Ukraine today including some which did not have great accuracy and going with where it landed that seems to add to it being unlikely that it was deliberate.

...expected to apologize? Putin? Did you just seriously say that out loud?


Let me try to explain this nicely: you don't know Putin.
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What don't you understand?

You shit on western sources, but trust Russian propaganda. It's laughable.
I don't trust Russian sources, the truth is somewhere in the middle. Unlike your ignorant ass, I at least check other sources outside the spoon fed Western propaganda you vomit out as 'fact'.
Source that claim bullshit peddler.

US intel correctly predicted Russian invasion a months in advance, while Russians were lying their ass off telling the world that they will definetly not invade.

Date: November 3, 2021
Speaker: Maria Zakharova, Russian foreign ministry spokeswoman
Quote: Referring to a Bloomberg News report of possible invasion: "This wasn’t one fake news item; this is an entire fresh fake news campaign in American media outlets."

Date: November 12, 2021
Speaker: Dmitry Peskov, Russian presidential spokesman
Quote: “Russia doesn’t threaten anyone … The movement of troops on our territory shouldn’t be a cause for anyone’s concern.”

Date: November 12, 2021
Speaker: Dmitry Peskov, Russian presidential spokesman
Quote: "These headlines are nothing more than empty and unsubstantiated fomenting of tensions."

Date: November 22, 2021
Speaker: Dmitry Peskov, Russian presidential spokesman
Quote: “Russia does not harbor any aggressive plans. It is completely wrong to say the opposite, and it is completely wrong to associate any movement of the Russian Armed Forces across the territory of our country with such plans. This is not true.”

Date: December 4, 2021
Speaker: Statement by the Russian Embassy in Washington
Quote: "Russia is not a threat to any country. The deployment of Russian troops on the national territory is our sovereign right and no one's business."

on one thing you can be sure of when dealing with Russia and trump. They will both lie constantly over and over and over.
The biden regime should respond to this by supplying Ukraine with state of the art missle dedense....and missles with the ability to reach Russia......and eye for a eye and a tooth for a tooth.

Death to all totoalitarians

BREAKING: Joe Biden Says Information Suggests it is “Unlikely” that a Russian Missile was Responsible for Poland Attack​


Did Russia Just Strike Poland? No, Ukraine Did!​


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