2 White Kids Beat Black Kid on Bus in what Appears to he a "Hate Crime"

Tape shows beating on bus of Belleville West student - STLtoday.com

^Oops... I had that wrong... And that is why it won't get Duke Coverage...

To the Credit of some on that Bus, it Appeared that some were Appauled by the Violence.

And others Tried to Stop it.

Can you Imagine Whites NOT Giving up a Seat on a Bus to a Black Kid, and then Beating him Repeatedly?...

And say, the White Bus Driver does nothing to Stop it...

There are so many ways this Story WOULD have gone, but the Races were Right for the Media with all of the Misplaced White Guilt.



You must be fucking shitting me. You're telling me it would have been handled differently were it two white kids on a black teenager? You're out of your muthafuckin' mind.

The about-face came this morning as the story made national headlines.
-- taken from the posted article.

It was simply teenagers beating on another teenager, which is something teenagers around the world do all the time.


...unless it's a pack of white kids beating a black kid in Alabama....

Equality never works when the teeter totter isn't balanced. As with almost every white on black crime wwe can dig up in the last decade we've seen cry racism first and ask questions later *cough duke stipper cough* yet all of a sudden people just get into little misunderstandings when it's black on white crime?


Maybe you didn't read the article. They cried racism first in this case too.
If adults would just leave the kids alone, they would come to a mutual understanding all on their own. It might take a fight or two but in the long run, they will find common ground.
Not in this case. This is just pure racial hatred.
You of course have to be kidding. Why every one knows that blacks are incapable of being racist.

Only white people can be racist don't you know. (Sarcasm)
You must be fucking shitting me. You're telling me it would have been handled differently were it two white kids on a black teenager? You're out of your muthafuckin' mind.

-- taken from the posted article.

It was simply teenagers beating on another teenager, which is something teenagers around the world do all the time.


...unless it's a pack of white kids beating a black kid in Alabama....

Equality never works when the teeter totter isn't balanced. As with almost every white on black crime wwe can dig up in the last decade we've seen cry racism first and ask questions later *cough duke stipper cough* yet all of a sudden people just get into little misunderstandings when it's black on white crime?


Maybe you didn't read the article. They cried racism first in this case too.

and here we are, video in hand, and you'd rather disbelieve than admit what is moving as 30 fps...

....while, black strippers already had the benefit of the racism doubt from day one.
...unless it's a pack of white kids beating a black kid in Alabama....

Equality never works when the teeter totter isn't balanced. As with almost every white on black crime wwe can dig up in the last decade we've seen cry racism first and ask questions later *cough duke stipper cough* yet all of a sudden people just get into little misunderstandings when it's black on white crime?


Maybe you didn't read the article. They cried racism first in this case too.

and here we are, video in hand, and you'd rather disbelieve than admit what is moving as 30 fps...

....while, black strippers already had the benefit of the racism doubt from day one.

What the hell are you talking about?
Hell, if this were a white on black crime we'd be past the condemning stage and would be trying to predict how many millions would be the reward in this civil lawsuit.

Probably. But just because it's true doesn't make it right.

What I think is retarded is the opinions expressed already in this thread indicating that justice can be served by doing the same thing (in reverse).

I guess their momma's never told them two wrongs don't make a right.

you know about that white boy that was beaten nearly to death in Maryland? Cause he dated a black girl? Maryland doesn't want to declare it a hate crime either. Know what was stated on the TV? Because they did not want to subject black youngsters to the American judical system. So it looks like there will be no justice.

Baltimore is a total freakin zoo, i rarely go into the city anymore from fear being provoked into doing something stupid that gets me 5 years from some idiot liberal judge........
Maybe you didn't read the article. They cried racism first in this case too.

and here we are, video in hand, and you'd rather disbelieve than admit what is moving as 30 fps...

....while, black strippers already had the benefit of the racism doubt from day one.

What the hell are you talking about?

i'm talking about the video evidence at hand and the foot dragging when it comes to accepting the probability of racism versus the absolute reaction of assumed racism during a crime that didn't even happen in the Duke Rape case.
I'm a white man and growing up I moved around quite a bit , all within the USA . Many times I lived in areas where there were very few white people , and I fought constantly . I fought when I lived around other white people too , but this was different . Minorities always had some kind of bone to pick with me because I was white . My 8th grade history teacher taught American history in Spanish because most the kids in my class didn't speak English . I didn't understand Spanish . He told me he taught in Spanish because the Mexican kids needed to learn . I didn't need to learn because I was white and everything would be handed to me .They all hate the white man because he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth , and the poor down-trodden minority has had to work so hard in a world where the whiteman holds all the cards . We should hold all the cards , we built this nation , Have all the minorities looked over their shoulders at the backwards half-wit countries they came from ? I guarantee that's why them black boys whipped on that white boy , because that white boy represented everything in their small uninformed minds that they hate .
I'm a white man and growing up I moved around quite a bit , all within the USA . Many times I lived in areas where there were very few white people , and I fought constantly . I fought when I lived around other white people too , but this was different . Minorities always had some kind of bone to pick with me because I was white . My 8th grade history teacher taught American history in Spanish because most the kids in my class didn't speak English . I didn't understand Spanish . He told me he taught in Spanish because the Mexican kids needed to learn . I didn't need to learn because I was white and everything would be handed to me .They all hate the white man because he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth , and the poor down-trodden minority has had to work so hard in a world where the whiteman holds all the cards . We should hold all the cards , we built this nation , Have all the minorities looked over their shoulders at the backwards half-wit countries they came from ? I guarantee that's why them black boys whipped on that white boy , because that white boy represented everything in their small uninformed minds that they hate .

White people didn't build this country, they stole it from Red people.
I'm a white man and growing up I moved around quite a bit , all within the USA . Many times I lived in areas where there were very few white people , and I fought constantly . I fought when I lived around other white people too , but this was different . Minorities always had some kind of bone to pick with me because I was white . My 8th grade history teacher taught American history in Spanish because most the kids in my class didn't speak English . I didn't understand Spanish . He told me he taught in Spanish because the Mexican kids needed to learn . I didn't need to learn because I was white and everything would be handed to me .They all hate the white man because he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth , and the poor down-trodden minority has had to work so hard in a world where the whiteman holds all the cards . We should hold all the cards , we built this nation , Have all the minorities looked over their shoulders at the backwards half-wit countries they came from ? I guarantee that's why them black boys whipped on that white boy , because that white boy represented everything in their small uninformed minds that they hate .

White people didn't build this country, they stole it from Red people.

yea.. Chief Twodogsfucking sure did ratify the constitution.

They sure were beating the crap out of that white kid! His great-great-great-grand-daddy probably was friends of a guy whose cousin knew someone that was a slave owner so he probably deserved it. And if you think the white kid didn't deserve it, you're a racist!!! Praise Obama.

The nerve of these white folk, wanting equal treatment under the law, how dare they! Peace be with Obama.
I'm a white man and growing up I moved around quite a bit , all within the USA . Many times I lived in areas where there were very few white people , and I fought constantly . I fought when I lived around other white people too , but this was different . Minorities always had some kind of bone to pick with me because I was white . My 8th grade history teacher taught American history in Spanish because most the kids in my class didn't speak English . I didn't understand Spanish . He told me he taught in Spanish because the Mexican kids needed to learn . I didn't need to learn because I was white and everything would be handed to me .They all hate the white man because he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth , and the poor down-trodden minority has had to work so hard in a world where the whiteman holds all the cards . We should hold all the cards , we built this nation , Have all the minorities looked over their shoulders at the backwards half-wit countries they came from ? I guarantee that's why them black boys whipped on that white boy , because that white boy represented everything in their small uninformed minds that they hate .

I can see the lack of historical knowledge from your post.
I'm a white man and growing up I moved around quite a bit , all within the USA . Many times I lived in areas where there were very few white people , and I fought constantly . I fought when I lived around other white people too , but this was different . Minorities always had some kind of bone to pick with me because I was white . My 8th grade history teacher taught American history in Spanish because most the kids in my class didn't speak English . I didn't understand Spanish . He told me he taught in Spanish because the Mexican kids needed to learn . I didn't need to learn because I was white and everything would be handed to me .They all hate the white man because he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth , and the poor down-trodden minority has had to work so hard in a world where the whiteman holds all the cards . We should hold all the cards , we built this nation , Have all the minorities looked over their shoulders at the backwards half-wit countries they came from ? I guarantee that's why them black boys whipped on that white boy , because that white boy represented everything in their small uninformed minds that they hate .

I can see the lack of historical knowledge from your post.

And unless he's over 200 years old, he didn't do jackshit to build this country.
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I'm a white man and growing up I moved around quite a bit , all within the USA . Many times I lived in areas where there were very few white people , and I fought constantly . I fought when I lived around other white people too , but this was different . Minorities always had some kind of bone to pick with me because I was white . My 8th grade history teacher taught American history in Spanish because most the kids in my class didn't speak English . I didn't understand Spanish . He told me he taught in Spanish because the Mexican kids needed to learn . I didn't need to learn because I was white and everything would be handed to me .They all hate the white man because he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth , and the poor down-trodden minority has had to work so hard in a world where the whiteman holds all the cards . We should hold all the cards , we built this nation , Have all the minorities looked over their shoulders at the backwards half-wit countries they came from ? I guarantee that's why them black boys whipped on that white boy , because that white boy represented everything in their small uninformed minds that they hate .

Sounds like racism to me. And it's a fucking shame to be an American citizen living in America and have the teach favor the Mexican kids by teaching in Spanish. Your mom should have sued the shit out of the school system.
Probably. But just because it's true doesn't make it right.

What I think is retarded is the opinions expressed already in this thread indicating that justice can be served by doing the same thing (in reverse).

I guess their momma's never told them two wrongs don't make a right.

you know about that white boy that was beaten nearly to death in Maryland? Cause he dated a black girl? Maryland doesn't want to declare it a hate crime either. Know what was stated on the TV? Because they did not want to subject black youngsters to the American judical system. So it looks like there will be no justice.

Baltimore is a total freakin zoo, i rarely go into the city anymore from fear being provoked into doing something stupid that gets me 5 years from some idiot liberal judge........

Yeah, look out for them evil activist judges.

Or maybe just do something about your control issues. I know, blaming other's is easier.
oh yea, dude.. the two aggressors probably don't even know each other! They probably didn't have a good ole chuckle at whipping a white boy's ass together afterward. Clearly, a distinctly different occasion each ass whipping.


sure, dude.

And being such a staunch stickler for evidence, I'm sure you have some evidence to back up this ASSumption right?

fortunately, in this case we have a fucking video. thank the FSM for that too or you'd probably be telling us about the laurels of a no snitchin culture.

Unfortunately for you and your bullshittery, the video does not show the two assailants even talking to each other, let alone yucking it up like you assume they did. Therefore it's value as evidence is to prove your MASSIVE FAIL. :rofl:
...unless it's a pack of white kids beating a black kid in Alabama....

Equality never works when the teeter totter isn't balanced. As with almost every white on black crime wwe can dig up in the last decade we've seen cry racism first and ask questions later *cough duke stipper cough* yet all of a sudden people just get into little misunderstandings when it's black on white crime?


Maybe you didn't read the article. They cried racism first in this case too.

and here we are, video in hand, and you'd rather disbelieve than admit what is moving as 30 fps...

....while, black strippers already had the benefit of the racism doubt from day one.

Dear, the video doesn't prove shit.

About the Duke incident ... what does that have to do with this? You are the one trying to blow this one out of proportions ...

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