2 White Kids Beat Black Kid on Bus in what Appears to he a "Hate Crime"

What the FUCK?...

Seriously, don't Stretch so Hard and then Counter yourself in the Same Post. :clap2:



They were seperate assaults. I mean, you posted the OP you should know that one kid assaulted him then it quieted down and a few minutes later another one did. At no time was he being attacked by both kids at the same time.

Change the Races on that Bus and you and the Rest of the Nearly Silent or Race Removing Left is Losing your Fucking Minds that on ONE Bus Ride a Kid is Beat by (2) Separate People over where he Sat on the Bus...

At least Rosa Parks was only Denied a Seat... She wasn't Beat.

You Seriously just Excused (2) Beatings of one Kid on the Same Bus Ride by a Specific Race, that was not only Responsible for the Beatings, but also for the Cheering...

Do you have a Fucking Conscience?...



I excused it in your wildest dreams.

My first post in this thread clearly stated that what they did was wrong and the should be expelled for their actions and the bus driver should be fired because of his inaction. I have not wavered from that position.
On the other hand,

Maybe the kid was a loud-mouth, redneck asshole who deserved a good ass kicking.

Just sayin . . .

Reverse Mr. Clean's Assumptions, because the Facts of this Tape do NOT Illustrate ANYTHING he said, and then make it about a Black Kid...

Yep, Mr. Clean is a Bigot... But that's a Given.



The facts on the tape also don't illustrate that race had anything to do with the incident.

Did you hear any racial slurs or any racial language for that matter?
On the other hand,

Maybe the kid was a loud-mouth, redneck asshole who deserved a good ass kicking.

Just sayin . . .

Reverse Mr. Clean's Assumptions, because the Facts of this Tape do NOT Illustrate ANYTHING he said, and then make it about a Black Kid...

Yep, Mr. Clean is a Bigot... But that's a Given.



The facts on the tape also don't illustrate that race had anything to do with the incident.

Did you hear any racial slurs or any racial language for that matter?

If you Insist on Denying that the Reverse of this Situation wouldn't be Painted as Racial and be "Duked" to DEATH by the Left and the Media, then we should just Stop...


Reverse Mr. Clean's Assumptions, because the Facts of this Tape do NOT Illustrate ANYTHING he said, and then make it about a Black Kid...

Yep, Mr. Clean is a Bigot... But that's a Given.



The facts on the tape also don't illustrate that race had anything to do with the incident.

Did you hear any racial slurs or any racial language for that matter?

If you Insist on Denying that the Reverse of this Situation wouldn't be Painted as Racial and be "Duked" to DEATH by the Left and the Media, then we should just Stop...



You can start by showing me where I denied that the "Reverse of this Situation wouldn't be Painted as Racial and be "Duked" to DEATH by the Left and the Media."

If not, I'll gladly accept your apology and we can move on from there.
The facts on the tape also don't illustrate that race had anything to do with the incident.

Did you hear any racial slurs or any racial language for that matter?

If you Insist on Denying that the Reverse of this Situation wouldn't be Painted as Racial and be "Duked" to DEATH by the Left and the Media, then we should just Stop...



You can start by showing me where I denied that the "Reverse of this Situation wouldn't be Painted as Racial and be "Duked" to DEATH by the Left and the Media."

If not, I'll gladly accept your apology and we can move on from there.

Blow me... We don't have an Argument if you Agree...

My only Question is, why do you Insist on Distracting and Making Mischief on a Thread you Agree with?...

I was Illustrating a Point that you Seem to Agree with, but it Takes ALL of this to come to that Conclusion?...


If you Insist on Denying that the Reverse of this Situation wouldn't be Painted as Racial and be "Duked" to DEATH by the Left and the Media, then we should just Stop...



You can start by showing me where I denied that the "Reverse of this Situation wouldn't be Painted as Racial and be "Duked" to DEATH by the Left and the Media."

If not, I'll gladly accept your apology and we can move on from there.

Blow me... We don't have an Argument if you Agree...

My only Question is, why do you Insist on Distracting and Making Mischief on a Thread you Agree with?...

I was Illustrating a Point that you Seem to Agree with, but it Takes ALL of this to come to that Conclusion?...



Threads take on a life of their own.

I did my condemning then I moved onto why the kid who got assaulted acted in such a vaginal way.

I suppose I should ask you, if we reversed the skin color of the kids in the video and the left and the media were claiming that it was racially motivated, would you agree with that assessment?
When I was in high school there was a kind of pecking order. I had a reputation and I would have protected the white kid like I did for some kids in my school. I think it’s a shame that people are beat on by others that are preying on the weak. Most of the time when I told someone to leave someone else alone they did because they were really the pussies just like the black kids in the video.
I’m not sure if race was the motivation in this case.
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Should Rosa have been beaten after she got off that bus G-Hook?

Nice red herring arrogant comment not worth of a proper response!
I bet you wanted them to beat the snot out of Ms. Rosa Parks' ass. I wager you'd have absolutely loved to administer the beating yourself, with a wooden rod if possible. Right?

Apparently some people here has never heard of "turn in the other cheek". It doesn't make one any less of a man to not fight back. As a matter of fact, I'd argue it makes one a bigger man.

I remember standing up to a bully when I was 12. He was bigger than me and 2 years older but I'd had about all I could stand and when I told him to go and fuck himself, surrounded by his friends, he went for me.

He had me in a headlock and was basically throttling me. However, I was still able to look up and see his face and that allowed me to aim one big punch which took him totally by surprise, caught him flush on the cheek and (as it turned out) fractured it. He released the headlock and fell to his knees holding his face, at which point his friends jumped on me and beat all kinds of hell out of me. A teacher stepped in and stopped it. The 3 friends were expelled, the original bully was suspended, as was I (there were no witnesses - other than the teacher who only saw the last 10 or so seconds - and they all swore I'd started it).

My Dad (a tougher man than I'll ever be) told me three things about fighting:

  1. If you have to fight, do whatever it takes to win. Don't worry about being hurt. Someone who is worried about getting hurt is more likely to lose than someone who focuses solely on turning out the other guy's lights.
  2. Don't look for trouble. There's always someone tougher than you, and if you look hard enough you'll probably find him.
  3. Walk away from a fight if at all possible. Your ego will heal a lot faster than a broken nose.

I've often wondered what would have happened if I hadn't fought back. As it was:

  • The bully left me alone after that (perhaps because his cronies were no longer there)
  • I had 18 stitches in my face - my mother burst into tears when she saw me (that's the thing I remember most)
  • The suspension stayed on my school record

If I'd just walked away without telling him to go fuck himself, would I have been a pussy, or a smart kid? I really don't know. Nor do I know why the kid on the bus didn't fight back, but he clearly had his reasons. Whatever they are, I won't condemn him, and I will condemn the bus driver for doing nothing and most of the other students on the bus for either doing nothing or laughing.

Dude you absolutely rock!

Thanks for that awesome story that made me totally and completely laugh.

Good for you to stand up to those bozos.

If this isn't prosecuted as a hate crime, I am going to protest by marching in Washington!

Were you guys ready to protest in Washington after the racist cops that beat the living shit out of Rodney King got away scott free too?
So Mal, what's it gonna be?

If they flipped colors and the left/media cried race would they be right?

Was race the reason for this assault?
Apparently some people here has never heard of "turn in the other cheek". It doesn't make one any less of a man to not fight back. As a matter of fact, I'd argue it makes one a bigger man.

Yeah, what pussies we were for fighting back after the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor. Would've been much more courageous to turn the other cheek.

If you don't see the difference between the 2 issues it's pointless trying to explain it.

The differences are obvious, any retard can see them. But apparently it takes a little more insight to see the similarities.
Should Rosa have been beaten after she got off that bus G-Hook?

Nice red herring arrogant comment not worth of a proper response!
I bet you wanted them to beat the snot out of Ms. Rosa Parks' ass. I wager you'd have absolutely loved to administer the beating yourself, with a wooden rod if possible. Right?


Dude you absolutely rock!

Thanks for that awesome story that made me totally and completely laugh.

Good for you to stand up to those bozos.

If this isn't prosecuted as a hate crime, I am going to protest by marching in Washington!

Were you guys ready to protest in Washington after the racist cops that beat the living shit out of Rodney King got away scott free too?

Yeah , I just read up on this (being the uninformed person that I am). They practically murdered him.
You can start by showing me where I denied that the "Reverse of this Situation wouldn't be Painted as Racial and be "Duked" to DEATH by the Left and the Media."

If not, I'll gladly accept your apology and we can move on from there.

Blow me... We don't have an Argument if you Agree...

My only Question is, why do you Insist on Distracting and Making Mischief on a Thread you Agree with?...

I was Illustrating a Point that you Seem to Agree with, but it Takes ALL of this to come to that Conclusion?...



Threads take on a life of their own.

I did my condemning then I moved onto why the kid who got assaulted acted in such a vaginal way.

I suppose I should ask you, if we reversed the skin color of the kids in the video and the left and the media were claiming that it was racially motivated, would you agree with that assessment?

First, what is with you going after the Victim of (2) Assualts?... Obviously this Kid was Outnumbered with the Attackers and those Cheering it on...

Would you have called a Black Kid in the same Situation a Pussy?...


So Mal, what's it gonna be?

If they flipped colors and the left/media cried race would they be right?

Was race the reason for this assault?

They would insist they were right, and they do it all the time. I gurantee you if the roles were reversed it would be racial and you damn well better agree or you will be a racist.
It just looked like boys fighting to me. I don't think it was a race thing though. I think like how any fights start in school someone said something the other didn't like or he was a nurd. It don't make it right I do think however the bus driver should of pulled over the bus and stoped it. And made the boy that started the fight sit up front till they got to school then reported it.
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And being such a staunch stickler for evidence, I'm sure you have some evidence to back up this ASSumption right?

fortunately, in this case we have a fucking video. thank the FSM for that too or you'd probably be telling us about the laurels of a no snitchin culture.

Unfortunately for you and your bullshittery, the video does not show the two assailants even talking to each other, let alone yucking it up like you assume they did. Therefore it's value as evidence is to prove your MASSIVE FAIL. :rofl:

indeed. Bank robbers probably don't talk with one another unless the dialog is captured, in high def surround sound, on film


Indeed, a bunch of people in hoods, dancing around a burning cross probably have no idea what happened to Emmet Till! for REALZ!
So Mal, what's it gonna be?

If they flipped colors and the left/media cried race would they be right?

Was race the reason for this assault?

They would insist they were right, and they do it all the time. I gurantee you if the roles were reversed it would be racial and you damn well better agree or you will be a racist.

The Racial Reversal of that Video would have gotten "Racism" Coverage from the "Free Press" not unlike the Duke NON-INCIDENT...

I would Love to see the Archives here @ USMB on that Story and how some of these Fucking Apologists for Assualt on this White Kid by (2) Blacks while other Blacks Cheered were on that Story of a Lying Whore...


I'm a white man and growing up I moved around quite a bit , all within the USA . Many times I lived in areas where there were very few white people , and I fought constantly . I fought when I lived around other white people too , but this was different . Minorities always had some kind of bone to pick with me because I was white . My 8th grade history teacher taught American history in Spanish because most the kids in my class didn't speak English . I didn't understand Spanish . He told me he taught in Spanish because the Mexican kids needed to learn . I didn't need to learn because I was white and everything would be handed to me .They all hate the white man because he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth , and the poor down-trodden minority has had to work so hard in a world where the whiteman holds all the cards . We should hold all the cards , we built this nation , Have all the minorities looked over their shoulders at the backwards half-wit countries they came from ? I guarantee that's why them black boys whipped on that white boy , because that white boy represented everything in their small uninformed minds that they hate .

White people didn't build this country, they stole it from Red people.

They MAY have stolen the land, but they built the country. There was no USA without the Europeans that came here and formed our nation.

And by todays definition those "Europeonz" would be considered terrorists.
Maybe you didn't read the article. They cried racism first in this case too.

and here we are, video in hand, and you'd rather disbelieve than admit what is moving as 30 fps...

....while, black strippers already had the benefit of the racism doubt from day one.

Dear, the video doesn't prove shit.

About the Duke incident ... what does that have to do with this? You are the one trying to blow this one out of proportions ...

yea! I mean, it's ONLY video! Full motion frames that show a CROWD of black kids acting like the klan at a ****** lynching circa 1935 complete with an innocent kid having his ass handed to him!

When did being white become a reason to rationalize criminal behaviour?

And, the Duke indecent proves exactly what kind of a farce your opinion is. THEN no one flinched or batted an eye when some black chick screams rape and racism at cops who don't find rape. Yet, here we are with VIDEO EVIDENCE OF THE EXACT, SPECIFIC CRIME and you people balk at the idea of racism against whites.

Yea, You know who ELSE blew shit out of proportion? EMMET TILLS MOTHER.

fortunately, in this case we have a fucking video. thank the FSM for that too or you'd probably be telling us about the laurels of a no snitchin culture.

Unfortunately for you and your bullshittery, the video does not show the two assailants even talking to each other, let alone yucking it up like you assume they did. Therefore it's value as evidence is to prove your MASSIVE FAIL. :rofl:

Quote replaced with commentary:

{A bunch of typical Shogun bullshit spewed when he get's pwned by being held to the same standard of evidence he demands from others.}

Got hypocrisy? :thup:
Nice red herring arrogant comment not worth of a proper response!
I bet you wanted them to beat the snot out of Ms. Rosa Parks' ass. I wager you'd have absolutely loved to administer the beating yourself, with a wooden rod if possible. Right?


Dude you absolutely rock!

Thanks for that awesome story that made me totally and completely laugh.

Good for you to stand up to those bozos.

Were you guys ready to protest in Washington after the racist cops that beat the living shit out of Rodney King got away scott free too?

Yeah , I just read up on this (being the uninformed person that I am). They practically murdered him.

Not after the riots........before, yes, but after.....nope. Now had the rioters gone to the white upperclass neighborhood where the trial was held.....that would have made sense, but trashing their own neighborhoods because they disagreed with the verdict was just plain stupid.

My favorite part about the police report was them saying they were chasing the car at upwards of 100 miles an hour....4 men, all over 200 pounds in a Hyundai, and it was going more than 100 miles an hour???? All I can say is if I ever get a Hyundai, I want that one.

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