2 White Kids Beat Black Kid on Bus in what Appears to he a "Hate Crime"

That is bullying, not racism.

Kids did that when i was in school, you have to know how to handle yourself.

The punchers should be expelled from the school.
I object to this merge, I have never before posted in a malcontent thread!

I'll get you for this Del, if it takes me 25 minutes!
First, what is with you going after the Victim of (2) Assualts?... Obviously this Kid was Outnumbered with the Attackers and those Cheering it on...

Would you have called a Black Kid in the same Situation a Pussy?...



No, first you will answer my question.

This is a two way street partna.

I answered your question now you answer mine.

My Answer is that I would Support a Consistent and Honest Take by the "Free Press"...

Whether or NOT I Agreed with it.

Now you Answer mine...



That doesn't answer my question and you know it.
No, first you will answer my question.

This is a two way street partna.

I answered your question now you answer mine.

My Answer is that I would Support a Consistent and Honest Take by the "Free Press"...

Whether or NOT I Agreed with it.

Now you Answer mine...



That doesn't answer my question and you know it.

It doesn't Satisfy the Conclusion you came to before you got my Answer...

It Clearly Answers it, IN CONTEXT...

Outside of the Box you Attempted to put it in.


Take race out of the equation and on second viewing, it would appear as though a jock is beating the crap out of a nerd while his jock buddies are looking on.

Polo shirts, haicuts, no bling or tatoos, and what appears to be a school or team sweatshirt.

Not exactly the attire of homeboys or gang bangers.
My Answer is that I would Support a Consistent and Honest Take by the "Free Press"...

Whether or NOT I Agreed with it.

Now you Answer mine...



That doesn't answer my question and you know it.

It doesn't Satisfy the Conclusion you came to before you got my Answer...

It Clearly Answers it, IN CONTEXT...

Outside of the Box you Attempted to put it in.




The question was put forward in a more straight forward manner ... you ignored that post.

So Mal, what's it gonna be?

If they flipped colors and the left/media cried race would they be right?

Was race the reason for this assault?

Let's hear it!
Take race out of the equation and on second viewing, it would appear as though a jock is beating the crap out of a nerd while his jock buddies are looking on.

Polo shirts, haicuts, no bling or tatoos, and what appears to be a school or team sweatshirt.

Not exactly the attire of homeboys or gang bangers.

It's a high school kid getting bullied.

It happens every day.

Mal is looking to make it more than it is to justify his preconceived notion of how the media and people on the left would have reacted IF the colors were flipped.
That doesn't answer my question and you know it.

It doesn't Satisfy the Conclusion you came to before you got my Answer...

It Clearly Answers it, IN CONTEXT...

Outside of the Box you Attempted to put it in.




The question was put forward in a more straight forward manner ... you ignored that post.

So Mal, what's it gonna be?

If they flipped colors and the left/media cried race would they be right?

Was race the reason for this assault?

Let's hear it!

If they were Consistent, YES... But they only Cry "Race" when it's other than White "Victims"...

They Assume it BEFORE the Facts, as they did with Duke.

In my Opinion, these were Black Kid's Targeting Whitey on this Bus...

As White Kids also do to Black Kids...

Now, can you Answer my Question?...


Take race out of the equation and on second viewing, it would appear as though a jock is beating the crap out of a nerd while his jock buddies are looking on.

Polo shirts, haicuts, no bling or tatoos, and what appears to be a school or team sweatshirt.

Not exactly the attire of homeboys or gang bangers.

It's a high school kid getting bullied.

It happens every day.

Mal is looking to make it more than it is to justify his preconceived notion of how the media and people on the left would have reacted IF the colors were flipped.

I don't have to Assume... Duke is only ONE of MANY Instances where they have done it.


Take race out of the equation and on second viewing, it would appear as though a jock is beating the crap out of a nerd while his jock buddies are looking on.

Polo shirts, haicuts, no bling or tatoos, and what appears to be a school or team sweatshirt.

Not exactly the attire of homeboys or gang bangers.

It's a high school kid getting bullied.

It happens every day.

Mal is looking to make it more than it is to justify his preconceived notion of how the media and people on the left would have reacted IF the colors were flipped.

I know, that seems to be his M.O.
Why does an altercation on a school bus have to be grouped by one race vs another? I don't get it. It's kids being kids. The only thing that makes this a subject of race are those whom have viewed this, and lowered themselves into grouping into skin pigmentation.

It was an altercation between humans. End story.
Take race out of the equation and on second viewing, it would appear as though a jock is beating the crap out of a nerd while his jock buddies are looking on.

Polo shirts, haicuts, no bling or tatoos, and what appears to be a school or team sweatshirt.

Not exactly the attire of homeboys or gang bangers.

It's a high school kid getting bullied.

It happens every day.

Mal is looking to make it more than it is to justify his preconceived notion of how the media and people on the left would have reacted IF the colors were flipped.

I know, that seems to be his M.O.

Yours IS to be Troll... Nice Work.


So I can mark you down as believing that when Jesus Christ preached turning the other cheek he didn't mean for it to apply to nations going to war. How convenient.

You can mark me down as whatever you like Mani.

I know that.

But I had always, apparently mistakenly, taken you for a sincere and honest person with whom to exchange ideas and opinions. If you would rather ignore the core similarity and focus on the largely irrelevent difference in scale, that is your ignorance to bear.


Do you always write people off as insincere, dishonest and ignorant if they refuse to be drawn on something?

I simply find your parallel about Jesus, like your Pearl Harbor one to be artificial and as such, I can't be bothered to debate it. I've been around this board long enough now to know when something is interesting to me and when it's not, irrespective of how provocatively it is phrased

I don't think that makes me dishonest or insincere. Apathetic maybe. As to ignorant it is, as you say, my ignorance to bear.
On the other hand,

Maybe the kid was a loud-mouth, redneck asshole who deserved a good ass kicking.

Just sayin . . .

^Already Commented on Shithead's Trolling when he did it, but as a Reminder...


Why does an altercation on a school bus have to be grouped by one race vs another? I don't get it. It's kids being kids. The only thing that makes this a subject of race are those whom have viewed this, and lowered themselves into grouping into skin pigmentation.

It was an altercation between humans. End story.

The Police didn't Think so... At first...

Bet they got a Call from DC... ;)


It doesn't Satisfy the Conclusion you came to before you got my Answer...

It Clearly Answers it, IN CONTEXT...

Outside of the Box you Attempted to put it in.




The question was put forward in a more straight forward manner ... you ignored that post.

So Mal, what's it gonna be?

If they flipped colors and the left/media cried race would they be right?

Was race the reason for this assault?

Let's hear it!

If they were Consistent, YES... But they only Cry "Race" when it's other than White "Victims"...

They Assume it BEFORE the Facts, as they did with Duke.

In my Opinion, these were Black Kid's Targeting Whitey on this Bus...

As White Kids also do to Black Kids...

Now, can you Answer my Question?...



Look, I agree to a degree that had the colors been reverse some would have cried racism ... that's what some people do. They seek out and find racism where it doesn't exist and exploit it for their own agenda which is exactly what you are doing.

And yes, if it were a black kid getting aired out like that from a white boy and not doing shit to stop it I'd call him a pussy too.
It's a high school kid getting bullied.

It happens every day.

Mal is looking to make it more than it is to justify his preconceived notion of how the media and people on the left would have reacted IF the colors were flipped.

I know, that seems to be his M.O.

Yours IS to be Troll... Nice Work.



And yours is to be a homophobic race baiter.

Now run to the mods and tell them I'm fucking up your thread.

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