2000 mules continues to do real damage.

Bull shit you did not...


Rambtard, had I not watched it, I wouldn't know you’re lying.

Watch this movie even if you think you already know what happened in 2020... This movie will blow your mind... Its as if we are being taken over by a crime syndicate....
That's a lot of vapid whining, but no evidence or argument.

"Just watch the movie."

Not evidence. Not argument. You have nothing. And you already lied about the contents of the movie. So you don't even have that going for you.

meaner gene hasn't even seen the movie and wants to argue with me over what's in it... Same with a couple of other libs here today... They read anti truth fact check websites about the movie and think they can argue with people about what's in it.... Amazing.....

Seems to be the case with all Lefties. Long on opinions, very short on actual facts. But I'm not surprised.
If Faun had watched this movie she or he would have said so when I first asked him if he had.... Demonstration in why our country is so fucked up right now.... Dishonest creeps like him are in charge....
I don't argue with liars it gets me nowhere...
If Faun had watched this movie she or he would have said so when I first asked him if he had.... Demonstration in why our country is so fucked up right now.... Dishonest creeps like him are in charge....
I don't argue with liars it gets me nowhere...
Every word you have uttered about its contents has been a demonstrable lie.

But sure, you watched it.

Uh huh.
Fort Fun Indiana just reads leftwing nut case fact checker sights about the movie and is convinced he is an expert in the movie's contents.... Laughable if not so sad....
Fort Fun Indiana just reads leftwing nut case fact checker sights about the movie and is convinced he is an expert in the movie's contents.... Laughable if not so sad....
But you only made one claim, which was a general claim all you nutters make about the movie aand made before it was even released.

And it was demonstrably false, as explained more than once.

But you watched the movie.

Sure liar.
If Faun had watched this movie she or he would have said so when I first asked him if he had.... Demonstration in why our country is so fucked up right now.... Dishonest creeps like him are in charge....
I don't argue with liars it gets me nowhere...

Aww, look at you lying again. I actually told you I watched it before I even saw you ask me...

Screenshot_20220602-222839_Samsung Internet.jpg
Fort Fun Indiana Dude just can't let it go... what a freak..... go watch the movie....
You seem to think you can whine your way out of your embarrassment. Sorry dummy, anyone can read the thread.

Or you can tell us the ti.estamp, tell us what we will see, explain what we see, and argue why it is fraud, why they are fake votes, and how you know the votes are for Biden.

Only then will you have posted anything worthy of response, other than the now pretty hilarious debunking of your lie.

But you will whine instead. Such a simple task is too much for your stunted abilities.
Hey maybe I will buy the movie download for them...........................................................................NOT Buuuuaahahahahaha
GPS positioning based on cellular data can put a person within 20 feet from an object, and everywhere these mules stopped there was always just coincidentally a drop box right at that location.
GPS location is 20 feet in open air. But obstacles like trees and buildings, especially tall buildings, cause GPS reflections that cut accuracy to 20 meters or more.
And because drop boxes are located inside of buildings, their location can't be accurately GPS'd

Why does GPS fail to work inside buildings?

There are two reasons why GPS does not work inside of buildings.

Walls, ceilings, insulation, furniture and even our own bodies can absorb the signals before they reach our devices, making it harder or even impossible for our devices to determine our location. Think about large buildings such as shopping centers or airports, where any number of things can stand in the way of the GPS signal trying to reach your phone. The same problem happens when you attempt to turn on your vehicle’s navigation system while parked in an enclosed parking garage. Your navigation system will wait until it has a clear signal before it will attempt to give you directions.

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