2000 mules continues to do real damage.

I ran away?.... I went to get a huge fucking steak for dinner tonight... But you are a bore.... and I'm still waiting for you to tell me what you think I lied about.... I guess I'll have to wait forever....

How many times need I explain it, rambtard?

You claim the movie showed video of someone depositing multiple ballots at a drop box more than once.

That's a lie. The film showed no such video. The most it showed were some people depositing multiple ballots only once at a drop box.
GPS positioning based on cellular data can put a person within 20 feet from an object, and everywhere these mules stopped there was always just coincidentally a drop box right at that location.
meaner gene hasn't even seen the movie and wants to argue with me over what's in it... Same with a couple of other libs here today... They read anti truth fact check websites about the movie and think they can argue with people about what's in it.... Amazing.....
How many times need I explain it, rambtard?

You claim the movie showed video of someone depositing multiple ballots at a drop box more than once.

That's a lie. The film showed no such video. The most it showed were some people depositing multiple ballots only once at a drop box.
Watch the movie... I won't argue with you about a movie you haven't even seen....
LOL who are you talking to by the way..... What is wrong with you that you think people care about our conversation?....
If you think you can embarrass me you really are a fool....

It's true, I believe you're too stupid to be embarrassed. But I highlight your idiocies for the benefit of others here. It's amusing for all.
Yep you and Faun are government trolls... You are word for word the same.... don't be so easy to detect....

It's true, I believe you're too stupid to be embarrassed. But I highlight your idiocies for the benefit of others here. It's amusing for all.
I don't get embarrassed.... why do you hold so much stock in it?... why do you think you can embarrass an anonymous person on a web message board... Are you 12 years old?....
hell you are the one trying to tell me what is in a movie you haven't even seen... You should be embarrassed....
In the movie they show the GPS of the Mules.... they also show these people stuffing dozens of ballots in the drop boxes....
That is a fact... You libs may not like it but the video and GPS evidence does not lie....

This movie sure has messed you people up and I bet not one of you have seen the movie....


They drew a line on a made up map. The dots they claimed represented drop boxes wasn't even accurate. Even called on it, Phillips admitted it wasn't made for accuracy but was just a graphic for cinematic purposes.

They did not show even one video of the same person at a drop box more than once.
But...oh boy here we go again... They show their phone locations over the course of weeks.... Did you at least see the movie or are you guessing too?.... You didn't even get my words right....

They didn't show any such thing, rambtard.

They claimed it. They didn't show it. And the guy claiming it was caught lying in 2016 about that election too.
How do liberals become so stubborn and brainwashed to think that they can argue about a movie they haven't even seen?.....
This is why we are in the shape we are in... Unsmart people thinking they know everything....
Look at Faun and the other two morons... Arguing with me about what was in a movie I saw and they haven't....:blahblah:
They follow the cellphone and they can see how many times that phone comes in proximity of a drop box... I don't know where you got 100 feet but that's not true... you are another one that has read BS about the movie but has never seen it... So I will tell you what I told the other two dummies.... Download the movie and watch it...until you do this conversation is over.... I'm not going to discuss a movie you haven't seen and just read BS about....

The 100 foot thing comes from the GBI claiming that's what True the Vote told them. Even if it's far more accurate, someone being near a drop box is not proof of dropping off ballots. Could be someone at the business next to thd drop box.
Type in 2000 mules into your browser and you will see pages of links trying to dispel the movie... now I know where these three morons of smart got their information about the movie.... what a crack up.... unbelievable....
Experts on a movie they have never seen.... Buuuuaaahahahahahahaha

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