2010 The hottest year on record

Highlights of The Worst Summer Ever? report show that about 25% of weather stations in the contiguous United States the average low temperature at night for June through August 2010 was hotter than at at time since 1895 (in other words, for many of these, since records began being kept).

East of the Mississippi River, 40% of stations recorded a new record high nighttime temperature and 80% reported high temperatures among the five hottest ever recorded. Across the entire nation, more than half of weather stations fell into this latter category.

In total record high nighttime temperatures occurred in: Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, West Virginia, and Wisconsin.

37 US States Set Nighttime High Temperature Records This Summer : TreeHugger
Several Carolinas cities post record high temperatures to end long, hot summer
The Associated Press
11:27 AM EDT, September 26, 2010

Several cities across the Carolinas have posted record high temperatures to end the long hot summer.

The National Weather Service reported that Raleigh, N.C., had a high of 98 degrees Saturday — six degree more than the previous high set in 1986.

Florence, S.C., also saw its hottest Sept. 25 since 1986 with a temperature of 95 — one degree higher than the previous record.

In Charlotte, N.C., the high of 94 matched the previous record set in 1961. Greenville, S.C., also reported a high of 94 degrees beating the record of 93 set in 1933. Wilmington, N.C., hit 93 degrees, tying its 1986 record.

The Weather Service says Columbia and Florence in South Carolina and Lumberton and Fayetteville in North Carolina had more than 100 days with temperatures of 90 degrees or more this year.

Several Carolinas cities post record high temperatures to end long, hot summer - WGHP
The Reno weather station is adjacent to a parking lot and a sidewalk. The satellites are in error to the point that NOAA pulled the satellite historical data off the net and they will probably be sued fo publishing known false data.

Top Climate Scientists Speak out on the Satellitegate Scandal

“Satellite-gate” NOAA data 10-15° high Co2 Insanity

Scientists Speak Out on Satellitegate Scandal

Climate Change Dispatch - US Government in Massive New Global Warming Scandal ? NOAA Disgraced

Need more? Just look for it, it's all out there.
The Japan Meteorological Agency announced that 2010 average summer temperatures across the country were the hottest on their over 100 year long record.

According to a September 1st JMA press release, the average temperature during the three month period of June to August was 1.64°C higher than a 30-year average for the same period. While June and July were hotter than normal, at +1.24°C and +1.42°C respectively, August temperatures pushed the record to the top of the books with an average of +2.25°C. Tracking began in 1898; the previous hottest summer was in 1994, when temperatures were 1.36°C above the average.

2010 Japanese summer officially hottest on record - National Japan Headlines | Examiner.com
Highlights of The Worst Summer Ever? report show that about 25% of weather stations in the contiguous United States the average low temperature at night for June through August 2010 was hotter than at at time since 1895 (in other words, for many of these, since records began being kept).

East of the Mississippi River, 40% of stations recorded a new record high nighttime temperature and 80% reported high temperatures among the five hottest ever recorded. Across the entire nation, more than half of weather stations fell into this latter category.

In total record high nighttime temperatures occurred in: Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, West Virginia, and Wisconsin.

37 US States Set Nighttime High Temperature Records This Summer : TreeHugger

It is because concrete and asphalt are too close to the weather stations Chris. I think we have demonstrated that pretty clearly here. Bad data that needs correcting falls right into the hands of scientists bent on continuing their funding by faking data further.
The Reno weather station is adjacent to a parking lot and a sidewalk. The satellites are in error to the point that NOAA pulled the satellite historical data off the net and they will probably be sued fo publishing known false data.

Top Climate Scientists Speak out on the Satellitegate Scandal

“Satellite-gate” NOAA data 10-15° high Co2 Insanity

Scientists Speak Out on Satellitegate Scandal

Climate Change Dispatch - US Government in Massive New Global Warming Scandal ? NOAA Disgraced

Need more? Just look for it, it's all out there.

But not in a form that you can post, eh, Walleyes? More denial crap.
Highlights of The Worst Summer Ever? report show that about 25% of weather stations in the contiguous United States the average low temperature at night for June through August 2010 was hotter than at at time since 1895 (in other words, for many of these, since records began being kept).

East of the Mississippi River, 40% of stations recorded a new record high nighttime temperature and 80% reported high temperatures among the five hottest ever recorded. Across the entire nation, more than half of weather stations fell into this latter category.

In total record high nighttime temperatures occurred in: Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, West Virginia, and Wisconsin.

37 US States Set Nighttime High Temperature Records This Summer : TreeHugger

It is because concrete and asphalt are too close to the weather stations Chris. I think we have demonstrated that pretty clearly here. Bad data that needs correcting falls right into the hands of scientists bent on continuing their funding by faking data further.

And who has been putting all the asphalt and concrete next to the glaciers in Glacier National Park?

And your denigration scientists and accusations of fraud on thier part is duly noted. Holy Roller preachers and Southern politicians are so much more trustworthy.

You are an idiot.
Old Rocks- do you think that land based temperature readings have been compromised by loss of reporting stations and urban heat island effects? Do you think the adjustments made to raw data and the filling in of missing data has added bias to the temperature trends?
Highlights of The Worst Summer Ever? report show that about 25% of weather stations in the contiguous United States the average low temperature at night for June through August 2010 was hotter than at at time since 1895 (in other words, for many of these, since records began being kept).

East of the Mississippi River, 40% of stations recorded a new record high nighttime temperature and 80% reported high temperatures among the five hottest ever recorded. Across the entire nation, more than half of weather stations fell into this latter category.

In total record high nighttime temperatures occurred in: Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, West Virginia, and Wisconsin.

37 US States Set Nighttime High Temperature Records This Summer : TreeHugger

It is because concrete and asphalt are too close to the weather stations Chris. I think we have demonstrated that pretty clearly here. Bad data that needs correcting falls right into the hands of scientists bent on continuing their funding by faking data further.

And who has been putting all the asphalt and concrete next to the glaciers in Glacier National Park?

And your denigration scientists and accusations of fraud on thier part is duly noted. Holy Roller preachers and Southern politicians are so much more trustworthy.

You are an idiot.

That would be the US government Old Rocks. Look up Road to the Sun project.
Australia is a first world country that takes their science seriously and has been out in front of the curve on many global problems. Yet they still have problems with quality control when it comes to data collection for temperature readings and the adjustments made to the data.

Australian warming trend adjusted UP by 40% « JoNova

This study shows a number of problems with the Australian High Quality Temperature Sites network, on which the official temperature analyses are based. Problems with the High Quality data include:

It has been subjectively and manually adjusted.
The methodology used is not uniformly followed, or else is not as described.
Urban sites, sites with poor comparative data, and sites with short records have been included.
Large quantities of data are not available, and have been filled in with estimates.
The adjustments are not equally positive and negative, and have produced a major impact on the Australian temperature record.
The adjustments produce a trend in mean temperatures that is roughly a quarter of a degree Celsius greater than the raw data does.
The warming bias in the temperature trend is 40%, and in the anomaly trend is 50%.

and here is a quote that really makes you wonder how low some people will stoop to add bogus readings into the mix and call it 'High Quality Rural Data'

There is site called Bourke Airport in New South Wales – it’s listed as a Rural Site as it is out of town and is therefore included in the national temperature analysis.

Yet Bourke Airport was established in 1999 and has only 9 years of data! So where did the data from 1910 – 1999 come from? Well it matches perfectly with Brewarrina Hospital 80kms away in the heart of Brewarrina that has a record back to 1910 – well it’s not an exact match because the earlier years have been systematically adjusted downwards along with the typical rural town UHI influence yet it’s included as Rural!

The same technique has been used for Glenn Innes airport which was established in 1997 yet by using the Glenn Innes Post Office data with it’s typical UHI ( increasing min temp) they have a record going back to 1910 yet it’s also classified as Rural.
It is because concrete and asphalt are too close to the weather stations Chris. I think we have demonstrated that pretty clearly here. Bad data that needs correcting falls right into the hands of scientists bent on continuing their funding by faking data further.

And who has been putting all the asphalt and concrete next to the glaciers in Glacier National Park?

And your denigration scientists and accusations of fraud on thier part is duly noted. Holy Roller preachers and Southern politicians are so much more trustworthy.

You are an idiot.

That would be the US government Old Rocks. Look up Road to the Sun project.

I have peer reviewed this and find it 100% correct!
Highlights of The Worst Summer Ever? report show that about 25% of weather stations in the contiguous United States the average low temperature at night for June through August 2010 was hotter than at at time since 1895 (in other words, for many of these, since records began being kept).

East of the Mississippi River, 40% of stations recorded a new record high nighttime temperature and 80% reported high temperatures among the five hottest ever recorded. Across the entire nation, more than half of weather stations fell into this latter category.

In total record high nighttime temperatures occurred in: Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, West Virginia, and Wisconsin.

37 US States Set Nighttime High Temperature Records This Summer : TreeHugger

It is because concrete and asphalt are too close to the weather stations Chris. I think we have demonstrated that pretty clearly here. Bad data that needs correcting falls right into the hands of scientists bent on continuing their funding by faking data further.

And who has been putting all the asphalt and concrete next to the glaciers in Glacier National Park?

And your denigration scientists and accusations of fraud on thier part is duly noted. Holy Roller preachers and Southern politicians are so much more trustworthy.

You are an idiot.

The only people who resemble religious extremists are you and yours olfraud. Only climatologists are qualified to render opinions on climate science (your high priests)
scientific methodology is nonexistent (there's that faith for you old buddy) consensus reigns (any of you who do not BELIEVE are heretics and need to be punished!) Joe Romm
famously advocated the execution of "deniers".

I rest my case.
Last edited:
Russia’s record heat wave may already have taken 15,000 lives and cost the economy $15 billion as fires and drought ravage the country.

At least 7,000 people have probably died in Moscow as a result of the heat, and the nationwide death toll is likely to be at least twice that figure, according to Jeff Masters, co- founder of Weather Underground, a 15-year-old Internet weather service that gathers information from around the world.

“The Russian population affected by extreme heat is at least double the population of Moscow, and the death toll in Russia from the 2010 heat wave is probably at least 15,000, and may be much higher,” Masters said late yesterday on his blog.

Prime Minister Vladimir Putin took to the air today to douse a forest fire south of Moscow. The heat wave may slice 1 percent off of Russia’s $1.5 trillion economy this year because of lower agricultural output and reduced activity in other areas such as industry, Alexander Morozov, chief economist at HSBC Holdings Plc in Moscow, said in an e-mail today.

Russia may harvest a third less grain than last year because of drought, Putin said yesterday. Companies such as automaker OAO AvtoVAZ have curbed production, and restaurants in Moscow are seeing a decline in customers as residents avoid smoke from wildfires that is blanketing the city.

Russia Heat Wave May Kill 15,000, Shave $15 Billion of GDP - Bloomberg
Russia’s record heat wave may already have taken 15,000 lives and cost the economy $15 billion as fires and drought ravage the country.

At least 7,000 people have probably died in Moscow as a result of the heat, and the nationwide death toll is likely to be at least twice that figure, according to Jeff Masters, co- founder of Weather Underground, a 15-year-old Internet weather service that gathers information from around the world.

“The Russian population affected by extreme heat is at least double the population of Moscow, and the death toll in Russia from the 2010 heat wave is probably at least 15,000, and may be much higher,” Masters said late yesterday on his blog.

Prime Minister Vladimir Putin took to the air today to douse a forest fire south of Moscow. The heat wave may slice 1 percent off of Russia’s $1.5 trillion economy this year because of lower agricultural output and reduced activity in other areas such as industry, Alexander Morozov, chief economist at HSBC Holdings Plc in Moscow, said in an e-mail today.

Russia may harvest a third less grain than last year because of drought, Putin said yesterday. Companies such as automaker OAO AvtoVAZ have curbed production, and restaurants in Moscow are seeing a decline in customers as residents avoid smoke from wildfires that is blanketing the city.

Russia Heat Wave May Kill 15,000, Shave $15 Billion of GDP - Bloomberg

And close to 100,000 will die in Russia due to cold this winter. Yep warm is STILL better.
West Palm Beach sweated through its hottest September on record, as the city reached an average temperature of 84.3 degrees, the National Weather Service in Miami said Thursday. That broke the previous record of 83.3 degrees set in 1951.

Fort Lauderdale saw an average September temperature of 83.2 degrees, shy of that city's record of 84.5, set in 2008. Miami reached 83.5 degrees, while the record is 84.02, set in 1974 and 1989.

West Palm Beach's heat record comes after it experienced its warmest three-month period of June, July and August, as did Fort Lauderdale and Miami. The weather service said persistent high pressure generated all the heat.

Heat records: West Palm Beach sees hottest ever September - South Florida Sun-Sentinel.com
Russia’s record heat wave may already have taken 15,000 lives and cost the economy $15 billion as fires and drought ravage the country.

At least 7,000 people have probably died in Moscow as a result of the heat, and the nationwide death toll is likely to be at least twice that figure, according to Jeff Masters, co- founder of Weather Underground, a 15-year-old Internet weather service that gathers information from around the world.

“The Russian population affected by extreme heat is at least double the population of Moscow, and the death toll in Russia from the 2010 heat wave is probably at least 15,000, and may be much higher,” Masters said late yesterday on his blog.

Prime Minister Vladimir Putin took to the air today to douse a forest fire south of Moscow. The heat wave may slice 1 percent off of Russia’s $1.5 trillion economy this year because of lower agricultural output and reduced activity in other areas such as industry, Alexander Morozov, chief economist at HSBC Holdings Plc in Moscow, said in an e-mail today.

Russia may harvest a third less grain than last year because of drought, Putin said yesterday. Companies such as automaker OAO AvtoVAZ have curbed production, and restaurants in Moscow are seeing a decline in customers as residents avoid smoke from wildfires that is blanketing the city.

Russia Heat Wave May Kill 15,000, Shave $15 Billion of GDP - Bloomberg

And close to 100,000 will die in Russia due to cold this winter. Yep warm is STILL better.

What this tells us about russia is that it is really screwed up to have 15,000 deaths due to heat or 100,000 due to cold....You would never ever see that in America. The place needs to become developed enough and help its people instead of allowing them to die.
TUCSON - Expect an abnormally hot last day of September, says News 4 Meteorologist Chris Nallan.

Temperatures will rise into the 100s this afternoon across the Tucson Metro. We are set to break a record this afternoon which will mark this September in the record books. Tucson set a record back on this day in 1989 of 101. The forecast high today is 103 which will shatter that previous record. Today will be our 16th day this month at 100 or better, which will automatically bring us to the second hottest September on record.

September 2010 hitting the record books? | KVOA.com | Tucson, Arizona
Russia’s record heat wave may already have taken 15,000 lives and cost the economy $15 billion as fires and drought ravage the country.

At least 7,000 people have probably died in Moscow as a result of the heat, and the nationwide death toll is likely to be at least twice that figure, according to Jeff Masters, co- founder of Weather Underground, a 15-year-old Internet weather service that gathers information from around the world.

“The Russian population affected by extreme heat is at least double the population of Moscow, and the death toll in Russia from the 2010 heat wave is probably at least 15,000, and may be much higher,” Masters said late yesterday on his blog.

Prime Minister Vladimir Putin took to the air today to douse a forest fire south of Moscow. The heat wave may slice 1 percent off of Russia’s $1.5 trillion economy this year because of lower agricultural output and reduced activity in other areas such as industry, Alexander Morozov, chief economist at HSBC Holdings Plc in Moscow, said in an e-mail today.

Russia may harvest a third less grain than last year because of drought, Putin said yesterday. Companies such as automaker OAO AvtoVAZ have curbed production, and restaurants in Moscow are seeing a decline in customers as residents avoid smoke from wildfires that is blanketing the city.

Russia Heat Wave May Kill 15,000, Shave $15 Billion of GDP - Bloomberg

And close to 100,000 will die in Russia due to cold this winter. Yep warm is STILL better.

What this tells us about russia is that it is really screwed up to have 15,000 deaths due to heat or 100,000 due to cold....You would never ever see that in America. The place needs to become developed enough and help its people instead of allowing them to die.

In the US 72,000 deaths every year are attributed to cold weather. Cold causes blood to thicken and also compromises peoples immune systems thus making them vulnerable to pulmonary illnesses. The same holds true for Europe. It has nothing to do with the level of technology or government, it has to do with the simple fact that cold weather is far more
punishing to the body than warm weather is.

And warm weather has the advantage that you can use air conditioning to help mitigate the effects of the heat. For some reason the use of heaters on cold does not seem to have the same beneficial effect as the use of AC does on heat.

Cold is Deadlier than Heat, Despite Summertime Media Frenzy - by James M. Taylor
West Palm Beach sweated through its hottest September on record, as the city reached an average temperature of 84.3 degrees, the National Weather Service in Miami said Thursday. That broke the previous record of 83.3 degrees set in 1951.

Fort Lauderdale saw an average September temperature of 83.2 degrees, shy of that city's record of 84.5, set in 2008. Miami reached 83.5 degrees, while the record is 84.02, set in 1974 and 1989.

West Palm Beach's heat record comes after it experienced its warmest three-month period of June, July and August, as did Fort Lauderdale and Miami. The weather service said persistent high pressure generated all the heat.

Heat records: West Palm Beach sees hottest ever September - South Florida Sun-Sentinel.com

West Palm Beach: KPBI Regression Analysis

Shows consistently high temps above regional observations.

Approximate location of weather station: METAR/Synop Information for KPBI in West Palm Beach Palm Beach International Airport, FL, United States of America

Fort Lauderdale:KFLL Regression Analysis

Shows consistently high temps above regional observations.

METAR Information for KFLL in Fort Lauderdale Hollywood International Airport, United States of America

This one is a favorite as the jet wash hits the station.

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