2012 GOP Victims to Make a Comeback in 2014

•New Mexico - They just voted in Susan Martinez as Gov, but I will admit most liklely D
•Colorado - Could be interesting, but CO has been blue and should remain that way.
•Minnesota (Al Franken) - Battle
New Mexico could go either way
Colorado has been seeing a political upheavel the last couple of years. I see it getting a tad red.
In Minnesota, the Republicans want to kick Franken's ass after the questionable results of the election he won.
Other vulnerable D senators:
NC - Kay Hagan. Huge supporter of Obaminationcare.
LA - Mary Landrieu. Doubled down on her love for Obaminationcare.

Democrat senators in red states up for re-election 2014 - Yakima Conservative | Examiner.com

Incumbent Dem Sen. Kay Hagan’s 17-Point Lead Collapses After Obamacare Rollout Disaster…


Every Democrat voted for Obamacare, there is no escaping this.

Via Politico:

Incumbent Sen. Kay Hagan (D-N.C.) is near the top of national Republicans’ target list for 2014 — and a new poll shows her lead over her potential GOP challengers has all but evaporated.

Against state House Speaker Thom Tillis, Hagan leads by only 2 points, 44 percent to 42 percent, according to the Democratic firm Public Policy Polling. She leads Rev. Mark Harris by 2 points as well, 43 percent to 41 percent, and nurse Heather Grant by 3 points, 43 percent to 40 percent.

Hagan trails physician Greg Brannon, the Rand Paul-endorsed candidate in the race, by 1 point: he leads 44 percent to 43 percent.

That’s a huge difference from PPP’s September poll, which gave Hagan leads of anywhere from 12 to 17 points against all possible GOP challengers.

dimocraps get absolutely CRUSHED next November. They'll be lucky to win 6 or 7 of the 21 seats they're defending.

Indeed. That broad in Louisiana is TERRIFIED of losing her seat in 2014 (and most likely will). Hey, the old adage is always true - "What goes around, comes around".

She lied to the folks down there to get elected and now they will throw her worthless ass to the street. Hell, she even flew on AF1 down to New Orleans and then promptly disappeared - wouldn't be seen with Barry.
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•New Mexico - They just voted in Susan Martinez as Gov, but I will admit most liklely D
•Colorado - Could be interesting, but CO has been blue and should remain that way.
•Minnesota (Al Franken) - Battle
New Mexico could go either way
Colorado has been seeing a political upheavel the last couple of years. I see it getting a tad red.
In Minnesota, the Republicans want to kick Franken's ass after the questionable results of the election he won.

Indeed. I have several friends that live in that God-awful place and they say the same thing. Colorado has been notoriously 50/50 politically and the folks down there are completely fed up with the hippies from California who have infected their state. They have already recalled 2 state senators and are working on getting rid of two more.

I look for Colorado to go in the other direction in 14 and 16 and go red again.
Mia Love - The unknown Mia Love came within 1K votes from defeating Obaminationcare supporting Mathenison in conservative state UT. She wins in a landslid.

The only fear the libs have of the far right is that they will laugh too hard as they smash the far right in 2014.

Your big lie is that Matheson, Love's victor, voted against Obamacare. He voted for the shut down.

Go check your facts, you foolish tool.

Christie is going to win handily, and he will have no more use for the far right than the far left.

I just checked you are right he didn't vote for Obaminationcare, but he did vote the the stimulus and for Nancy Pelosi's Speakership.

So far Love has kept up with his fund raising and only lost by 700+ votes.

I think Love will beat Matheson, in fact, as every incumbent should be beaten in the primaries next spring.
The only fear the libs have of the far right is that they will laugh too hard as they smash the far right in 2014.

Your big lie is that Matheson, Love's victor, voted against Obamacare. He voted for the shut down.

Go check your facts, you foolish tool.

Christie is going to win handily, and he will have no more use for the far right than the far left.

I just checked you are right he didn't vote for Obaminationcare, but he did vote the the stimulus and for Nancy Pelosi's Speakership.

So far Love has kept up with his fund raising and only lost by 700+ votes.

I think Love will beat Matheson, in fact, as every incumbent should be beaten in the primaries next spring.

Before this post, I had Matheson mixed up with another Democrat. He is actually a Democrat I like (yep there are a few). I just like Love better.
•New Mexico - They just voted in Susan Martinez as Gov, but I will admit most liklely D
•Colorado - Could be interesting, but CO has been blue and should remain that way.
•Minnesota (Al Franken) - Battle
New Mexico could go either way
Colorado has been seeing a political upheavel the last couple of years. I see it getting a tad red.
In Minnesota, the Republicans want to kick Franken's ass after the questionable results of the election he won.

After saying a big fat NO to immigration reform you think the GOP has any chance in hell in Colorado or New Mexico??? Sorry but those Hispanics are going to the booths in bigger numbers then ever, 2014 won't be any different.

Al Frankin isn't a big target for the GOP in 2014, they have no major challenger and Minnesota is rather liberal leaning.

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