2016 Arctic sea ice thread

When you gain the skill to link and quote a study you think makes a point, feel free, I will happily engage, until then you have only proved you know nothing but how to cut and paste drawings and cartoons.

Looks like you fat fingered the "caps lock key", idiot!
No matter...science is on my side ...not so much on yours :2up:

Thawing spike marks early melt-season start in Greenland

Note: This story was updated on 5/16/2016 at 7 p.m. EDT with comments from Ted Scambos of the National Sea and Ice Data Center. |

On April 11, a dramatic early spike in melting of snow and ice at the surface of Greenland’s ice sheet prompted a Danish climate scientist to say that she and her colleagues were “incredulous.”

Now, there has been a second bout of unusual melting.

You can see both of them in the graph above from the National Snow and Ice Data Center, or NSIDC. It charts the percentage of the Greenland Ice Sheet experiencing surface melting. In both cases, the thaw exceeded 10 percent of the ice sheet’s area.

When I noticed the second spike, I reached out by email to Ted Scambos, lead scientist for the NSIDC science team, to get his reaction to what has been happening in the Arctic lately. Here was his reply:

The Arctic is going to go through hell this year. Both the sea ice and the Greenland surface melting. Snow cover will also set a record.

2016 is going to be a very interesting year.
Nope, its getting thicker, I posted the story and the link, I can go back and get it.
I still can't figure out how ice melts under 29 degrees F.

Why do you think there is ice melting under 29 degrees F?
cause you all keep saying it. you have no evidence that the arctic has been warmer. The average temp is 27 degree F. So?

No evidence the arctic is warmer?


Sea ice area is lower, hotter temperatures, lower sea ice.


Oh, NASA sees temperatures rising.

The UAH sees them rising.


And some more
how can that be when their satellites failed? DOH!

What? You're not being coherent, and I don't even think you have much of a point here.
woah dude, you just admitted you don't have factual information. Now do you believe in a hypothesis or do you have factual information? Now again, that's funny.

NOAA and NASA are nothing...you are everything LOL ONLY YOU HAVE THE TRUTH LOL
Dude, NOAA and NASA admit they adjust the data records. You do get that right? People have asked for the explanation for the adjustments and they are silent. For me that means something ain't right with what their doing. Avoidance of an answer means a good one isn't available. you can live with their finagling good for you, me I don't. Especially when the weather isn't consistent with their readings and stations are not used and guesstimations are. And no one can prove back radiation exists. Seems like an important piece of data to state that a GHG is warming the planet. ouch!!!! It is my opinion, you just don't want the truth. I merely want the truth and seek the truth. Unfortunately, I don't have the truth other than the fact that they manipulate data.

Thawing spike marks early melt-season start in Greenland

Note: This story was updated on 5/16/2016 at 7 p.m. EDT with comments from Ted Scambos of the National Sea and Ice Data Center. |

On April 11, a dramatic early spike in melting of snow and ice at the surface of Greenland’s ice sheet prompted a Danish climate scientist to say that she and her colleagues were “incredulous.”

Now, there has been a second bout of unusual melting.

You can see both of them in the graph above from the National Snow and Ice Data Center, or NSIDC. It charts the percentage of the Greenland Ice Sheet experiencing surface melting. In both cases, the thaw exceeded 10 percent of the ice sheet’s area.

When I noticed the second spike, I reached out by email to Ted Scambos, lead scientist for the NSIDC science team, to get his reaction to what has been happening in the Arctic lately. Here was his reply:

The Arctic is going to go through hell this year. Both the sea ice and the Greenland surface melting. Snow cover will also set a record.

2016 is going to be a very interesting year.
what instrument is producing this information if I may ask?
what instrument is producing this information if I may ask?

You may ask, but we'll just tell you to get off your butt and actually read the links Old Rocks provided, which gave that information. Stop constantly asking for everyone to spoon feed you everything just because you're too lazy to read a link.

Dude, NOAA and NASA admit they adjust the data records. You do get that right? People have asked for the explanation for the adjustments and they are silent.

Also, stop being so dishonest. Such information has been given to you over and over, and in response you ignore it and lie about it. That's why nobody talks to you. It's been confirmed that you lie in response to everything, hence there's no point in talking to you or your cult buddies.

Now, back to the science. Greenland has another problem this year, Canadian wildfires. That means more soot on the ice, so more melt.

Arctic sea ice? JAXA says still a record low for the date. Which means ... the Japanese are part of the conspiracy too!

VIsualization Service of Horizontal scale Observations at Polar region
what instrument is producing this information if I may ask?

You may ask, but we'll just tell you to get off your butt and actually read the links Old Rocks provided, which gave that information. Stop constantly asking for everyone to spoon feed you everything just because you're too lazy to read a link.

Dude, NOAA and NASA admit they adjust the data records. You do get that right? People have asked for the explanation for the adjustments and they are silent.

Also, stop being so dishonest. Such information has been given to you over and over, and in response you ignore it and lie about it. That's why nobody talks to you. It's been confirmed that you lie in response to everything, hence there's no point in talking to you or your cult buddies.

Now, back to the science. Greenland has another problem this year, Canadian wildfires. That means more soot on the ice, so more melt.

Arctic sea ice? JAXA says still a record low for the date. Which means ... the Japanese are part of the conspiracy too!

VIsualization Service of Horizontal scale Observations at Polar region
well I don't understand, when this is being reported two days after that posted graph from the NSIDC;

Satellite Used to Record Sea Ice Data Malfunctions

Satellite Used to Record Sea Ice Data Malfunctions

By Emily Russell, May 17, 2016

"To help make that distinction, NSIDC captures an image of sea ice extent in the Arctic every day and posts daily updates online. The agency has since suspended the updates and removed all of April’s data from NSIDC’s archives."

Why would the scientist be scrambling then if there were other resources? Seems like perhaps the information isn't factual from the link you provided. hmmmmmmmmmm
what instrument is producing this information if I may ask?
Mercury rising: India records highest temperature ever
Source: CNN

(CNN)India recorded its highest ever temperature on Thursday when the heat in the town of Phalodi, in the western state of Rajasthan, shot up to a burning 51 degrees Celsius (123.8 degrees Fahrenheit).

It was the second day in a row the town experienced temperatures in excess of 50 degrees Celsius.

Other towns in the state, like Churu, also recorded highs of about 50 degrees Celsius (122 degrees Fahrenheit) on Thursday.
In New Delhi, the capital city of India, the temperature reached nearly 47 degrees Celsius on Wednesday.

The previous temperature record in India was held by Alwar, also in Rajasthan, at 50.6 degrees Celsius (123.1 Fahrenheit) in 1956. According to the Guinness Book of World Records, the highest temperature ever was recorded at 56.7 degrees Celsius (134 degrees Fahrenheit) in Death Valley, California on July 10, 1913.

Read more: India records highest temperature ever - CNN.com
what instrument is producing this information if I may ask?
Mercury rising: India records highest temperature ever
Source: CNN

(CNN)India recorded its highest ever temperature on Thursday when the heat in the town of Phalodi, in the western state of Rajasthan, shot up to a burning 51 degrees Celsius (123.8 degrees Fahrenheit).

It was the second day in a row the town experienced temperatures in excess of 50 degrees Celsius.

Other towns in the state, like Churu, also recorded highs of about 50 degrees Celsius (122 degrees Fahrenheit) on Thursday.
In New Delhi, the capital city of India, the temperature reached nearly 47 degrees Celsius on Wednesday.

The previous temperature record in India was held by Alwar, also in Rajasthan, at 50.6 degrees Celsius (123.1 Fahrenheit) in 1956. According to the Guinness Book of World Records, the highest temperature ever was recorded at 56.7 degrees Celsius (134 degrees Fahrenheit) in Death Valley, California on July 10, 1913.

Read more: India records highest temperature ever - CNN.com
well thanks, not sure why I needed that when my question was for the arctic.
well thanks, not sure why I needed that when my question was for the arctic.
You do not matter ..you are some ignorant weirdo who thinks that you know more about Climate than Scientist do LOL
As I stated once, I don't know more than them, I just know they are wrong and have admitted such by neglecting to produce the data that they claim the hypothesis off of and climategate. Plus, no experimental data means a step was missed in your scientific process. How do you explain that miss? Nope, I only know they don't know. That's it.

Which means you are following a fraud. Nice.
what instrument is producing this information if I may ask?

You may ask, but we'll just tell you to get off your butt and actually read the links Old Rocks provided, which gave that information. Stop constantly asking for everyone to spoon feed you everything just because you're too lazy to read a link.

Dude, NOAA and NASA admit they adjust the data records. You do get that right? People have asked for the explanation for the adjustments and they are silent.

Also, stop being so dishonest. Such information has been given to you over and over, and in response you ignore it and lie about it. That's why nobody talks to you. It's been confirmed that you lie in response to everything, hence there's no point in talking to you or your cult buddies.

Now, back to the science. Greenland has another problem this year, Canadian wildfires. That means more soot on the ice, so more melt.

Arctic sea ice? JAXA says still a record low for the date. Which means ... the Japanese are part of the conspiracy too!

VIsualization Service of Horizontal scale Observations at Polar region
and then there is this report from April 29:

National Snow and Ice Data Center loses ‘eye in the sky’

Looking for alternatives


"“We really don’t have the information we want about what the Arctic sea ice is doing,” Serreze said. “There are other satellite sensors up there that we can make use of, but we lost this eye in the sky and there is a lot of other data products that we make at NSIDC that are also affected by this.”"

So again the question is, what instrument was used to collect that graph? hahahhahahahahahahaa I love factual information. It would be nice to see it back.
Thawing spike marks early melt-season start in Greenland

Note: This story was updated on 5/16/2016 at 7 p.m. EDT with comments from Ted Scambos of the National Sea and Ice Data Center. |
On April 11, a dramatic early spike in melting of snow and ice at the surface of Greenland’s ice sheet prompted a Danish climate scientist to say that she and her colleagues were “incredulous.”
Now, there has been a second bout of unusual melting.
You can see both of them in the graph above from the National Snow and Ice Data Center, or NSIDC. It charts the percentage of the Greenland Ice Sheet experiencing surface melting. In both cases, the thaw exceeded 10 percent of the ice sheet’s area.

When I noticed the second spike, I reached out by email to Ted Scambos, lead scientist for the NSIDC science team, to get his reaction to what has been happening in the Arctic lately. Here was his reply:
The Arctic is going to go through hell this year. Both the sea ice and the Greenland surface melting. Snow cover will also set a record.

2016 is going to be a very interesting year.

Old Crock, why did you cherry pick your source you filthy liar! Yep, if others do not quote the whole article, they are hiding stuff according to Old Crock, but if Old Crock don't follow his own rules that is fine and dandy! You are one filthy hypocrite of a liar Old Crock, hey, if it quacks like a duck, it must be a duck. The article is not science, it is conjecture at best, but seeing how these assholes know more than us, they simply made up propaganda!

Old Crock is one filthy hypocrite of a liar, cherry picking after you accuse others, than you do the same damn thing, Crock!

Here is what Old Crock is hiding!

Thawing spike marks early melt-season start in Greenland
Scambos emphasized that he wasn’t basing his prediction on a rigorous analysis of data. Instead:

I’m going on ‘duck test’ here: if it walks like a duck, and it quacks like a duck…

The quacking so far this year has been rather loud all around the the high north, with unusual and persistent warmth, large-scale fracturing of Arctic sea ice, plunging sea ice extent (more about that in a minute), and the two spikes in Greenland surface melting.

You know why this is qualified as not being based on analysis of the data, because if he did that, then he could not blame global warming, he leaves that to our imagination, cause it, "quacks like a duck". But this jerk left out a High Pressure system that caused a break up of the ice which has nothing to do with HEAT! A "rigorous analysis of data", would reveal this, and he would have to include that fact in his article, but the article is nothing more than duck quacking, so it is left out.

Beaufort Sea fractured ice due to strong Beaufort Gyre action – not early melt
Beaufort Sea fractured ice due to strong Beaufort Gyre action – not early melt
Posted on May 12, 2016 | Comments Offon Beaufort Sea fractured ice due to strong Beaufort Gyre action – not early melt
The Canadian Ice Service has a cool NASA animated video showing the Beaufort Gyre in action – you can actually see the solid mass of ice crack and swirl west and north under the pressure of the massive corkscrew current – see it here (tips on getting yourself oriented in the video below the screencap):

The big ‘bite” of ice being torn out to the south of Banks Island is theAmundsen Gulf.

The caption for the NASA video says this (my bold):

“MODIS Terra imagery taken between April 4 and May 3, 2016 of the Beaufort Sea. The animation highlights the gradual ice breakup due to the Beaufort gyre.

So, early breakup here is due to Beaufort Gyre action – not early seasonal melt.
well, at least it is good news for the polar bears, not good news for the Global Warming nuts that are running around quackin like ducks
All the words in the world doesn't match the science below...

The 5 day NSIDC extent now the lowest ever recorded for May, at 11.787 million km2. This beats the value set on May 31st, last year, of 11.816 million km2

You are going to dismiss, "words" as not science, and define your colored drawing as, "science", to attempt to save your narrative.

Well, too bad about the facts, and that is facts taken from NASA,

The Canadian Ice Service has a cool NASA animated video showing the Beaufort Gyre in action – you can actually see the solid mass of ice crack and swirl west and north under the pressure of the massive corkscrew current – see it here(tips on getting yourself oriented in the video below the screencap):
All the words in the world doesn't match the science below...

The 5 day NSIDC extent now the lowest ever recorded for May, at 11.787 million km2. This beats the value set on May 31st, last year, of 11.816 million km2

You are going to dismiss, "words" as not science, and define your colored drawing as, "science", to attempt to save your narrative.

Well, too bad about the facts, and that is facts taken from NASA,

The Canadian Ice Service has a cool NASA animated video showing the Beaufort Gyre in action – you can actually see the solid mass of ice crack and swirl west and north under the pressure of the massive corkscrew current – see it here(tips on getting yourself oriented in the video below the screencap):

I'll take the word of the people that work in the field of sea ice.

Earliest date for IJIS sea ice extent to drop below 11,000,000 km2

1. May 20, 2016
2. May 29, 2015
3. June 3, 2011

Average date
2003-2015: June 9
2000s: June 15
1990s: June 24
1980s: July 3
I'll take the word of the people that work in the field of sea ice.

Canadian Scientists that disagree do not count? Now that is objective Science, simply ignore Scientific fact you disagree with. Sorry Matthew, but the Arctic melt was not early, Arctic ice is not at record lows, and Ocean Currents did break up the ice.

Even Mattpews favorite link confirms what the Canadian Scientists report.

Greenland Ice Sheet Today | Surface Melt Data presented by NSIDC
Arctic sea ice has passed its annual maximum extent and is beginning its seasonal decline through the spring and summer. While total extent was not at record low

Ice fracturing continued north of Alaska, and the Arctic Oscillation was in a strongly negative phase during the second half of the month, with unusually high sea level pressure over almost all of the Arctic Ocean.

Arctic sea ice extent in March 2013 averaged 15.04 million square kilometers (5.81 million square miles).
610,000 square kilometers (236,000 square miles) above the record low for the month, which happened in 2006
Thawing spike marks early melt-season start in Greenland

Note: This story was updated on 5/16/2016 at 7 p.m. EDT with comments from Ted Scambos of the National Sea and Ice Data Center. |
On April 11, a dramatic early spike in melting of snow and ice at the surface of Greenland’s ice sheet prompted a Danish climate scientist to say that she and her colleagues were “incredulous.”
Now, there has been a second bout of unusual melting.
You can see both of them in the graph above from the National Snow and Ice Data Center, or NSIDC. It charts the percentage of the Greenland Ice Sheet experiencing surface melting. In both cases, the thaw exceeded 10 percent of the ice sheet’s area.

When I noticed the second spike, I reached out by email to Ted Scambos, lead scientist for the NSIDC science team, to get his reaction to what has been happening in the Arctic lately. Here was his reply:
The Arctic is going to go through hell this year. Both the sea ice and the Greenland surface melting. Snow cover will also set a record.

2016 is going to be a very interesting year.

Old Crock, why did you cherry pick your source you filthy liar!

He provided a link to the article and did not quote the entire text because THAT IS WHAT THE RULES OF THIS BOARD REQUIRE YOU FUCKING IDIOT.
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He provided a link to the article and did not quote the entire text because THAT IS WHAT THE RULES OF THIS BOARD REQUIRE YOU FUCKING IDIOT.
Really, asshole, maybe if your ears were not full of shit cause your head is up your ass all the time you would comprehend what you read, old crock pulled the same bullshit with me so I gave it back to him, buy you filthy hypocrites don't follow the rules you demand others to follow, so go buy yourself a whole bunch of q-tips and clean your ears.

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