That was a real bright statement considering welfare per capita is higher in the rual areas than in the metro areas.
USDA ERS - Rural Poverty Well-being Geography of Poverty

Why? Because it destroy's your generalized opinion?
But then I am not surprised by your comment at all. You're so predictable. Particularly when you make an opinionated statement that doesn't jive with reality. But just keep on being you. :cool-45:
No because it's irrelevant. It is one factoid in a cluster of many. But because you are stupid, as you continually demonstrate, it suddenly occupies sole position in the debate.

And just think, even with all the liabilities you claim I have, I still own you when it comes to debating. But then, who doesn't?
It's like the last encounter we had when you actually used a link to back yourself up. (which is a rare occurrence) Problem is, your link actually backed me up. :funnyface: ! You should probably make sure any link you use actually is going to benefit you instead of contradict you. [emoji23]
You'bve nevert won a debate with me. You always post crap you can't explain. When I challenge you to explain whatever graph or chart you deflect and call names.
You're pitiful. Like now.
I point out you mention one point of fact amid a gallaxy of others and you think you're the big swinging dick.
The truth is big cities breed a welfare mentality where people only sit around waiting to see what government will deliver. That's why poor black people in New Orleans during Katrina were the government's responsibility while middle class people in Iowa during their floods pitched in and helped each other.
:dig:, fake Rabbi, :dig:

Got some actual stats on that? No, you don't. Guess you forgot what category Katrina was as a hurricane. But the racist undertone in your swill is noted. The GOP really needs you as it's PR man in 2016. You should take the job.

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Either Hillary wins or Chris Christie does. Rand Paul, Jeb Bush, Elizabeth Warren are potential candidates that could get there though.
I have much doubt Christie will even run.
I'd take that bet.

As would I...I think Christie running is a no-brainer, though I think he's got a bit of a hill to climb.
He will be out of breath when he gets to the top of the hill. ...

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Who do Boehner and McConnell want to run for President? That will be the determining factor in whether or not Christie will run.

The old guard Republican Establishment is firmly back in charge of the GOP. The Tea Party is out. And the old guard will decide who will be the nominee, just as they decided it was going to be Romney in 2012.

So from that perspective, Christie has a better chance than Cruz.

But Paul Ryan has a better chance than Christie.
I think Ted Cruz is going to sky rocket to the top of the list after he announces he's running, and stay there. Especially if he picks a Trey Gowdy, or Allen West, or Mike Lee as his VP. It's an absolute win/win.

Ted Cruz is not qualified to be president, he isnt a natural born citizen.
Neither is Barry, so that tidbit is irrelevant.
Funny that you call him Barry, a name he adopted because Barack sounded foreign. But he went back to using Barack, and proudly.

Contrast this with Piyush "Bobby" Jindal, who adopted Bobby because Piyush sounded foreign. But he keeps using Bobby. Apparently he is still ashamed of his birth name.
I call him Barry because THAT'S HIS NAME, and HE didn't adopt it, it was GIVEN to him as his adopted name, BARRY SOETORO, because his mother MARRIED, LOLO SOETORO, and they moved to Indonesia where little BARRY was RAISED AS A MUSLIM.

Now if you can find me ANY SHRED of evidence, where BARRY gave up his Indonesian citizenship, and changed his name back to Barack Obama, I'd love to see it.

well whoever he is he has denied being born out of country.....Cruz has Cruz cannot run for president
For health care, I believe we should get rid of employer sponsored health insurance, and that everyone should be buying their health insurance the same way we buy our auto, life, and home insurance.

So when you look at where we are now and where I think we should be, to suggest I am asking for comprehensive GOVERNMENT solutions is downright hysterical.
IOW you have no effing idea what the hell you are talking about.

And you are two personalities. One second you are asking for republican "comprehensive" government solutions to everything, the next second you claim you never asked for "comprehensive" government solutions.
Nope. You are hallucinating. You MADE UP the word "government" in my post. I never said government solutions.

Open your fucking eyes and look.

The only schizo here is you. Seeing things that are not there.
You're an effing moron. You said republicans must have comprehensive solutions for every toe nail injury or they won't stand a chance. How the effing hell did you propose a POLITICAL PARTY OF OUR government (REPUBLICANS) come up with a COMPREHENSIVE SOLUTION WITH THE WEIGHT OF LAW FOR PEOPLE TO VOTE FOR THAT IS NOT A GOVERNMENT SOLUTION, YA MORON?

Once again, you are hallucinating. I did not say the Republicans need comprehensive plans for small shit. I quite clearly said they have not offered any comprehensive solutions to the issues that actually matter.

And like it or not, health care matters. The GOP has chosen to ignore the problem for decades. They abdicated the issue to the Democrats and now we have ObamaCare. And still the GOP refuses to offer up any alternative comprehensive solutions to this very important problem that affects the lives of every single American.

All we get from the Right these days is a lot of whining about Obama golf games and how many times he did or did not use "God" in a Thanksgiving speech. And a whole lot of puerile and asinine plays on his name. It's a constant drone of whining and pessimism and fearmongering and shitting in their own pants. They sound more and more like the Left of the 1970s. Whiners and moaners and pants shitters and appeasers.

And I already anticipated the question you felt the need to shout in all caps. I asked you a while ago, is "Repeal ObamaCare" a "government solution"?

Answer, please, so we may proceed from there.
oh...well we just need COMPREHENSIVE GOVERNMENT SOLUTIONS FOR ALL THE THINGS THAT REALLY MATTER LIKE HEALTH CARE. Cause there is no way in hell people can get health care from their doctor without a government acting as middle man for every transaction between your doctor and you. ROFL

Were you in the military or something? I'm trying to figure out why you think you need government to take my income to pay for your health care, and further why you need government to make sure I don't get health care unless you are getting free or greatly reduced cost health care using my income.

Repeal ObamaCare most certainly is a government solution to the problems caused by ObamaCare. The people are not allowed to repeal ObamaCare unless we have an armed insurrection. I'd rather we do this peacefully.
Either Hillary wins or Chris Christie does. Rand Paul, Jeb Bush, Elizabeth Warren are potential candidates that could get there though.
I have much doubt Christie will even run.
I'd take that bet.

As would I...I think Christie running is a no-brainer, though I think he's got a bit of a hill to climb.
He will be out of breath when he gets to the top of the hill. ...

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

That was a real bright statement considering welfare per capita is higher in the rual areas than in the metro areas.
USDA ERS - Rural Poverty Well-being Geography of Poverty

Why? Because it destroy's your generalized opinion?
But then I am not surprised by your comment at all. You're so predictable. Particularly when you make an opinionated statement that doesn't jive with reality. But just keep on being you. :cool-45:
No because it's irrelevant. It is one factoid in a cluster of many. But because you are stupid, as you continually demonstrate, it suddenly occupies sole position in the debate.

And just think, even with all the liabilities you claim I have, I still own you when it comes to debating. But then, who doesn't?
It's like the last encounter we had when you actually used a link to back yourself up. (which is a rare occurrence) Problem is, your link actually backed me up. :funnyface: ! You should probably make sure any link you use actually is going to benefit you instead of contradict you. :laugh:
You'bve nevert won a debate with me. You always post crap you can't explain. When I challenge you to explain whatever graph or chart you deflect and call names.
You're pitiful. Like now.
I point out you mention one point of fact amid a gallaxy of others and you think you're the big swinging dick.
The truth is big cities breed a welfare mentality where people only sit around waiting to see what government will deliver. That's why poor black people in New Orleans during Katrina were the government's responsibility while middle class people in Iowa during their floods pitched in and helped each other.

images5A4CNSBC.jpg loser.jpg
For health care, I believe we should get rid of employer sponsored health insurance, and that everyone should be buying their health insurance the same way we buy our auto, life, and home insurance.

So when you look at where we are now and where I think we should be, to suggest I am asking for comprehensive GOVERNMENT solutions is downright hysterical.
IOW you have no effing idea what the hell you are talking about.

And you are two personalities. One second you are asking for republican "comprehensive" government solutions to everything, the next second you claim you never asked for "comprehensive" government solutions.
Nope. You are hallucinating. You MADE UP the word "government" in my post. I never said government solutions.

Open your fucking eyes and look.

The only schizo here is you. Seeing things that are not there.
You're an effing moron. You said republicans must have comprehensive solutions for every toe nail injury or they won't stand a chance. How the effing hell did you propose a POLITICAL PARTY OF OUR government (REPUBLICANS) come up with a COMPREHENSIVE SOLUTION WITH THE WEIGHT OF LAW FOR PEOPLE TO VOTE FOR THAT IS NOT A GOVERNMENT SOLUTION, YA MORON?

Once again, you are hallucinating. I did not say the Republicans need comprehensive plans for small shit. I quite clearly said they have not offered any comprehensive solutions to the issues that actually matter.

And like it or not, health care matters. The GOP has chosen to ignore the problem for decades. They abdicated the issue to the Democrats and now we have ObamaCare. And still the GOP refuses to offer up any alternative comprehensive solutions to this very important problem that affects the lives of every single American.

All we get from the Right these days is a lot of whining about Obama golf games and how many times he did or did not use "God" in a Thanksgiving speech. And a whole lot of puerile and asinine plays on his name. It's a constant drone of whining and pessimism and fearmongering and shitting in their own pants. They sound more and more like the Left of the 1970s. Whiners and moaners and pants shitters and appeasers.

And I already anticipated the question you felt the need to shout in all caps. I asked you a while ago, is "Repeal ObamaCare" a "government solution"?

Answer, please, so we may proceed from there.
oh...well we just need COMPREHENSIVE GOVERNMENT SOLUTIONS FOR ALL THE THINGS THAT REALLY MATTER LIKE HEALTH CARE. Cause there is no way in hell people can get health care from their doctor without a government acting as middle man for every transaction between your doctor and you. ROFL

Why are you going to so much trouble to manufacture straw man fallacies about where I stand on health care when I have written quite clear posts on what I think a comprehensive solution should include???

This is truly bizarre behavior on your part. You have invented a political belief system for me to which I do not subscribe. Why are you doing this? You look and sound like a fool.

Repeal ObamaCare most certainly is a government solution to the problems caused by ObamaCare. The people are not allowed to repeal ObamaCare unless we have an armed insurrection. I'd rather we do this peacefully.

Okay, now we can proceed. Your hangup over "government solutions" is evaporated since you yourself believe repealing ObamaCare is itself a government solution.

The government has fucked up our health care system, so it is an unavoidable fact it will require government to unfuck it up. It will require government action to solve the problems.

Now, to repeat myself for your sake in the hopes it will finally get through to you, I believe we need to remove government from health care as much as possible. This will take a lot of legislation to achieve.

The irony of this is the GOP will have to act hypocritically. After whining that ObamaCare legislation was "too many pages", it will take a lot more pages to undo the damage that has accumulated over the past century.

Just as an aside, the GOP could not have done more to shoot itself in the foot by openly admitting that reading a lot is just too mentally challenging when they whined about page count. "We're just too dumb to want to read that much!" That's the message I got, and probably most people got.

Here is my position. And you can search this forum going back years, and you will find I have consistently said this since I arrived here: We need to eliminate employer sponsored health insurance, and everyone should be buying their health insurance the same way they buy their home, auto, and life insurance.

Now what do I mean by "eliminate employer sponsored health insurance"? Some people might thing I just said "ban employer sponsored health insurance". But that is not what I am saying. I would not outlaw it. That would be government involvement, right?

No, I would just take away the massive tax exemption for employer sponsored health insurance. The tax exemption is an artificial government support. This is a HUGE government tit. Huge government involvement in the market place. And as a result, the cost curve of health insurance is bent upward.

Take away the tax exemption, and you take away the incentive for employer sponsored health insurance to exist. It would die a natural and long overdue death.

Just ask any economist, they will tell you that employer sponsored health insurance is one of the biggest drivers of rising health care costs.

So. You pick up your phone and call any health insurance provider in the country and choose your insurance options for yourself. You have bargaining power because there would be a galaxy of other companies competing with each other just like there is for auto, home, and life insurance.

Today, you are completely hostage to what your employer offers. And your employer is hostage to the government deliberately limiting the health care networks they have access to. All of this drives up cost.

Not only that, the government is deeply embedded in the health care market in myriad ways, and it gets to write the rules for its competitors! We've all seen how that has worked out.

That's pretty fucked up.

So there you go.

And I am serious. Go back and look over the years at my posts on health care. You will find I have been totally consistent in my positions.
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Either Hillary wins or Chris Christie does. Rand Paul, Jeb Bush, Elizabeth Warren are potential candidates that could get there though.
I have much doubt Christie will even run.
I'd take that bet.

As would I...I think Christie running is a no-brainer, though I think he's got a bit of a hill to climb.
That's not going to look pretty. My bet is 1/4 mile before he runs out of breath

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