They don't all have a 50-50 chance. Who do you think can beat Hillary?
Everyone except for Cruz. What is wrong with you? Hillary is yesterdays news. The world moves on, and judging by the 2014 elections and her quips about being dead broke, she's yesterday's news.
The Clinton's weren't dead broke?? Were you their accountant?
Hillary Clinton says she and Bill were dead broke PolitiFact

Yeah, so?

I think the Romney's had to eat tuna and iron their money on the same ironing board. LOL!
That was entertaining.
I saw a guy with a dyed beard today. That was entertaining, too. :p

Well, if your level is that low, I can imagine that that could have been entertaining. Perhaps a trailer park for you?
I'm all about white class, not white trash. :)

Then you might want to consider changing your avatar. Just a suggestion.
I would but it seems to infuriate the smaller brains. Think I'll keep it for a time. :)

I guess that's as close to admitting the reason you chose that avatar as you're gonna get. Coward.
I saw a guy with a dyed beard today. That was entertaining, too. :p

Well, if your level is that low, I can imagine that that could have been entertaining. Perhaps a trailer park for you?
I'm all about white class, not white trash. :)

Then you might want to consider changing your avatar. Just a suggestion.
I would but it seems to infuriate the smaller brains. Think I'll keep it for a time. :)

I guess that's as close to admitting the reason you chose that avatar as you're gonna get. Coward.
Carla_Danger mad mad. lol.
The next person to announce an exploratory committee will do so by January 15th.

Pretty sure this is right. Short list for those who seem to be hinting at an announcement soon: Santorum, Sanders, Christie, Rubio, Paul, O'Malley

I think it'll come from the GOP, so I'm looking at Santorum chiefly. Think Democrats are waiting for Hillary.

Biden and Warren probably are, but I think O'Malley and especially Sanders don't care. O'Malley's election embarrassment set him back though.
The next person to announce an exploratory committee will do so by January 15th.

Pretty sure this is right. Short list for those who seem to be hinting at an announcement soon: Santorum, Sanders, Christie, Rubio, Paul, O'Malley

I think it'll come from the GOP, so I'm looking at Santorum chiefly. Think Democrats are waiting for Hillary.

All are waiting on Hillary. No GOPer wants to declare before she declares. There is a reason for this.
From @WisVoter: Scott Walker "got 22.7% of the vote in WI's biggest city last month, a modern-day low for governor."…
I can't imagine why Republicans don't do well in shit holes. `That's Democrat territory. The better areas outside put and kept him in office three times in four years.
Big ugly cities are filled with welfare class people who only want to be told government is going to give them more. Other places have people who want to make something of themselves.
From @WisVoter: Scott Walker "got 22.7% of the vote in WI's biggest city last month, a modern-day low for governor."…
I can't imagine why Republicans don't do well in shit holes. `That's Democrat territory. The better areas outside put and kept him in office three times in four years.
Big ugly cities are filled with welfare class people who only want to be told government is going to give them more. Other places have people who want to make something of themselves.

That was a real bright statement considering welfare per capita is higher in the rual areas than in the metro areas.
USDA ERS - Rural Poverty Well-being Geography of Poverty
From @WisVoter: Scott Walker "got 22.7% of the vote in WI's biggest city last month, a modern-day low for governor."…
I can't imagine why Republicans don't do well in shit holes. `That's Democrat territory. The better areas outside put and kept him in office three times in four years.
Big ugly cities are filled with welfare class people who only want to be told government is going to give them more. Other places have people who want to make something of themselves.

That was a real bright statement considering welfare per capita is higher in the rual areas than in the metro areas.
USDA ERS - Rural Poverty Well-being Geography of Poverty
Concentrations of parasites make big American cities shit holes. That should not be hard to understand. I'm sure there's a neighborhood near you, or more likely, just look out your window.
From @WisVoter: Scott Walker "got 22.7% of the vote in WI's biggest city last month, a modern-day low for governor."…
I can't imagine why Republicans don't do well in shit holes. `That's Democrat territory. The better areas outside put and kept him in office three times in four years.
Big ugly cities are filled with welfare class people who only want to be told government is going to give them more. Other places have people who want to make something of themselves.

That was a real bright statement considering welfare per capita is higher in the rual areas than in the metro areas.
USDA ERS - Rural Poverty Well-being Geography of Poverty
Concentrations of parasites make big American cities shit holes. That should not be hard to understand. I'm sure there's a neighborhood near you, or more likely, just look out your window.

Actually, I live in a middle class-upper middle class neighborhood. The poverty rate in the city isn't bad, as it is a couple points below the national average, but in the suburbs it's high. We really don't have any ghetto area's ala shit hole areas in either the city or the suburbs being it's not concentrated poverty..
From @WisVoter: Scott Walker "got 22.7% of the vote in WI's biggest city last month, a modern-day low for governor."…
I can't imagine why Republicans don't do well in shit holes. `That's Democrat territory. The better areas outside put and kept him in office three times in four years.
Big ugly cities are filled with welfare class people who only want to be told government is going to give them more. Other places have people who want to make something of themselves.

That was a real bright statement considering welfare per capita is higher in the rual areas than in the metro areas.
USDA ERS - Rural Poverty Well-being Geography of Poverty
From @WisVoter: Scott Walker "got 22.7% of the vote in WI's biggest city last month, a modern-day low for governor."…
I can't imagine why Republicans don't do well in shit holes. `That's Democrat territory. The better areas outside put and kept him in office three times in four years.
Big ugly cities are filled with welfare class people who only want to be told government is going to give them more. Other places have people who want to make something of themselves.

That was a real bright statement considering welfare per capita is higher in the rual areas than in the metro areas.
USDA ERS - Rural Poverty Well-being Geography of Poverty

Why? Because it destroy's your generalized opinion?
But then I am not surprised by your comment at all. You're so predictable. Particularly when you make an opinionated statement that doesn't jive with reality. But just keep on being you. :cool-45:
From @WisVoter: Scott Walker "got 22.7% of the vote in WI's biggest city last month, a modern-day low for governor."…
I can't imagine why Republicans don't do well in shit holes. `That's Democrat territory. The better areas outside put and kept him in office three times in four years.
Big ugly cities are filled with welfare class people who only want to be told government is going to give them more. Other places have people who want to make something of themselves.
Big cities are dynamic, diverse and so interesting. Lots to do, activity, hustle and bustle... I lived in a small city, farm community for 10 years and I was bored to tears.

People are different and needs change. This black and white thinking of yours is really tedious.
From @WisVoter: Scott Walker "got 22.7% of the vote in WI's biggest city last month, a modern-day low for governor."…
I can't imagine why Republicans don't do well in shit holes. `That's Democrat territory. The better areas outside put and kept him in office three times in four years.
Big ugly cities are filled with welfare class people who only want to be told government is going to give them more. Other places have people who want to make something of themselves.

That was a real bright statement considering welfare per capita is higher in the rual areas than in the metro areas.
USDA ERS - Rural Poverty Well-being Geography of Poverty

Why? Because it destroy's your generalized opinion?
But then I am not surprised by your comment at all. You're so predictable. Particularly when you make an opinionated statement that doesn't jive with reality. But just keep on being you. :cool-45:

Happy New Year, Kiwiman!

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