2020 Arizona Election Audit Release: September 24, 2021

I think due to this report coming out Trump had to find anyone who would try to validate wide spread voter fraud. So, regardless of who won Texas, it's the state's politicians willing to run with the scam.
He knows what a sycophant Abbott is, so no doubt he's confident in some kind of "win".
Nothing is going to change between now and 1pm. Biden will still have more votes. He has had more votes since last November.
Waiting for the one pm release Because want this whole who won thing over, and this release could end the mess for many people. and yes do realize that no mater what the result some will never give up.
He knows what a sycophant Abbott is, so no doubt he's confident in some kind of "win".
How much much money is the repub party willing to waste, trying to pacify the Liar in Chief? MIllions....Billions....Trillions?
PHOENIX (AP) — The long-delayed results of a much-criticized review of 2020 election results in Arizona’s most populous county — which a lawyer for the Republican-controlled state Senate told a judge late last week would be delivered this week — are now set to be publicly unveiled in the Senate at 1 p.m. Friday, September 24, 2021.

Results of long-running Cyber Ninjas putative audit of 2020 election results in Arizona’s Maricopa County to be released Friday

Here's what to expect: Five presenters will deliver reports in the Senate chamber, followed by a news conference. There are at least 7 findings to watch for.

According to Rachel Maddow on Thursday night, she and other news outlets already received a draft copy; however, she did not release any details. The formal release will be unveiled in the Arizona State Senate at 1:00 p.m. Friday. I have not seen a link to the draft copy, but I will post the formal release when it becomes available - unless someone beats me to it.

Should be an interesting news day...
I'm confused. Are you saying that this election audit was a biased farce? Are you saying that the Az audit results shouldn't be trusted?
I have not yet written off Az from my retirement home "bucket list." It has legal weed, but no water (or agriculture is sacrificed) and housing prices skyrocketed a couple of years back. I'd thought about Sun City where my dad played golf everyday for about ten years, but my wife wouldn't like it, and the courses are probably brown ... but I can still dream. LOL
How does that 60's anti-war song go? "Where have all the Flowers Gone."

Where have all the MAGA gone?

So another audit showed Trump lost

What does that mean?
Time for another audit

Time for a new, more expansive conspiracy.

Its already started. These poor rubes never take the comic failure of their LAST conspiracy as an indication that they don't know what the fuck they're talking about.

They just pivot to a NEW conspiracy.

Brainwash. Rinse. Repeat.
How does that 60's anti-war song go? "Where have all the Flowers Gone."

Where have all the MAGA gone?


They're waiting for FOX news, Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson to tell them what to say and think in tonight's broadcast.

They'll be back tomorrow apeing whatever is on Fox Primetime tonight.

These aren't the sharpest knives in the drawer.
I'm confused. Are you saying that this election audit was a biased farce? Are you saying that the Az audit results shouldn't be trusted?

It's like a poll. You don't know if it can be trusted until you compare it to the results of the other polls. "Outliers" can't be trusted.
They're waiting for FOX news, Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson to tell them what to say and think in tonight's broadcast.

They'll be back tomorrow apeing whatever is on Fox Primetime tonight.

These aren't the sharpest knives in the drawer.
"The Cyber Ninjas has been infiltrated by ANTIFA!":abgg2q.jpg:

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