2020 Arizona Election Audit Release: September 24, 2021

Some are knowingly. Others, I don't know. I know a lot of republicans. Many like to drop a stolen elections thing, reminding me more of party solidarity statement, more than actual belief. These are often people you just don't get up in their face, contradicting their beliefs except at your own peril, physically, yet a quiet word from me, and they drop it quickly. Too quickly, for it to be any kind of core belief, even in groups of republican when I am the only one calling Bullsh#t.
They suffer from mental illness.
trump won Texass....why are they preparing to audit there? Is the idea to waste as much money as possible? I mean, if it is repub party money, I am all for it.
The idea is simple. If they can find "fraud", it means that the legislature (currently republican controlled) should be given the power to override fraudulent election results.

In short. Any election a democrat wins, would be considered fraudulent.
PHOENIX (AP) — The long-delayed results of a much-criticized review of 2020 election results in Arizona’s most populous county — which a lawyer for the Republican-controlled state Senate told a judge late last week would be delivered this week — are now set to be publicly unveiled in the Senate at 1 p.m. Friday, September 24, 2021.

Results of long-running Cyber Ninjas putative audit of 2020 election results in Arizona’s Maricopa County to be released Friday

Here's what to expect: Five presenters will deliver reports in the Senate chamber, followed by a news conference. There are at least 7 findings to watch for.

According to Rachel Maddow on Thursday night, she and other news outlets already received a draft copy; however, she did not release any details. The formal release will be unveiled in the Arizona State Senate at 1:00 p.m. Friday. I have not seen a link to the draft copy, but I will post the formal release when it becomes available - unless someone beats me to it.

Should be an interesting news day...

Voter fraud is fake news !!!

You pathetic losers just can't admit you lost
Wah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My fat dumb old orange bastard lost. Wah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You know, he could have admitted that he lost in November, 2020 and gone on with his slimy life. But he could not do that. He decides he wants to lose over and over and over and over and.....you get the message?
It put a lot of money into the pocket of nutcase repubs. That is what it did. I am sure trump is coming up with an excuse why he lost votes in the audit as I type. He will have to go way over the edge to explain his way out of this one.

And shortly, the GOP will shut down the government because they don't want to pay for the deficit spending from the trump years.

Gee, I dunno because handcounts are always slightly off from the machine vote. ALWAYS so when the votes only changed a couple of hundred votes in either direction, it means nothing and still is statistically the same number of votes or FRAUD votes for each candidate. But watch you spin shit and try to make it out to be something...why do libs lie and play games about everything? All the time.
The idea is simple. If they can find "fraud", it means that the legislature (currently republican controlled) should be given the power to override fraudulent election results.

In short. Any election a democrat wins, would be considered fraudulent.
Republicans are setting the table for future elections

Authorize partisan legislatures to overturn
“Fraudulent” elections and then only audit districts Dems won for fraud
Well that's it for the Cyber Ninjas clown show. Issue about routers and who's paying for new voter machines was settled days ago. It was fun while it lasted.
Who is paying for the new voting machines?
trump won Texass....why are they preparing to audit there? Is the idea to waste as much money as possible? I mean, if it is repub party money, I am all for it.
Why? To subvert democracy. They know generally speaking, this country is going more liberal and a minority agree with their policies. The ONLY way they can even try to remain competitive is to create uncertainty about the fairness and legality of elections while attempting to pass laws to assist in LIMITING the number of people that vote in a democracy. They are anti-democracy traitors.
The results don't matter nearly as much as the side that can spin the story the best, will win the day.
It only makes sense. With the audit results either leave the results in place, or reverse the results. In short the loser has a chance to win, and at worst has nothing to lose.
Exactly. why audit the loser when the goal is to reverse an election? LOL
The excuses and spin are gonna be mind boggling....I want to hear what the Liar in Chief says....if he says anything.

Republicans are pathetic trash.

There was no election fraud. There is not a shred of evidence of election fraud.

Pathetic trash Trumpers just can't man the fuck up and admit the truth, there was no fraud.

Pathetic weak trash.
TRUMP deletes

rump Deletes Statement Praising ‘Auditors’​

Former President Donald Trump’s statement from last night praising the “highly respected auditors” has been deleted from his website now that a draft report shows that the Arizona “audit” found that Joe Biden ‘s victory was actually larger than previously counted, ABC News reports.
Morons want to audit Texas a state they won Are they really batshit crazy?
No DARLING--they are showing a pattern where the dems try or actually do cheat in every state.........Texas audit by the STATE wouldn't have as many dems in a position to hide evidence and hamper auditors.
Gee, I dunno because handcounts are always slightly off from the machine vote. ALWAYS so when the votes only changed a couple of hundred votes in either direction, it means nothing and still is statistically the same number of votes or FRAUD votes for each candidate. But watch you spin shit and try to make it out to be something...why do libs lie and play games about everything? All the time.

This result is devastating for reublicans. It's like finding out that the $80,000 corvette, built by machines and ordinary GM autoworkers, on an assembly line, is the same as a $190,000 Ferrari built completely by hand by select highly skilled workers.
Republicans are setting the table for future elections

Authorize partisan legislatures to overturn
“Fraudulent” elections and then only audit districts Dems won for fraud
Yup, they are thinking of future elections. trump is thinking about 2024. By that time, if the repub does not understand that he is a worthless serial liar....they will get what they deserve.

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