2020 Arizona Election Audit Release: September 24, 2021

Its so over.

Trump and his merry band of trash are in disarray right now !!!!! They don't know what lie to try and spin in order to not look pathetically stupid.

The Big Lie has been debunked and Trumpers are going crazy !!!

Trump has created such a big web of total lies, and it is all about to collapse.

Its been over since about November 9th, 2020.
For liars and traitors it was. Thanks for confirming who and what you are.

Or anyone who was intested in the actual election results. Remember...the Big Lie has been enormous, comic failure.

1) Every count, recount, hand count, automated count, forensic count, official count, certified count, and electoral count confirms the exact same thing: Biden won.
2) These idiots lost essentially every lawsuit they ever filed.
3) Trump voluntarily dismissed his own 'election fraud' trial when it became apparent he was going to have to present evidence to back his Big Lie.
4) Trump's own campaign determined that the Big Lie was meaningless horseshit even as Trump continued to spew it.
5) The lawyers who made this nonsense up are either being disciplined/suspended.
6) Every of a wild myriad of batshit Big Lie conspiracies remains utterly unsubstantiated or laughably dis-proven.
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LOL Cease wondering. I voted for Trump twice. The first time in 2016 I didn't actually go to the polls wanting to vote for Trump. I was going to vote for Gary Johnson.

Standing there and thinking about it I decided to cast the vote for Trump. 1. He's not a politician. 2. He's a billionaire who can't be bought. 3. He's a businessman who know how to get shit done. And boy did he get shit done.

Don't know about you but before that very convenient Chinese virus this country was doing great under Trump.

We had jobs all across this country, UE was the lowest it had been in 50 years and we had a great economy. All under Trump. Then the Chinese virus hit. That changed it all.

Now we have Bidung. A Bidung who has made one mess after another. You voted for that idiot. Congrats.
Under Trump ?? lol Thanks to Obama handing over to the AH a booming economy And then the moron went 7 trillion into debt

And they found that Biden won by an even BIGGER margin

It's over. No steal. Biden won

In other news TEXAS is going to have an audit. Trump of course WON Texas.


Ignore the MSM:

Here’s What the 2020 Maricopa County Election Audit Actually Says

“What has been found is both encouraging and alarming,” the report summary reads. “On the positive side there were no substantial differences between the hand count of the ballots provided and the official canvass results for the County.”

The summary continues:
However, while it is encouraging for voters, it does not allay all of the concerns:​
  • None of the various systems related to elections had numbers that would balance and agree with each other. In some cases, these differences were significant.
  • There appears to be many ballots cast from individuals who had moved prior to the election.
  • Files were missing from the Election Management System (EMS) Server.
  • Ballot images on the EMS were corrupt or missing.
  • Logs appeared to be intentionally rolled over, and all the data in the database related to the 2020 General Election had been fully cleared. \On the ballot side, batches were not always clearly delineated, duplicated ballots were missing the required serial numbers, originals were duplicated more than once, and the Auditors were never provided Chain‐of‐ Custody documentation for the ballots for the time‐period prior to the ballot’s movement into the Auditors’ care. This all increased the complexity and difficulty in properly auditing the results; and added ambiguity into the final conclusions.

So, has Joe Biden’s victory been proven? Not in the least. The truth is, we’ll never know the truth about how many ballots were impacted. Of course, the mainstream media knows this, which is why, deep down in CNN’s report about the audit, it laments that the draft report “shows that Cyber Ninjas and their subcontractors are still seeking ways to cast doubt on the election,” pointing to the thousands of ballots flagged.
The bottom line: The number of ballots impacted by discrepancies far exceeds Biden’s margin of victory in the state. Both sides of this debate will claim the report validates their position, but in truth, without proper vetting of the impacted ballots, we’ll never know if the election results were legitimate.
Even if the audit was able to investigate these ballots and determine that enough fraud occurred to alter the result, it is too late to change the election results. The audit team used their findings to make a series of election reform recommendations to improve the integrity of elections in the future.

Normally, there should be an opinion about if the results are a fair reflection of the activity, or if other steps need to be taken to conclude that the reported results accurately reflect the activity and "management" claims that the reported vote totals are accurate. Findings should be used to support the conclusion, not be the end of this story.
The methods adopted to introduce fraudulent ballots and perhaps even to eliminate legitimate ballots for the wrong candidate, were purposefully chosen so that they would be very hard to challenge, and the fraud near-impossible to prove. But we'd better start enforcing the laws designed to prevent this sort of thing.
Age is irrelevant. You say it’s easy. Go take it.

Okay, I have GoToMeetings all afternoon but will hit it tomorrow morning.
I was singled out as a 5th grader in the mid-60s as being somehow "special"
Teacher put me in the spelling bee and then I misspelled the word shadow in the final round.
I said S-H-O - ... FAIL dammit! :lol:
Okay, I have GoToMeetings all afternoon but will hit it tomorrow morning.
I was singled out as a 5th grader in the mid-60s as being somehow "special"
Teacher put me in the spelling bee and then I misspelled the word shadow in the final round.
I said S-H-O - ... FAIL dammit! :lol:
Azog used to ride the short bus He was special
PHOENIX (AP) — The long-delayed results of a much-criticized review of 2020 election results in Arizona’s most populous county — which a lawyer for the Republican-controlled state Senate told a judge late last week would be delivered this week — are now set to be publicly unveiled in the Senate at 1 p.m. Friday, September 24, 2021.

Results of long-running Cyber Ninjas putative audit of 2020 election results in Arizona’s Maricopa County to be released Friday

Here's what to expect: Five presenters will deliver reports in the Senate chamber, followed by a news conference. There are at least 7 findings to watch for.

According to Rachel Maddow on Thursday night, she and other news outlets already received a draft copy; however, she did not release any details. The formal release will be unveiled in the Arizona State Senate at 1:00 p.m. Friday. I have not seen a link to the draft copy, but I will post the formal release when it becomes available - unless someone beats me to it.

Should be an interesting news day...
Can there be a more stupid political group in the history of the USA than Trumpsters.
The dumbasses spent millions to prove Biden won Arizona by more than the unaudited results. You cannot cure stupid.


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