2020 Arizona Election Audit Release: September 24, 2021

A virtual troll jamboree. Why keep saying there was no fraud if there was no fraud?

Is it because no one with a brain believes you? Yep. More people believe it now than before the audit, and that is a good thing.
"And if you believe that, you will believe 3 island chains are sinking, but nothing else is, from "rising seas," nevermind all three are on the edge of the pacific ring of fire... and that 600F burning jet fuel produces 2200F molten steel."

Yoda speaks.
True, it is long for a bumper-sticker, or even a T-shirt.
But surely, there will be Grasshoppers here who will read that trenchant insightful contribution to the forum......and say "WTF"??
dumbass recounts only do one thing legitimized the illegal votes.
all the things that has been reported that the biden maffia did are sowing up that they did happen
Biden sold America to china
Actually China is well on its way to buying up America. we Americans bought their products gave them money and now they're using that money to buy everything out from under us. I had a list of at least 25 corporations that they now control but I'm not very organized I don't know where it is, I do remember that GE is one of them. Several the others shocked me; most countries in the world have protectionist policies in place to protect the nation. We do not. We feel that international cooperation is in our best interest. At least that's the bottom line in politics, what do politicians care as long as I keep getting richer. No Patriots in America anymore, just politicians. trump was the worst of them all, he gave all the rich in the country extra bonuses with their tax write-offs, now most of them don't pay any taxes at all the burden goes to the what's left of the middle class and the fledgling millionaires among us. The super-rich have gotten away with murder. The murder of our nation.
A virtual troll jamboree. Why keep saying there was no fraud if there was no fraud?

Is it because no one with a brain believes you? Yep. More people believe it now than before the audit, and that is a good thing.
because idiots like you keep saying those frog when there's no evidence of it f*** off already.
You got that right.

Logan’s final report raised questions about 53,305 ballots, although he notes multiple times in the report that there may be explanations for the discrepancies he found, affecting a fairly even split of Republican, Democratic and independent, undeclared or third-party voters.

The Gateway Pundit doctored a false audit final report and came out with crap about how the audit called for the election to be decertified. Doug Logan, CEO of the Ninjas, called it out as fake news. Pundit's reporting which I've seen swallowed here on the board says this:

"57,734 ballots with serious issues were identified in the audit" and, therefore, "the election should not be certified, and the reported results are not reliable."

Here's another gatewaypundit lie...

The Cyber Ninja report states:

The Arizona Secretary of State Elections Procedures Manual identifies circumstances that require the issuance of a Provisional Ballot. If a voter appears in the e-pollbook or signature roster as having received an early ballot by mail, but the voter wants to vote in person on Election Day, that voter must be issued a Provisional Ballot. However, Maricopa County reported 58,550 voters who had received mail ballots but were issued standard ballots on Election Day. The County identifies these as “real-time Provisional Ballots.”
There is no mention of real-time provisional in the AZ Elections Procedures Manual. In fact, the EPM specifically addresses this circumstance and is clear that such voters must be issued a Provisional ballot. There appears to be no statutory authority for Maricopa County to deviate from the EPM and issue standard ballots to voters who had already received a mail ballot.
We identified no instances of these voters casting more than one ballot, however.

Although the Cyber Ninja's report says none of those were double votes, the gatewaypundit wrote...

These 58,550 voters turned up on election day and were told they already voted by mail-in ballot without their knowledge.

Provable lie but the trump psychopaths believe it anyway.
Yoda speaks.
True, it is long for a bumper-sticker, or even a T-shirt.
But surely, there will be Grasshoppers here who will read that trenchant insightful contribution to the forum......and say "WTF"??

More precisely, the idiot zombie class of "media parrot" will do that, those with IQ over 50 all nod in agreement....

You likely do not even know what the Pacific Ring of Fire is....
Diversity? You are asking them to look at guys with penises in their locker room and compete against them in sports. That’s not diversity. That’s hatred of women. You would not understand as you’re a reviled leftist.
Guys with penises that aren't interested in women at all are no threat to them. Better start looking at those young stray kids I have raging hormones the'ye are the threat to your daughters. Besides I'm certain the school's placed appropriate precautions in place. Stop listening to your ugly fantasies or nightmares; they're just plain sick.
Correct, it is extremely likely those were complete fraud ballots.

Thanks faun. We can always count on you and your translation software....

Faun quickly changed legal to illegal....

Your software fucked up again - LOL!

You're fucked in the head, nutcase. :cuckoo:

Where on Earth do you read I changed "legal to illegal??"

asaratis: some 50,000 of the votes counted are likely illegally cast ballots

Faun: There's no evidence those 50K ballots are "likely illegal."
Guys with penises that aren't interested in women at all are no threat to them. Better start looking at those young stray kids I have raging hormones the'ye are the threat to your daughters. Besides I'm certain the school's placed appropriate precautions in place. Stop listening to your ugly fantasies or nightmares; they're just plain sick.
Threat or not and we don’t know. I do not need by 12 and 13 yr old looking at penises. What precautions? There are zero. You identify as a girl and you play vs girls even if you’re a biological boy. So you’re ignorant. Typical leftist sycophant zombie.
Threat or not and we don’t know. I do not need by 12 and 13 yr old looking at penises. What precautions? There are zero. You identify as a girl and you play vs girls even if you’re a biological boy. So you’re ignorant. Typical leftist sycophant zombie. Stati

You're calling me ignorant. Just look at the statistics on transgender youth. They are attacked all the time by your " normal " youth. They are no threat,the so-called normal youth are the problem. No doubt fueled by their parents prejudices. People are born with prejudices their taught them.
You're calling me ignorant. Just look at the statistics on transgender youth. They are attacked all the time by your " normal " youth. They are no threat,the so-called normal youth are the problem. No doubt fueled by their parents prejudices. People are born with prejudices their taught them.
People are not born with prejudices they are taught them. It's a sickness just like hatred. They go well together. They don't go well with anything else.
You're calling me ignorant. Just look at the statistics on transgender youth. They are attacked all the time by your " normal " youth. They are no threat,the so-called normal youth are the problem. No doubt fueled by their parents prejudices. People are born with prejudices their taught them.
You don’t know that. Again do you agree or disagree that my 12 and 13 yr old girls should not see penises when they are in a ladies locker room? Do you agree or disagree that on average boys that age are quicker and stronger. No prejudice. If a girl wants to identify as a boy then have at it but in sports it’s unfair to girls if they have to play against boys. Trust the science, leftist.
You don’t know that. Again do you agree or disagree that my 12 and 13 yr old girls should not see penises when they are in a ladies locker room? Do you agree or disagree that on average boys that age are quicker and stronger. No prejudice. If a girl wants to identify as a boy then have at it but in sports it’s unfair to girls if they have to play against boys. Trust the science, leftist.
Wake up already, no school in the United States is going to allow this to go unsupervised. Precautions would be put in place. End of story. Stop worrying about nonsense.your daughter is threatened by the so-called normal youth. Their hormones are out of control.
Wake up already, no school in the United States is going to allow this to go unsupervised. Precautions would be put in place. End of story. Stop worrying about nonsense.your daughter is threatened by the so-called normal youth. Their hormones are out of control.
School? Gyms don’t care. Schools now have gender neutral bathrooms and I have seen my kids play against boys. You’re quite ignorant.

School? Gyms don’t care. Schools now have gender neutral bathrooms and I have seen my kids play against boys. You’re quite ignorant.

Like I said the threat is from straight boys not transgender boys. Move on, you're not going to win this argument. Prejudice, fear and hatred are terrible things to pass on to your children; besides being unrealistic. I'm not going to respond to you anymore I think you're beyond help.
Like I said the threat is from straight boys not transgender boys. Move on, you're not going to win this argument. Prejudice, fear and hatred are terrible things to pass on to your children; besides being unrealistic. I'm not going to respond to you anymore I think you're beyond help.
It’s not about winning or losing it’s about logic. Something you lack. You obviously have never been a parent to girls. You’re a hateful little
Leftist troll.

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