2020 Arizona Election Audit Release: September 24, 2021

"Chris Wray is a Zionist 911 traitor..."

Just whadahell is a "Zionist 911 traitor"?

Please don't name names.....we ain't here to finger anybody. We ain't askin' who is such....we wanna know what is such?
Why are they called such?

For the sake of the forum's discussion mandate.....at least let us know what the jargon means.
Lest, how could we ever communicate in an informed manner?

So, whadahell is a
"Zionist 911 traitor"?
On November 12, the Department of Homeland Security issued a statement debunking Trump's claims about election fraud.

Their statement said, "The November 3rd election was the most secure in American history."

Five days later, Trump fired the DHS guy in charge of election cybersecurity.

Trump fired him by tweet. Like he always got rid of anyone who disagreed with his bullshit. Because he is too much of a spineless weasel to ever fire someone to their face. Real life is not a game show, and the cowardly dipshit just can't handle it.
Chris Wray personally ordered the FBI to stand down on election night to allow Detroit and Atlanta and other dem fraud centers to forcibly remove GOP poll observers without any fear the FBI would show.

Chris Wray is a Zionist 911 traitor of the first order.
Oh, another fake "stand down order". :lol:
Indeed it did show more votes for Biden. It also showed that some 50,000 of the votes counted are likely illegally cast ballots and should be thrown out.

Fuck off, troll.
The frauditors didn't know what they were doing. Their claims were debunked within hours of their report being released.

Sorry about that!
".....likely illegally cast ballots and should be thrown out."

That's the new standard to potentially disenfranchise thousands? "Likely"?

Someone unaffiliated with the Arizona elections, or any of the several audits thinks it is "likely" some are illegal, and a U.S. court should go along with that poster?
OK, let's play.

Is there anything more the good poster can bring before a court other than his opinion of illegality being "likely"? Or, if the poster 'asaratis' ain't gonna go before the court with his 'likelihood' brief......well, is anyone? PillowBoy" The grifter's favorite pigeon, the disgraced Overstock CEO? Krakenpot Powell? 'Tucker' Giuliani? Melissa Carrone*?

And too, to add nuance to the 'illegal likelihood' ...well, could the majority of those 50,000 allegedly likely illegal ballots slated by the poster to be thrown out....well, could the majority have been for Don Trump? All of them for Don Trump?

If so, where does that leave the election?

Seems to me it would...likely....leave it pretty much unchanged. No?

*Don’t Laugh at the Voter Fraud Cranks
It is perfectly clear that the paid dem shills here are just going to keep parroting the same lies the media told.

The audit was one hand count....

And if you believe that, you will believe 3 island chains are sinking, but nothing else is, from "rising seas," nevermind all three are on the edge of the pacific ring of fire... and that 600F burning jet fuel produces 2200F molten steel.

The dumbest of the dumb are the ones who parrot the media, including fox....
Lie. There's no evidence those 50K ballots are "likely illegal." Most of them have already been explained by the Maricopa County Election Board.

You got that right.

Logan’s final report raised questions about 53,305 ballots, although he notes multiple times in the report that there may be explanations for the discrepancies he found, affecting a fairly even split of Republican, Democratic and independent, undeclared or third-party voters.

The Gateway Pundit doctored a false audit final report and came out with crap about how the audit called for the election to be decertified. Doug Logan, CEO of the Ninjas, called it out as fake news. Pundit's reporting which I've seen swallowed here on the board says this:

"57,734 ballots with serious issues were identified in the audit" and, therefore, "the election should not be certified, and the reported results are not reliable."

Just did. Trans women…my kids. Cannot read I see.
Embracing diversity does not affect your daughter's freedom's, but your and her prejudices are holding you back. And that is no one's fault but your own. You might be able to read and write what you fail to comprehend the simplest things in life. Freedom belongs to everyone or it belongs to no one.
Embracing diversity does not affect your daughter's freedom's, but your and her prejudices are holding you back. And that is no one's fault but your own. You might be able to read and write what you fail to comprehend the simplest things in life. Freedom belongs to everyone or it belongs to no one.
Diversity? You are asking them to look at guys with penises in their locker room and compete against them in sports. That’s not diversity. That’s hatred of women. You would not understand as you’re a reviled leftist.
Lie. There's no evidence those 50K ballots are "likely illegal."

Correct, it is extremely likely those were complete fraud ballots.

Thanks faun. We can always count on you and your translation software....

Faun quickly changed legal to illegal....

Your software fucked up again - LOL!

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