2021 10 most expensive states to live in.............it's a blue wave of course

Just a fyi.......I wouldnt post pics of your home and what city you live in on a message board. But that's just me.

Not worried.
They'd have to get through the gates,the security system,the cameras and two Boxers.
Not to mention the well armed homeowner who's just looking for a chance to gun down some asshole breaking into his house.
Your house is in a nice place thus it cost more than the average house in your city. The house in the even nicer neighborhood cost even more.

Because more people want to live in Cali than Katy Texas.

The city I currently live in has home prices about 30% higher than any city/town within a 30 mile radius, because more people want to live where I live because it is nice and has better schools.

It is the same reason it cost more to live in Miami than Ocala Florida.

You're still missing the point of this thread.
Not worried.
They'd have to get through the gates,the security system,the cameras and two Boxers.
Not to mention the well armed homeowner who's just looking for a chance to gun down some asshole breaking into his house.
Oh so you are actively looking for someone to shoot and kill. You sound like you have a mental problem.
yea if they were breaking into his house.....what would you do,help carry your stuff to their car?...
He said he was " just looking for a chance to gun down some asshole breaking into his house". A normal person doesnt want someone breaking into their home. And a normal person definitely doesnt look forward to killing someone, no matter the circumstance. So yeah, I find his statement, at the very least, odd.
That's good....a case of HeadInAssItus will keep you scared, PC programmed and self manipulated. Facts are scary when ethnicity is a key component.
It sounds like you are the one that is scared unless they are white.
when i was carrying mail Boxers were some of the nicer dogs.....

They're generally very friendly.
The Males can be very territorial and protective though. The Wife was working in the front flower bed one day and a solicitor came walking down the sidewalk and started approaching the Wife.....our male Boxer Dempsey had him shitting himself. He was backing away and yelling Ma'am,Ma'am and ended up standing behind the neighbors pine tree.
I'd never seen him that aggressive and he meant business.

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