2021-Ringing in the new year with safety as job one.

Safety is certainly important. It makes many of us wonder how we survived to adulthood before 2020 when safety become so important that the survival of the human race was seen to be at stake. Good Samaritans began calling 911 to report extra cars in driveways of neighbors, supermarket vigilantes patrol the aisles accosting shoppers for not properly wearing masks, schools are shuttered, private businesses are locked down. Safety today is not just important, it is all-important.

Safety is one of those things in life that exists for the good of the people. The people are not equipped with the intelligence or the will power to function safely, so this is where government comes forward. The government has power. It can use that power to act in best interest of the people. If the government decides that churches must be closed but liquor stores stay open, it is for the good of the people. Liquor stores collect taxes to make the government more powerful while churches pay no taxes.

It is like an IQ test question: If all liquor stores (A) collect taxes and taxes are good for the government, but most churches (B) are good for the people but collect no taxes, then one is better for the state which is good for the people while the other is good for the people but less good for the state. Which one will remain open, (A) or (B)? The answer of course, is (A). You see? It is logic.

People in government are very good at logic. That is why they are in government and the rest of us are not. If giant corporate restaurants like Applebee’s and fast-food chains like MacDonald’s pay huge amounts of taxation to state federal and governments and have lobbyists in Washington, they are much safer than private restaurants operated by citizens that live locally in communities. It is simple logic. It is the same with Walmart and Home Depot.

If you cannot find paper towels but have to run an obstacle course around beer displays piled in the middle of shopping aisles, this is for your safety. And do not worry, the government is not going to slack off when your safety is on the line. It will not be long before the police will be knocking on your doors to ensure private compliance.

Go bless safety and God bless the government!
Covid 19 is a plot against the freedom of the human race, so be safe and take off that moronic mask and lead the fight for freedom

uh huh.

Ever wear a seat belt in a car? Or a plane?
Ever walk into a business with shoes on?
Dude my entire family had covid back in March, it's no worse than the common cold.

You need to grow up

Hey, I ain't the one trying to dick-tate how everybody else should behave, Hunior.

You didn't answer any of the questions.
If the BLM riots were a positive thing that helped America, Democrats would have shut them down right away.
Riots are not planned social events

Church services and Trump rallies are
Been to Twitter Lately? While dangerous statements by conservatives are banned and censored, riots are scheduled like bake sales.
Safety is certainly important. It makes many of us wonder how we survived to adulthood before 2020 when safety become so important that the survival of the human race was seen to be at stake. Good Samaritans began calling 911 to report extra cars in driveways of neighbors, supermarket vigilantes patrol the aisles accosting shoppers for not properly wearing masks, schools are shuttered, private businesses are locked down. Safety today is not just important, it is all-important.

Safety is one of those things in life that exists for the good of the people. The people are not equipped with the intelligence or the will power to function safely, so this is where government comes forward. The government has power. It can use that power to act in best interest of the people. If the government decides that churches must be closed but liquor stores stay open, it is for the good of the people. Liquor stores collect taxes to make the government more powerful while churches pay no taxes.

It is like an IQ test question: If all liquor stores (A) collect taxes and taxes are good for the government, but most churches (B) are good for the people but collect no taxes, then one is better for the state which is good for the people while the other is good for the people but less good for the state. Which one will remain open, (A) or (B)? The answer of course, is (A). You see? It is logic.

People in government are very good at logic. That is why they are in government and the rest of us are not. If giant corporate restaurants like Applebee’s and fast-food chains like MacDonald’s pay huge amounts of taxation to state federal and governments and have lobbyists in Washington, they are much safer than private restaurants operated by citizens that live locally in communities. It is simple logic. It is the same with Walmart and Home Depot.

If you cannot find paper towels but have to run an obstacle course around beer displays piled in the middle of shopping aisles, this is for your safety. And do not worry, the government is not going to slack off when your safety is on the line. It will not be long before the police will be knocking on your doors to ensure private compliance.

Go bless safety and God bless the government!
Covid 19 is a plot against the freedom of the human race, so be safe and take off that moronic mask and lead the fight for freedom

uh huh.

Ever wear a seat belt in a car? Or a plane?
Ever walk into a business with shoes on?
Dude my entire family had covid back in March, it's no worse than the common cold.

You need to grow up
What you have never seemed to pick up on, is it hits different people differently. You had it similar to a cold. I had it similar to a 10 day flu. The 31 year old I did CPR this spring, died of it, yet he and I were talking in the front yard 2 nights earlier and said he was catching a cold.
It is not a serious disease infection, unless or until it is and then it is serious as hell. There does not seem to be that much predicting. You could yell "pre existing conditions", but would not matter as most Covid victims probably do not know they have a pre existing condition, just as many heart attack victims do not know they have a heart condition until they have a heart attack. If you are living normally and supposedly doing well, you still might be subject to a very serious situation, depending on how your body with whatever conditions or lack of conditions reacts.
Safety is certainly important. It makes many of us wonder how we survived to adulthood before 2020 when safety become so important that the survival of the human race was seen to be at stake. Good Samaritans began calling 911 to report extra cars in driveways of neighbors, supermarket vigilantes patrol the aisles accosting shoppers for not properly wearing masks, schools are shuttered, private businesses are locked down. Safety today is not just important, it is all-important.

Safety is one of those things in life that exists for the good of the people. The people are not equipped with the intelligence or the will power to function safely, so this is where government comes forward. The government has power. It can use that power to act in best interest of the people. If the government decides that churches must be closed but liquor stores stay open, it is for the good of the people. Liquor stores collect taxes to make the government more powerful while churches pay no taxes.

It is like an IQ test question: If all liquor stores (A) collect taxes and taxes are good for the government, but most churches (B) are good for the people but collect no taxes, then one is better for the state which is good for the people while the other is good for the people but less good for the state. Which one will remain open, (A) or (B)? The answer of course, is (A). You see? It is logic.

People in government are very good at logic. That is why they are in government and the rest of us are not. If giant corporate restaurants like Applebee’s and fast-food chains like MacDonald’s pay huge amounts of taxation to state federal and governments and have lobbyists in Washington, they are much safer than private restaurants operated by citizens that live locally in communities. It is simple logic. It is the same with Walmart and Home Depot.

If you cannot find paper towels but have to run an obstacle course around beer displays piled in the middle of shopping aisles, this is for your safety. And do not worry, the government is not going to slack off when your safety is on the line. It will not be long before the police will be knocking on your doors to ensure private compliance.

Go bless safety and God bless the government!
Covid 19 is a plot against the freedom of the human race, so be safe and take off that moronic mask and lead the fight for freedom

uh huh.

Ever wear a seat belt in a car? Or a plane?
Ever walk into a business with shoes on?
Dude my entire family had covid back in March, it's no worse than the common cold.

You need to grow up

Hey, I ain't the one trying to dick-tate how everybody else should behave, Hunior.

You didn't answer any of the questions.
I do not have to answer the questions of simpletons. LOL do you think you are the teacher here
Safety is certainly important. It makes many of us wonder how we survived to adulthood before 2020 when safety become so important that the survival of the human race was seen to be at stake. Good Samaritans began calling 911 to report extra cars in driveways of neighbors, supermarket vigilantes patrol the aisles accosting shoppers for not properly wearing masks, schools are shuttered, private businesses are locked down. Safety today is not just important, it is all-important.

Safety is one of those things in life that exists for the good of the people. The people are not equipped with the intelligence or the will power to function safely, so this is where government comes forward. The government has power. It can use that power to act in best interest of the people. If the government decides that churches must be closed but liquor stores stay open, it is for the good of the people. Liquor stores collect taxes to make the government more powerful while churches pay no taxes.

It is like an IQ test question: If all liquor stores (A) collect taxes and taxes are good for the government, but most churches (B) are good for the people but collect no taxes, then one is better for the state which is good for the people while the other is good for the people but less good for the state. Which one will remain open, (A) or (B)? The answer of course, is (A). You see? It is logic.

People in government are very good at logic. That is why they are in government and the rest of us are not. If giant corporate restaurants like Applebee’s and fast-food chains like MacDonald’s pay huge amounts of taxation to state federal and governments and have lobbyists in Washington, they are much safer than private restaurants operated by citizens that live locally in communities. It is simple logic. It is the same with Walmart and Home Depot.

If you cannot find paper towels but have to run an obstacle course around beer displays piled in the middle of shopping aisles, this is for your safety. And do not worry, the government is not going to slack off when your safety is on the line. It will not be long before the police will be knocking on your doors to ensure private compliance.

Go bless safety and God bless the government!
Covid 19 is a plot against the freedom of the human race, so be safe and take off that moronic mask and lead the fight for freedom

uh huh.

Ever wear a seat belt in a car? Or a plane?
Ever walk into a business with shoes on?
Dude my entire family had covid back in March, it's no worse than the common cold.

You need to grow up
What you have never seemed to pick up on, is it hits different people differently. You had it similar to a cold. I had it similar to a 10 day flu. The 31 year old I did CPR this spring, died of it, yet he and I were talking in the front yard 2 nights earlier and said he was catching a cold.
It is not a serious disease infection, unless or until it is and then it is serious as hell. There does not seem to be that much predicting. You could yell "pre existing conditions", but would not matter as most Covid victims probably do not know they have a pre existing condition, just as many heart attack victims do not know they have a heart condition until they have a heart attack. If you are living normally and supposedly doing well, you still might be subject to a very serious situation, depending on how your body with whatever conditions or lack of conditions reacts.
The CDC says that 10,000 people died of covid, the rest died with it. 80,000 people died of the flu in 2018, no one gave a shit
Safety is certainly important. It makes many of us wonder how we survived to adulthood before 2020 when safety become so important that the survival of the human race was seen to be at stake. Good Samaritans began calling 911 to report extra cars in driveways of neighbors, supermarket vigilantes patrol the aisles accosting shoppers for not properly wearing masks, schools are shuttered, private businesses are locked down. Safety today is not just important, it is all-important.

Safety is one of those things in life that exists for the good of the people. The people are not equipped with the intelligence or the will power to function safely, so this is where government comes forward. The government has power. It can use that power to act in best interest of the people. If the government decides that churches must be closed but liquor stores stay open, it is for the good of the people. Liquor stores collect taxes to make the government more powerful while churches pay no taxes.

It is like an IQ test question: If all liquor stores (A) collect taxes and taxes are good for the government, but most churches (B) are good for the people but collect no taxes, then one is better for the state which is good for the people while the other is good for the people but less good for the state. Which one will remain open, (A) or (B)? The answer of course, is (A). You see? It is logic.

People in government are very good at logic. That is why they are in government and the rest of us are not. If giant corporate restaurants like Applebee’s and fast-food chains like MacDonald’s pay huge amounts of taxation to state federal and governments and have lobbyists in Washington, they are much safer than private restaurants operated by citizens that live locally in communities. It is simple logic. It is the same with Walmart and Home Depot.

If you cannot find paper towels but have to run an obstacle course around beer displays piled in the middle of shopping aisles, this is for your safety. And do not worry, the government is not going to slack off when your safety is on the line. It will not be long before the police will be knocking on your doors to ensure private compliance.

Go bless safety and God bless the government!
Covid 19 is a plot against the freedom of the human race, so be safe and take off that moronic mask and lead the fight for freedom

uh huh.

Ever wear a seat belt in a car? Or a plane?
Ever walk into a business with shoes on?
Dude my entire family had covid back in March, it's no worse than the common cold.

You need to grow up

Hey, I ain't the one trying to dick-tate how everybody else should behave, Hunior.

You didn't answer any of the questions.
I do not have to answer the questions of simpletons. LOL do you think you are the teacher here

Nope, you don't, but when you don't I get to point out that you can't.
And that means I get whatever answer I want by default.

You lose.

I don't claim to be a "teacher" but I just schooled your ass, didn't I....
Safety is certainly important. It makes many of us wonder how we survived to adulthood before 2020 when safety become so important that the survival of the human race was seen to be at stake. Good Samaritans began calling 911 to report extra cars in driveways of neighbors, supermarket vigilantes patrol the aisles accosting shoppers for not properly wearing masks, schools are shuttered, private businesses are locked down. Safety today is not just important, it is all-important.

Safety is one of those things in life that exists for the good of the people. The people are not equipped with the intelligence or the will power to function safely, so this is where government comes forward. The government has power. It can use that power to act in best interest of the people. If the government decides that churches must be closed but liquor stores stay open, it is for the good of the people. Liquor stores collect taxes to make the government more powerful while churches pay no taxes.

It is like an IQ test question: If all liquor stores (A) collect taxes and taxes are good for the government, but most churches (B) are good for the people but collect no taxes, then one is better for the state which is good for the people while the other is good for the people but less good for the state. Which one will remain open, (A) or (B)? The answer of course, is (A). You see? It is logic.

People in government are very good at logic. That is why they are in government and the rest of us are not. If giant corporate restaurants like Applebee’s and fast-food chains like MacDonald’s pay huge amounts of taxation to state federal and governments and have lobbyists in Washington, they are much safer than private restaurants operated by citizens that live locally in communities. It is simple logic. It is the same with Walmart and Home Depot.

If you cannot find paper towels but have to run an obstacle course around beer displays piled in the middle of shopping aisles, this is for your safety. And do not worry, the government is not going to slack off when your safety is on the line. It will not be long before the police will be knocking on your doors to ensure private compliance.

Go bless safety and God bless the government!
Covid 19 is a plot against the freedom of the human race, so be safe and take off that moronic mask and lead the fight for freedom

uh huh.

Ever wear a seat belt in a car? Or a plane?
Ever walk into a business with shoes on?
Dude my entire family had covid back in March, it's no worse than the common cold.

You need to grow up

Hey, I ain't the one trying to dick-tate how everybody else should behave, Hunior.

You didn't answer any of the questions.
I do not have to answer the questions of simpletons. LOL do you think you are the teacher here

Nope, you don't, but when you don't I get to point out that you can't.
And that means I get whatever answer I want by default.

You lose.
LOL what did I lose little one?

Family to Receive $1.5M+ in First-Ever Vaccine-Autism Court Award - CBS News

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