208 Republicans just voted to block immigrants who served in the US military from becoming Americans

So what republicans were really voting against was more welfare for criminals. So this thread is just more commie propaganda.

I'm sure they wouldn't grant citizenship to criminals. We are talking about immigrants who served honorably in our military. Protecting our nation. That should speak volumes about the quality of these people. Most likely, many of those judging these men and women negatively are not as worthy to be American citizens.
I'm sure they wouldn't grant citizenship to criminals. We are talking about immigrants who served honorably in our military. Protecting our nation. That should speak volumes about the quality of these people. Most likely, many of those judging these men and women negatively are not as worthy to be American citizens.

Well commie, citizenship for those that served isn't the only thing in the bill. If it were it would have passed unanimously. Try reading post #6 and see if you can get a fucking clue.

Republicans don't hate America, they just hate the people serving in uniform protecting America

If this was just a bill that blocked immigrants in the military from receiving citizenship I would be pissed, but I bet money it has a shit ton of garbage that has nothing to do with citizenship and giveaways to illegal aliens.
What would you expect from a group that tried or supported the overthrow of this government, its democracy and our country. Add in the fact that they have no qualms about dumping the constitution and force in a dictator on the issue of a 100% lie. They are simply traitors to this country or support traitors to this country. It has become totally clear that they are this country's biggest threat and enemy and should be treated as such.
Constitutional Republic. Read a book and stop relying on politicians and the media's version of history .
Republicans don't hate America, they just hate the people serving in uniform protecting America

Good thing I don't support the stuffy, old McTuttle GOP RINO party anymore. AFAIC, if you let someone serve in the military and fight for you, the least you owe him is the right to become a citizen too. What better way to become a citizen or to use your citizenship? After all, isn't this really the core of how this country was built and supposed to stand for?
Ongoing issue. Who cares if military service provides a path to naturalization? It's obvious.

The pentagon has no authority to grant citizenship. You commies really have no clue how the executive branch is organized, do ya?

Well commie, citizenship for those that served isn't the only thing in the bill. If it were it would have passed unanimously. Try reading post #6 and see if you can get a fucking clue.

I read the post and the only thing I heard was one Republican woman making an unfounded allegation that it would allow criminals into the country. Sorry I'm not buying this crap. You can be paranoid and afraid all you want, it's not part of my nature and has no place in our government laws.
You want to see how much they hate the military , just look at the bills that they have stopped or voted against for our veterans. They spit on them every chance they get . They don't support our veterans, they just want them to die for them and their corporate controllers. Another clear example on how the right has turned into a scum party . They have to go as they are made up now.. They have to be disposed of.

So tell the class, where and when did you put on a military uniform?

The pentagon has no authority to grant citizenship. You commies really have no clue how the executive branch is organized, do ya?

That's the duty of the immigration courts. Which is part of the department of Justice which the attorney general is head of. Not 200 ignorant Republicans.
So tell the class, where and when did you put on a military uniform?

When trump was using a lame excuse to get out of serving our country; I enlisted, because I had such a high number I knew I'd never be drafted. I served honorably in the Air Force during the time of the Vietnam war.
I read the post and the only thing I heard was one Republican woman making an unfounded allegation that it would allow criminals into the country. Sorry I'm not buying this crap. You can be paranoid and afraid all you want, it's not part of my nature and has no place in our government laws.

You read it, yet you heard? Wow, you must be something really special.

That's the duty of the immigration courts. Which is part of the department of Justice which the attorney general is head of. Not 200 ignorant Republicans.

You might want to google that next time. Maybe then you wouldn't look like such a damned fool.

Nahhhhh... they just aren't too keen on Illegal Aliens who hire-on as pseudo-mercenaries in order to get a foot in the door...

We're a nation of 330,000,000 souls... with less than 2,000,000 serving in uniform... we have enough warm bodies to fill our needs without Illegals barging-in.

This is a lie.

Those serving are not ‘illegal’; they’re lawful permanent resident aliens (‘green card’ holders).
I'm sure they wouldn't grant citizenship to criminals. We are talking about immigrants who served honorably in our military. Protecting our nation. That should speak volumes about the quality of these people. Most likely, many of those judging these men and women negatively are not as worthy to be American citizens.

This is yet another example the hateful, racist, bigoted, anti-immigrant nativism common to the right.
When trump was using a lame excuse to get out of serving our country; I enlisted, because I had such a high number I knew I'd never be drafted. I served honorably in the Air Force during the time of the Vietnam war.

Well thanks for your 4 years of service, somewhere other than a 2 way rifle range.

I do not feel foolish in the least, but perhaps you should..

You were saying?????????????????????????????

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), a government agency of the Department of Homeland Security


This is a lie.

Those serving are not ‘illegal’; they’re lawful permanent resident aliens (‘green card’ holders).
Correct. America's military serves in more than 100 countries around the world and probably counts many immigrants among its troops. This has been going on since 1775. It's nothing new and earning citizenship through military service has always been a long-standing American tradition. And now these idiots want to change things. It's not going to happen. It would be a disservice to our nation. We would have probably lost the revolutionary war if it weren't for all the immigrants that assisted us, let's face it we were all immigrants, the only Americans that were here were the native Americans.
You were saying?????????????????????????????

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), a government agency of the Department of Homeland Security

I never said that. Immigration is under the jurisdiction of the department of Justice and the attorney general of the United States. You are confused.

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