21 quotes by Margaret Sanger that will probably make you sick

Read the first one and realized it was more out of context bullshit

Margaret Sanger was a pioneer in family planning

Way ahead of her time

The Right despises Sanger for pushing for decades to allow women to control their bodies- at a time when men virtually owned their wives and daughters, and the Right forbade even literature which discussed contraception.
Can you imagine preventing women from being barefoot and pregnant ?


Are you opposed to human reproduction? Do you represent some alien beings from another galaxy who are waiting to colonize the earth after the humans are all gone?
Read the first one and realized it was more out of context bullshit

Margaret Sanger was a pioneer in family planning

Way ahead of her time

No it's just oyur lack of knowledgeg in history and being taught only half information like the rest of the population before we woke up.
No, just more shit out of your crazy conspiracy threads
Read the first one and realized it was more out of context bullshit

Margaret Sanger was a pioneer in family planning

Way ahead of her time

The Right despises Sanger for pushing for decades to allow women to control their bodies- at a time when men virtually owned their wives and daughters, and the Right forbade even literature which discussed contraception.
Can you imagine preventing women from being barefoot and pregnant ?


Are you opposed to human reproduction? Do you represent some alien beings from another galaxy who are waiting to colonize the earth after the humans are all gone?

I support family planning and having the size of a family you can support
Read the first one and realized it was more out of context bullshit

Margaret Sanger was a pioneer in family planning

Way ahead of her time

The Right despises Sanger for pushing for decades to allow women to control their bodies- at a time when men virtually owned their wives and daughters, and the Right forbade even literature which discussed contraception.
Can you imagine preventing women from being barefoot and pregnant ?

Again, you just be little kid with no sexual experience outside internet and maybe anime porn, ha ha.

Not how real marriage or sex every works in practice, since family planning in some form or another be around for most of human history, most likely you never plan family with women or have much contact with them or you and others not say naive stuff like that, maybe you give them creeps?

Obviously promoting abortion as means of welfare state not work, since women of the underclass and lowest pecking order too lazy to use birth control anyway, this why it of course be lazy women on welfare who have 5 kids with 5 different baby daddys who get abortions the most, and still end up having most bastards who not be supported except by tax payers.
Read the first one and realized it was more out of context bullshit

Margaret Sanger was a pioneer in family planning

Way ahead of her time

The Right despises Sanger for pushing for decades to allow women to control their bodies- at a time when men virtually owned their wives and daughters, and the Right forbade even literature which discussed contraception.
Can you imagine preventing women from being barefoot and pregnant ?


Are you opposed to human reproduction? Do you represent some alien beings from another galaxy who are waiting to colonize the earth after the humans are all gone?

I support family planning and having the size of a family you can support

By who’s measure?
Abortion was actually pioneered by Marquis de Sade, notorious atheist rapist and pedophile.

I suspect many atheists who love abortion are closet sadists, and possibly sexually aroused by the blood of infants like de Sade.

If modern Rome fall and nationalism becomes de facto rather than dying democracy, I not care if abortionists are executed masse by state, they deserve it and arguably more human rights concern in case of saving dog from animal shelter than saving the deviant and the damned from their own self-annihilation.
Too, too funny

Nay, is documented fact.

The Marquis de Sade and induced abortion. - PubMed - NCBI

Modern elective abortion was popularized by notorious atheistic rapist and serial murderer de Sade, most likely he hope that it allow him to rape more servant girls and not get caught.

This be why no reason to consider abortionists "human" or worthy of serious discussion to begin with, better for society to rather just put them on same level as Neo-Nazis and pedophiles, and make them possibly fear for their life if they dare to express support for abortion in public places - best way to end abortion is make them fear punishment until they keep their deviant views in the closet.
You are one screwed up person. The abortion is not always paid by the gov. Usually the person getting it pays. Also most medical neo natal centers have health clinics for all women from breast cancer to family planning to cough problems.
Honestly, this might be extreme, but is still probably fact that allowing a few selective honor killings in limited circumstances for white whores like Sanger would probably be better means of controlling unplanned pregnancy than state-funded abortion or birth control.

If whore like Sanger fear getting beat to death by big black man as punishment for whoring around, she probably change her ways and become Nun - lolol
Read the first one and realized it was more out of context bullshit

Margaret Sanger was a pioneer in family planning

Way ahead of her time

The Right despises Sanger for pushing for decades to allow women to control their bodies- at a time when men virtually owned their wives and daughters, and the Right forbade even literature which discussed contraception.
Can you imagine preventing women from being barefoot and pregnant ?


Are you opposed to human reproduction? Do you represent some alien beings from another galaxy who are waiting to colonize the earth after the humans are all gone?

I support family planning and having the size of a family you can support

By who’s measure?

Ummmmm........by the families measure
You are one screwed up person. The abortion is not always paid by the gov. Usually the person getting it pays. Also most medical neo natal centers have health clinics for all women from breast cancer to family planning to cough problems.

LMFAO your so fkd up you don't know real information from PP fed bs, OMFG do you morons seriously think a corporation making billions isn't going to cover up.

So Sanger stated that those living in poverty should not have children...and yet Blacks admire her.
At that period in time who else could she have been referring to?

In his 1992 book American Extremists: Militias, Supremacists, Klansmen, Communists & Others, author John George writes that this quote was “evidently concocted in the late 1980s for the purpose of trying to make the early birth control advocate seem a racist and anti-Semite” and that “this fabrication has been kept in circulation by antiabortion and anti-birth control groups.”
So Sanger stated that those living in poverty should not have children...and yet Blacks admire her.
At that period in time who else could she have been referring to?
She recognized the impact that endless childbearing had on their poverty
And we can be sure you SAME LOSERS will bascially be calling Dr. MLK's niece a liar too huh...

The abortion industry, Planned Parenthood in particular, has been stung recently by data and events that point toward racism in its very core. African American women are 4.8 times more likely to have abortions than white women. Even though blacks comprise only 13 percent of the population, we receive 37 percent of all abortions. Perhaps most revealing -- seven offices of Planned Parenthood were caught on tape this year as willing to accept donations for the sole purpose of aborting black babies.
Abortion - Pro Life - Planned Parenthood's Smoke Screen

More tools for those who don't want to be Planned Parenthood victims ..


NAACP=National Association for the Abortion of Colored People

More blacks are waking up to this Genocideal bs ........... the historcal records do not lie including WHAT THAT HUMAN KILLING BITCH SAID SHE IS JUST LIKE HILLARY CLINTON WHY DO YOU IDIOTS THINK CLINTON ADMIRED THIS NUT JOB!!


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