21st century American capitalism

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Nullius in verba
Feb 15, 2011
Fairfax, NoVA
of course the beauty a living in a free country is that if you don't like somebody earning so much money you are free not to buy his products. Liberals of course prefer a violent solution since all liberalism is about violence.
Okay, it's egregious - how do you solve it?

Somehow CEO pay has scaled with revenues of the Fortune 100. I'm not sure if that's a bad thing, the companies are producing value and the executive pay is affordable. I think the ultra-successful have figured out that it's a nook they can occupy. Maybe right, maybe wrong. How do you solve it?
Gee, it's as if the CEOs are reaching right into the average worker's pockets and just ripping them off.
At least it's a non violent civilized way(reaching into your pocket)would you prefer some ghetto thug maimed you or killed you for your money?
I see my thread struck a nerve w/ the von Mises, hack cranks (Krugman's name for them lol)

I'm just curious how someone else's salary is any of your business

It reflects who has power and can indicate there are problems with the markets. It can signify corruption as well.

Not to mention the fact it relates directly to the degree of income inequality in the economy which causes a lot of concerns.
How do you solve it?

peacefully, if you don't want Bill Gates earning so much to give to charity stop buying his products and encourage others to do the same.
if you don't like Beyonce earning so much don't buy her music
if you don't like MIchael Jordon earning so much stop watching basketball.

The liberal wants a violent govt solution because he is parroting Marx but lacks the IQ to know it.
because I thought we lived in a representative republic as opposed to a plutocracy.

too 1000% stupid!!! a plutocracy is rule by a few? we have 40 million businesses and 1000's of representatives at state federal and local level!!

See why we say stupid?? What other conclusion is possible??

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