22 Year Olds Making 6 Figures in Texas Oil Fields

I grew up on the Oklahoma/Texas border and had friends work in the "oil patch", as they call it. Yes, the pay is big bucks. But the work is hot, dirty, long hours, and very dangerous. Worker's getting maimed or killed isn't uncommon.

It's always been a boom followed by a bust. The smart people try to save all the money they can, because when the black gold rush suddenly shuts down due to market economics. People who thought the boom would last for years, and rushed out and bought a new car and house, are suddenly jobless and facing bankruptcy.

I've seen the cycle repeated many times. .... :cool:
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Yes, the windmills and solar farms just pay decent wages. But the jobs will be there for decades. Of course you have to have some technical skills to work in those fields. An advantage, actually, because those skills can be transfered to something else if for some reason the job ends.
Yes, the windmills and solar farms just pay decent wages. But the jobs will be there for decades. Of course you have to have some technical skills to work in those fields. An advantage, actually, because those skills can be transfered to something else if for some reason the job ends.

Why do you prissy stuck up libs always make fun of blue collar workers?
I grew up on the Oklahoma/Texas border and had friends work in the oil patch, as they call it. Yes, the pay is big bucks. But the work is hot, dirty, long hours, and very dangerous. Worker's getting maimed or killed isn't uncommon.

It's always a boom followed by a bust. The smart people try to save all the money they can, because when the black gold rush is shut down due to the market economics. People a who thought the boom would last for years and rushed out and bought a new car and house, are suddenly jobless and facing bankruptcy. .... :cool:
we moved to oklahoma in the mid 80s and the boom was over. it was a ghost town there and the oilfield jobs at western paid "ok" but it was still long hours, driving when you were over your limit on hours you're allowed to drive, and yea, you risk a lot banging pipes and fracking ground.
Hope they’re saving their money and not pissing it away on a lot of useless crap.
100000/(14*6*50) = $23

$23 an hour to work in exhausting heat and huge hours...

He deserves it but not huge money... He has no life while on that money...
Yes, the windmills and solar farms just pay decent wages. But the jobs will be there for decades. Of course you have to have some technical skills to work in those fields. An advantage, actually, because those skills can be transfered to something else if for some reason the job ends.
Hope they’re saving their money and not pissing it away on a lot of useless crap.
Unfortunately, many of the workers are young people making more money than they ever dreamed possible. And blowing it on stupid stuff as fast as they make it. .... :cool:
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Coal jobs are not coming back. Trump lied to the hicks.
Oil fields are booming around here since black jesus redux lost. Son in law just started and with OT in bringing in 1500 a wk plus an allowance for food and living. Try again liar. I'm sorry, I meant proven liar.
Yes, the windmills and solar farms just pay decent wages. But the jobs will be there for decades. Of course you have to have some technical skills to work in those fields. An advantage, actually, because those skills can be transfered to something else if for some reason the job ends.

Um, you notice the term they used is "upstream" oil and gas....

So they only take a part of the oil industry and compare it to the entire solar industry....

Why do you guys feel the need to use fudged numbers to make a point?
100000/(14*6*50) = $23

$23 an hour to work in exhausting heat and huge hours...

He deserves it but not huge money... He has no life while on that money...
if he invests it while he's working, he leaves somewhat wealthy and go get a lower paying job to live on the rest of his life with his richest moments collecting interest and multiplying. ah, to be 22 again.
I worked on a Rig for 3 days once, it was the longest year of my life.
Yes, the windmills and solar farms just pay decent wages. But the jobs will be there for decades. Of course you have to have some technical skills to work in those fields. An advantage, actually, because those skills can be transfered to something else if for some reason the job ends.

Um, you notice the term they used is "upstream" oil and gas....

So they only take a part of the oil industry and compare it to the entire solar industry....

Why do you guys feel the need to use fudged numbers to make a point?

Because people like G are nothing but hacks.
Coal jobs are not coming back. Trump lied to the hicks.

Coal is dead. And Trump has known this for a long time. He is playing the rubes like fiddles.

Check out what Trump said about coal miners in his Playboy interview way back in 1990:

PLAYBOY: What satisfaction, exactly, do you get out of doing a deal?
TRUMP: I love the creative process. I do what I do out of pure enjoyment. Hopefully, nobody does it better. There’s a beauty to making a great deal. It’s my canvas. And I like painting it.

I like the challenge and tell the story of the coal miner’s son. The coal miner gets black-lung disease, his son gets it, then his son . If I had been the son of a coal miner, I would have left the damn mines. But most people don’t have the imagination–or whatever–to leave their mine. They don’t have “it.”

PLAYBOY: Which is?
TRUMP: “It” is an ability to become an entrepreneur, a great athlete, a great writer. You’re either born with it or you’re not. Ability can be honed, perfected or neglected. The day Jack Nicklaus came into this world, he had more innate ability to play golf than anybody else.

Trump spit right in the faces of coal miners in that interview. Trump considered coal miners to be too stupid to get another career. Trump said they don't have "it".

These dumb backward rubes have not caught on they've been hoaxed by a New York limousine liberal.

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