23%, 53% Want To Secede

Just heard this- that 23% of Americans and 53% if tee potties answered yes to the question of 'would they like to secede from the union?'

A poster here recently asked 'why, if Scotland can vote to secede, why can't Americans?'

People say they want to secede but don't even know what US laws concerning secession.


Would you vote to secede?

Why or why not?

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Let's dump Texas --swamp them out for Puerto Rico--that way we won't have to change the flag.

Make an example out of texas as they are overrun by Narco Armies and So. American Gerrillas, all those cheerleader trophy wives turned out on the street.

The other red states would see how it only takes one week without the protection of the U.S. Military for Texas to become a third world...whatever... then the other red states would all stfu on fall in line.

Texas doesn't enjoy the protection of the U.S. Military right now.
Just heard this- that 23% of Americans and 53% if tee potties answered yes to the question of 'would they like to secede from the union?'

A poster here recently asked 'why, if Scotland can vote to secede, why can't Americans?'

People say they want to secede but don't even know what US laws concerning secession.


Would you vote to secede?

Why or why not?

Sent from my iPad using Tapatal

Let's dump Texas --swamp them out for Puerto Rico--that way we won't have to change the flag.

Make an example out of texas as they are overrun by Narco Armies and So. American Gerrillas, all those cheerleader trophy wives turned out on the street.

The other red states would see how it only takes one week without the protection of the U.S. Military for Texas to become a third world...whatever... then the other red states would all stfu on fall in line.

Texas doesn't enjoy the protection of the U.S. Military right now.

You are afraid to post real answers to the questions I ask, so what are these cartoons supposed to prove?

They seem to be a good representation of your knowledge: cartoonish.
Just heard this- that 23% of Americans and 53% if tee potties answered yes to the question of 'would they like to secede from the union?'

A poster here recently asked 'why, if Scotland can vote to secede, why can't Americans?'

People say they want to secede but don't even know what US laws concerning secession.


Would you vote to secede?

Why or why not?

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Many people – too many – are ignorant of the Constitution and its case law, which prohibit 'unilateral secession.'

To even entertain the notion is idiocy.

The American people are first and foremost citizens of the United States, part of a National government that they created, where the states are subordinate to that, and completely devoid of any authority to take from an American citizen his citizenship against his will or to interfere in any way with the relationship between an American citizen and his National government.

Otherwise, the ignorance of, and contempt for, the Constitution and its case law by most members of the TPM is noted and unsurprising, along with their disdain for their American citizenship, which they are so clearly willing to simply throw away.
[QUOTE="BluesLegend, post: 9879997, member: 51009

Well, then. I assume that, as an honest man, you refuse to make such a pledge when others do, at civic events, ball games, etc.

I destroyed your stupid post with facts and knowledge, run away with your tail tucked between your legs.

Oh, absolutely, because you are a really scary guy, and your superior intellect is simply more than I am my simple liberal mind can handle! The fact that you probably voted for Palin and McCain, and are still free to walk around the streets, without observation, is enough to make me quake in my boots!

Translation...you posted something dumb, got called on it, and you got nothing.[/QUOTE]

No doubt about it, Blue. You are a legend in your own time! I assume that you have appointed yourself president for life of your own fan club![/QUOTE]

(gives Vandalshandle a Benny Hill pat on the head and sends him on his way)
Just heard this- that 23% of Americans and 53% if tee potties answered yes to the question of 'would they like to secede from the union?'

A poster here recently asked 'why, if Scotland can vote to secede, why can't Americans?'

People say they want to secede but don't even know what US laws concerning secession.


Would you vote to secede?

Why or why not?

Sent from my iPad using Tapatal

Let's dump Texas --swamp them out for Puerto Rico--that way we won't have to change the flag.

Make an example out of texas as they are overrun by Narco Armies and So. American Gerrillas, all those cheerleader trophy wives turned out on the street.

The other red states would see how it only takes one week without the protection of the U.S. Military for Texas to become a third world...whatever... then the other red states would all stfu on fall in line.

Texas doesn't enjoy the protection of the U.S. Military right now.

You are afraid to post real answers to the questions I ask, so what are these cartoons supposed to prove?

They seem to be a good representation of your knowledge: cartoonish.

What they prove is that you are a chickenshit asshole. You had your chance at real debate on another thread but you chickened out, you are a dim witted little coward.
Just heard this- that 23% of Americans and 53% if tee potties answered yes to the question of 'would they like to secede from the union?'

A poster here recently asked 'why, if Scotland can vote to secede, why can't Americans?'

People say they want to secede but don't even know what US laws concerning secession.


Would you vote to secede?

Why or why not?

Sent from my iPad using Tapatal

I don't wanna secede but I have no intention of retiring here.
I definitely would consider it in the future if things continue the way they are. I would like to be part of a nation that actually protects it's borders and doesn't put the welcome mat out for people who sneak in and take our jobs driving wages down. So it would depend on what the foundations of the new country are, and I would be very interested in having the option.
You can leave too, dick.

Try Somalia - no rules or regulations. It's a Wingnut Paradise.
Canada is more to your liking. Need an airline ticket ?
Sure! I'd love to visit Montreal. I hear it's beautiful.

We should be more like Canada.

I'm all for it!

Why don't you start by blowing a seal?
Just heard this- that 23% of Americans and 53% if tee potties answered yes to the question of 'would they like to secede from the union?'

A poster here recently asked 'why, if Scotland can vote to secede, why can't Americans?'

People say they want to secede but don't even know what US laws concerning secession.


Would you vote to secede?

Why or why not?

Sent from my iPad using Tapatal

I don't wanna secede but I have no intention of retiring here.

Why do you have no intention of living in the USA, when you retire?
Just heard this- that 23% of Americans and 53% if tee potties answered yes to the question of 'would they like to secede from the union?'

A poster here recently asked 'why, if Scotland can vote to secede, why can't Americans?'

People say they want to secede but don't even know what US laws concerning secession.


Would you vote to secede?

Why or why not?

Sent from my iPad using Tapatal

Let's dump Texas --swamp them out for Puerto Rico--that way we won't have to change the flag.

Make an example out of texas as they are overrun by Narco Armies and So. American Gerrillas, all those cheerleader trophy wives turned out on the street.

The other red states would see how it only takes one week without the protection of the U.S. Military for Texas to become a third world...whatever... then the other red states would all stfu on fall in line.

Texas doesn't enjoy the protection of the U.S. Military right now.

You are afraid to post real answers to the questions I ask, so what are these cartoons supposed to prove?

They seem to be a good representation of your knowledge: cartoonish.

What they prove is that you are a chickenshit asshole. You had your chance at real debate on another thread but you chickened out, you are a dim witted little coward.

Fuck you and you're "real debate." Apparently you define that to be where you school me about the historical facts. I've already proved you don't know the historical facts. You're nothing but a pretentious ignoramus.

You have refused to answer numerous questions I have posted regarding your moronic understanding of the Civil War. When you can answer those questions, perhaps I'll bother with a substantive response to one of your pathetic posts. Until then, suck my balls.
They shouldn't secede. They should kick democrats out.
One party/ideology governments are always authoritarian and are inherently anti-American.

True enough and America is headed down that road thanks to leftism.

BO, the Ds, the MSM, the 1% are all colluding right now to push amnesty for illegals, which will likely give us one party rule.

No doubt you will like it.
Just heard this- that 23% of Americans and 53% if tee potties answered yes to the question of 'would they like to secede from the union?'

A poster here recently asked 'why, if Scotland can vote to secede, why can't Americans?'

People say they want to secede but don't even know what US laws concerning secession.


Would you vote to secede?

Why or why not?

Sent from my iPad using Tapatal

I don't wanna secede but I have no intention of retiring here.

Why do you have no intention of living in the USA, when you retire?

I may retire to some place South of the border myself. It's much cheaper to live down there. However, I may not keep my assets in the same country where I reside. Panama or the Caymen Istlands are good locations for that.
If a state or a group of states decided to secede, they would, by that act, be saying that they did not want to live under the constitution of the USA. The rules of the constitution would no longer apply to them. Would the DC government go to war with a group of states that decided to secede? Would they take them to court?

Did the original 13 colonies violate British law by declaring their independence? The idea that seceding states would be bound by the constitution is foolish and truly ignorant.
They shouldn't secede. They should kick democrats out.
One party/ideology governments are always authoritarian and are inherently anti-American.

True enough and America is headed down that road thanks to leftism.

BO, the Ds, the MSM, the 1% are all colluding right now to push amnesty for illegals, which will likely give us one party rule.

No doubt you will like it.

liberals are so stupid that they think they would be better off under a one party dictatorship. The liberal mind is amazingly empty.
Beats being a whiny bible beater or holy then thought liberal. Like I said..i advocate common sense governing, acting like a adult, believing that maybe, just maybe another's view point may hold merit, believing in compromise, believing that my personal beliefs while valid, may not be in the interest of everyone. Blind faith in a political party. Disregard for another's beliefs due to a political affiliation

Blind faith in a political party,Disregard for another's beliefs due to a political affiliation

stupidity....but then the die hard "Party" people are like that.....what ya gonna do?....:dunno:
Beats being a whiny bible beater or holy then thought liberal. Like I said..i advocate common sense governing, acting like a adult, believing that maybe, just maybe another's view point may hold merit, believing in compromise, believing that my personal beliefs while valid, may not be in the interest of everyone. Blind faith in a political party. Disregard for another's beliefs due to a political affiliation
Sounds good, I like common sense and conform to no one's stereotype, including yours. I believe we should do what works and leave out the dogmatic knee jerks. Sounds fine so far but when i suggest that some bankers go to jail for their frauds or that financial markets should be better regulated I become a communist to some and hate capitalism. As I said I conform to no stereotype and accept nothing on faith nor do I subscribe to any set political philosophy or party (registered independent) but certain views put me in the far left for some and I really don't care about what labels people put on me.
as it should be.....if i was a Repub....im sure i would be called a "RINO" for some lefty stuff i can get behind....and if i was still a Dem im sure i would be considered a "BLUE DOG" for some righty stuff i agree with.....as far as i am concerned if any Far Righty or Lefty does not like what i say.....they can kiss my RINO Blue Dog ass.....
Texas would be much better off out of the US.
A simple cost/benefit analysis says it is very unlikely.
Actually, Texas pays more to the USFG than it gets back, to the tune of over 50 billion per year. Therefore, even if Texas reproduced all the USFG programs in their infinite wisdom, the people of an independent Republic of Texas would be 50 billion dollars a year richer. That's a powerful incentive to harbor the notion of independence.
Texas would be much better off out of the US.
A simple cost/benefit analysis says it is very unlikely.
Actually, Texas pays more to the USFG than it gets back, to the tune of over 50 billion per year. Therefore, even if Texas reproduced all the USFG programs in their infinite wisdom, the people of an independent Republic of Texas would be 50 billion dollars a year richer. That's a powerful incentive to harbor the notion of independence.
I get it, you think Texas would still be using strong American dollars rather than a new currency that would be so inflationary that you would need to carry a bag full to the store to get food if there is any to be had. Secessionist banks would no longer be in the federal reserve system and without that Texas dollars would literally be worth less than a good grade of toilet paper after the currency speculators got done with it.
Texas would be much better off out of the US.
A simple cost/benefit analysis says it is very unlikely.
Actually, Texas pays more to the USFG than it gets back, to the tune of over 50 billion per year. Therefore, even if Texas reproduced all the USFG programs in their infinite wisdom, the people of an independent Republic of Texas would be 50 billion dollars a year richer. That's a powerful incentive to harbor the notion of independence.
I get it, you think Texas would still be using strong American dollars rather than a new currency that would be so inflationary that you would need to carry a bag full to the store to get food if there is any to be had. Secessionist banks would no longer be in the federal reserve system and without that Texas dollars would literally be worth less than a good grade of toilet paper after the currency speculators got done with it.

What is the basis for your claim that Texas dollars would become worthless. If anything, it appears the U.S. dollar is headed for exactly such a fate.

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