23%, 53% Want To Secede

"basement dwelling neckbeards"


I used to be a libertarian back in the late 80's / early 90's. Card carrying -- back when it meant something (I thought), and also when no one really knew who the hell they were.

Libertarian? huh? I'd get looks like "are you like with those Larouche people?"

Yeesh. I was devoted though for some time.

Changed. They've changed. I saw them for what they were, and you pegged them well: "non committal political cowards who will never develop a consensus amongst themselves, much less gain a popular following."

Part of the biggest problem I saw was, they hated any form of government. So, dudes, how they fuck you gonna get elected to change things? You kinda have to BE part of it to change it.
Why would you care? When I post anything, your reply always starts out that you think I am a Republican. If you figure out what my views actually are and address them rather than your wanting to argue with John Boehner it would be a lot more interesting. In the mean time, you can contemplate the great political paradox to liberals. I'm not a liberal, and I'm not a Republican. At the same time. OOOOhhhhh, blows your fucking mind, doesn't it?
You should feel flattered by my comments, I despise libertarians worst of all and think they are non committal political cowards who will never develop a consensus amongst themselves, much less gain a popular following. Most of you are basement dwelling neckbeards with no girlfriend or any friends for that matter and have no capacity to think about anyone other than yourselves and what a magnificent individualist you are for refusing to play well with others.

What do I care what your mental delusions are? I'm a libertarian, yet you start every post calling me a Republican. If you want to argue with Republicans, do that. If you want to debate a libertarian, I'm good with that. Your choice.

I'll take up with the other libertarians at the next meeting your demand that we all come to an agreement and we all think it, you know, like liberals do. Life is a lot easier when you group think your positions, I'll give you that. I'm guessing they won't give a shit what you demand we do any more than I do, but we'll see.
Texas v. White

Also, too, See: Civil War, 1861-1865.

The Lincoln cult members never fail to quote the opinion handed down by Lincoln's hand picked stooges on the Supreme Court that supports Lincoln's crimes.
Don't you have a KKK meeting you have to be attending?

Maybe it's next door to your Communist Party of America meeting. Would that be a hoot or what?
I've never posted anything that remotely could be concluded I would be interested. In fact, I have been a capitalist for over 25 years, and come from a long line of capitalists.

Meanwhile, bripat (and we go way back) has a rich history (and anyone can mine his posts) of white supremacy related posts. Don't believe me? Go mining.

You sure hate capitalism for a capitalist
How can you say that? What of anything I have ever written would make you say that, other than reactionary trolling?
"basement dwelling neckbeards"


I used to be a libertarian back in the late 80's / early 90's. Card carrying -- back when it meant something (I thought), and also when no one really knew who the hell they were..

LOL, "card carrying" and "libertarian" are oxymorons. It's why the "Libertarian" party sucks. You add the party, you trample the individual. It just works that way.

First of all, I think you're a liar. But I'll play along for a moment. So what was the epiphany that made you flip from government hating libertarian to government loving socialist? What gave you the insight that government is the solution to all our problems?

Personally, I don't see how anyone who sees how badly government sucks at problem solving would ever decide they are actually good at it. It was obviously a religious moment because observing their incompetence sure wouldn't do it.
The Lincoln cult members never fail to quote the opinion handed down by Lincoln's hand picked stooges on the Supreme Court that supports Lincoln's crimes.
Don't you have a KKK meeting you have to be attending?

Maybe it's next door to your Communist Party of America meeting. Would that be a hoot or what?
I've never posted anything that remotely could be concluded I would be interested. In fact, I have been a capitalist for over 25 years, and come from a long line of capitalists.

Meanwhile, bripat (and we go way back) has a rich history (and anyone can mine his posts) of white supremacy related posts. Don't believe me? Go mining.

You sure hate capitalism for a capitalist
How can you say that? What of anything I have ever written would make you say that, other than reactionary trolling?

All I ever see you do is support big government. In thread after thread, you say you're not a liberal. But you never argue against liberals nor for anyone else. It's you job to figure out how you are not one, not mine.
Oh goody, I love secession threads, brings out all the dumb-ass confederates who want to try it again.

Yeah, because it worked out so good for them last time they tried it.
We're in a new day and age. The era of mass armies, mass conscription and mass slaughter are over. Secession movements are springing up everywhere.

Are you going to rush to the enlistment office and sign up to go blow up some Americans who want to secede? Are you prepared to have your front yard turned into a battlefield?

Secession USED to mean war, now it's more likely to mean a referendum.
Any secession attempt would result in the governor and legislature of a state being arrested for treason, a new leadership appointed by the president and occupation by troops. That's just how it would be.

And idiot libs wonder why humans say liberalism supports totalitarianism.

Go figure.
I would entertain secession. To many variables to be realistic really but, perhaps a polarizing event could pull it out in the open. A breaking up of the union would be feasible, if you could figure out a solution for the nuclear weapons, military and buisness bases. I would be more then happy to break the union if we get all the toys. I would not leave them for the folks who stay behind or the military structure... business and commerce would be a no brainer as most of them would leave the union quite easily as most of them are offshore anyways.

Have you noticed your own signature?

Who is this "we" that you think should get all the toys? The UNITED states has the toys and that's the way to keep us strong.

OTOH, if the nutters seceded, the blue states could keep a lot more of their tax money.
Oh goody, I love secession threads, brings out all the dumb-ass confederates who want to try it again.

Yeah, because it worked out so good for them last time they tried it.
We're in a new day and age. The era of mass armies, mass conscription and mass slaughter are over. Secession movements are springing up everywhere.

Are you going to rush to the enlistment office and sign up to go blow up some Americans who want to secede? Are you prepared to have your front yard turned into a battlefield?

Secession USED to mean war, now it's more likely to mean a referendum.
Any secession attempt would result in the governor and legislature of a state being arrested for treason, a new leadership appointed by the president and occupation by troops. That's just how it would be.

And idiot libs wonder why humans say liberalism supports totalitarianism.

Go figure.
Figure this, any president of any party would kick the shit out of any dumbasses who tried to leave or face immediate impeachment.
[QUOTE="BluesLegend, post: 9879997, member: 51009

Well, then. I assume that, as an honest man, you refuse to make such a pledge when others do, at civic events, ball games, etc.

I destroyed your stupid post with facts and knowledge, run away with your tail tucked between your legs.

Oh, absolutely, because you are a really scary guy, and your superior intellect is simply more than I am my simple liberal mind can handle! The fact that you probably voted for Palin and McCain, and are still free to walk around the streets, without observation, is enough to make me quake in my boots![/QUOTE]

Translation...you posted something dumb, got called on it, and you got nothing.[/QUOTE]

No doubt about it, Blue. You are a legend in your own time! I assume that you have appointed yourself president for life of your own fan club!
We succeeded down in Georgia back in 1861. Didn't work out too well.... Among other things, they burned virtually the whole state to the ground.
Just heard this- that 23% of Americans and 53% if tee potties answered yes to the question of 'would they like to secede from the union?'

A poster here recently asked 'why, if Scotland can vote to secede, why can't Americans?'

People say they want to secede but don't even know what US laws concerning secession.


Would you vote to secede?

Why or why not?

Sent from my iPad using Tapatal

Let's dump Texas --swamp them out for Puerto Rico--that way we won't have to change the flag.

Make an example out of texas as they are overrun by Narco Armies and So. American Gerrillas, all those cheerleader trophy wives turned out on the street.

The other red states would see how it only takes one week without the protection of the U.S. Military for Texas to become a third world...whatever... then the other red states would all stfu on fall in line.
[QUOTE="hazlnut, post: 9882852, member: 39768
Let's dump Texas --swamp them out for Puerto Rico--that way we won't have to change the flag.

Make an example out of texas as they are overrun by Narco Armies and So. American Gerrillas, all those cheerleader trophy wives turned out on the street.

The other red states would see how it only takes one week without the protection of the U.S. Military for Texas to become a third world...whatever... then the other red states would all stfu on fall in line.[/QUOTE]

That would not work, Hazel. I lived in Texas. They would simply barricade the Alamo, wait until they were surrounded and slaughtered, and then declare it a victory.
Just heard this- that 23% of Americans and 53% if tee potties answered yes to the question of 'would they like to secede from the union?'

A poster here recently asked 'why, if Scotland can vote to secede, why can't Americans?'

People say they want to secede but don't even know what US laws concerning secession.


Would you vote to secede?

Why or why not?

Sent from my iPad using Tapatal

Let's dump Texas --swamp them out for Puerto Rico--that way we won't have to change the flag.

Make an example out of texas as they are overrun by Narco Armies and So. American Gerrillas, all those cheerleader trophy wives turned out on the street.

The other red states would see how it only takes one week without the protection of the U.S. Military for Texas to become a third world...whatever... then the other red states would all stfu on fall in line.

Texas doesn't enjoy the protection of the U.S. Military right now.

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