25 most dangerous neighborhood have one things in common, care to guess???

Gifts that are easier to give oneself when you're not in a constant state of financial worry.

Hey, I know, I know......growing up poor is no reason to commit crime. I, too, was brought up by poor yet ethical parents.

That never stopped me from seeing that it can be harder to be ethical when it doesn't pay out. And it doesn't stop me from knowing that I was lucky in that, in spite of not being very advantaged financially, I had two good parents to raise me, and I knew I was cared for.

Agreed ... Same here ... And I never said it was easy.

Gifts that are easier to give oneself when you're not in a constant state of financial worry.

Hey, I know, I know......growing up poor is no reason to commit crime. I, too, was brought up by poor yet ethical parents.

That never stopped me from seeing that it can be harder to be ethical when it doesn't pay out. And it doesn't stop me from knowing that I was lucky in that, in spite of not being very advantaged financially, I had two good parents to raise me, and I knew I was cared for.

Agreed ... Same here ... And I never said it was easy.

Gifts that are easier to give oneself when you're not in a constant state of financial worry.

Hey, I know, I know......growing up poor is no reason to commit crime. I, too, was brought up by poor yet ethical parents.

That never stopped me from seeing that it can be harder to be ethical when it doesn't pay out. And it doesn't stop me from knowing that I was lucky in that, in spite of not being very advantaged financially, I had two good parents to raise me, and I knew I was cared for.

Agreed ... Same here ... And I never said it was easy.


You know, it usually boils down to this. You have one person who says, even if it's not easy, you can overcome disadvantages and do the right thing and succeed. Fight the odds.

And another person who says that when you stack up the disadvantages, the odds get harder to fight. And the reason why they call it fighting the odds is because there are losers in that fight.

Saying that poverty (or blackness, or single-parent family) is no excuse is like saying that everyone can be extraordinary. When, by definition, not everyone can.
Saying that poverty (or blackness, or single-parent family) is no excuse is like saying that everyone can be extraordinary. When, by definition, not everyone can.

I completely understand what you are saying ... But this part stands out in particular.
Where it is true ... It has also been my experience that the more you tell yourself you cannot do it ... The more you increase your chances of never reaching your goal (and likewise simple attainable success as a by-product).

In a way ... To accept that you cannot be extraordinary ... Reinforces the chances you never will be.

So if we could find some way to genetically alter them into white people these would be safe neighborhoods?
Why don't you do that, and find out? Look, facts are facts, these sarcastic remarks don't help. I went to a majority Black high school growing up, and I saw the anti white cruel hateful nasty pettiness of BLACK bigotry first hand and personal. And the majority of violence in black areas is black on black crime, not little white paranoid cops that over react. Yep, blacks ARE their own worst enemies. So all the histrionics and protests in Ferguson or anywhere else won't change that one bit.
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So if we could find some way to genetically alter them into white people these would be safe neighborhoods?
Why don't you do that, and find out? Look, facts are facts, these sarcastic remarks don't help. I went to a majority Black high school growing up, and I saw the anti white cruel hateful nasty pettiness of BLACK bigotry first hand and personal. And the majority of violence in black areas is black on black crime, not little white paranoid cops that over react. Yep, blacks ARE their own worst enemies. So all the histrionics and protests in Ferguson or anywhere else won't change that one bit.
I grew up during the 1950's in the Southeast and I can tell you that you have utterly no idea the amount of cruelty that's been perpetrated against blacks for no reason whatsoever and I can guarantee you that whatever cruelty you witnessed pales in comparison. Sarcasm on this thread is well deserved. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.
Poverty, and especially, in some of these areas is a root cause to crime.

Crime is the result of choosing to break the laws ... Why you choose to break the law is an excuse. I came from a poor family and we were not criminals ... Period.



Stop what ... Do you care to disagree or are you interested in adding excuses?

I will show you the respect of listening to excuses ... But it won't change the fact that they are excuses.


You will view them as excuses as the National Review and the Town Hall have been broadcasting this very message within the last three days. Yes? So, mayhap we should just skip the BS and acknowledge that you are heading towards their same little message. It's values.

When you are dealing with crimes such as prostitution then you are looking at an economic situation. You may find a few women that will come forward from the ranches that say they do love it. The vast majority do not. They are engaged in prostitution due to the economics. The do gooders love to preach to this one but fail to address the economics which IS the primary issue. Every reform movement fails to address it.

When you look at some of these neighborhoods that have been excluded from the formal economy then you will find an underground economy at work. Everything from social services to hospice care is present, and in ways that you probably cannot even imagine, to meet the needs of the area. This is where many liberals fail. They are going to storm right in there and teach people that the way they are doing it is wrong. Everybody gives 'em the finger and tells them to take a hike because it comes down as a bunch of condescending crap. Further, it's where your little right wing charity praying will save the day also fails.

But, that isn't where the violent crime comes in. The violent crime comes in real and imaginary slights from gangs over drugs and money. In some areas the older gang bangers, the leaders, have been removed. In it's path there have been these much younger groups that have sprung up.

So, the key is understanding why it is that they are getting involved in the first place. Some times there is no choice but to join a gang. Sometimes it is assumed that you are in a gang simply because of the neighborhood that you live-that It is dangerous as hell. Sometimes it seemed like a cool idea at the time and what respect and manhood mean are interpreted in different ways. They can't get out.

Understanding behavior and understanding crime is not about excuses.

Nobody wants that shit there. In fact, sentencing and plea deals are key as are making sure that there are enough cops there is fundamental.
"25 most dangerous neighborhood have one things in common, care to guess???"

No need to 'guess.'

They all have ignorant racists such as the OP in common, all coming to the wrong conclusion as a consequence of their ignorance and racism.

You will view them as excuses as the National Review and the Town Hall have been broadcasting this very message within the last three days. Yes? So, mayhap we should just skip the BS and acknowledge that you are heading towards their same little message. It's values.

When you are dealing with crimes such as prostitution then you are looking at an economic situation. You may find a few women that will come forward from the ranches that say they do love it. The vast majority do not. They are engaged in prostitution due to the economics. The do gooders love to preach to this one but fail to address the economics which IS the primary issue. Every reform movement fails to address it.

When you look at some of these neighborhoods that have been excluded from the formal economy then you will find an underground economy at work. Everything from social services to hospice care is present, and in ways that you probably cannot even imagine, to meet the needs of the area. This is where many liberals fail. They are going to storm right in there and teach people that the way they are doing it is wrong. Everybody gives 'em the finger and tells them to take a hike because it comes down as a bunch of condescending crap. Further, it's where your little right wing charity praying will save the day also fails.

But, that isn't where the violent crime comes in. The violent crime comes in real and imaginary slights from gangs over drugs and money. In some areas the older gang bangers, the leaders, have been removed. In it's path there have been these much younger groups that have sprung up.

So, the key is understanding why it is that they are getting involved in the first place. Some times there is no choice but to join a gang. Sometimes it is assumed that you are in a gang simply because of the neighborhood that you live-that It is dangerous as hell. Sometimes it seemed like a cool idea at the time and what respect and manhood mean are interpreted in different ways. They can't get out.

Understanding behavior and understanding crime is not about excuses.

Nobody wants that shit there. In fact, sentencing and plea deals are key as are making sure that there are enough cops there is fundamental.

Well, I respect your opinion and value your effort in expressing it.

It seems as though you and I live in separate worlds at times though ... And we simply disagree on the matter of what is appropriate to excuse. Understanding what lies behind behavior does not excuse it in my opinion. Oversimplified ... I don't need to understand why Charles Manson felt the need to lead his people to mayhem in order to say that it was wrong.

I am guilty of being more interested in people willing to put forth the effort to do what we all can agree would be honorable. I don't live in a Polly-Anna world where people don't have faults and society can be blamed for the lack of personal responsibility.

I have lived in, worked in and helped develop areas of extreme poverty. The best remedy I have found for removing the pressures is to stabilize the environment through aggressive elimination of the bad influence created by the criminal element. Once you can handle that aspect ... Then people become more fearless .. And hope is allowed to flourish into action and success.

The people were never stuck in these areas because they were poor. They were stuck being poor because their shortcomings were excused over the insistence that success must be earned through effort and constant diligence.

I am also guilty of disregarding people who choose to give up and quit ... So, I am not perfect. I am not even crazy enough to call it values ... I am more of the "sink or swim" type.

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So if we could find some way to genetically alter them into white people these would be safe neighborhoods?
Why don't you do that, and find out? Look, facts are facts, these sarcastic remarks don't help. I went to a majority Black high school growing up, and I saw the anti white cruel hateful nasty pettiness of BLACK bigotry first hand and personal. And the majority of violence in black areas is black on black crime, not little white paranoid cops that over react. Yep, blacks ARE their own worst enemies. So all the histrionics and protests in Ferguson or anywhere else won't change that one bit.

Guess what...the majority of white crime is white on white. Our crime is segregated....like your neighborhood
And most people are murdered by someone they know. Which would explain intra-racial, homicide concurrences. But does little, to explain the disproportionate inter-racial homicide disparities.
So if we could find some way to genetically alter them into white people these would be safe neighborhoods?
Why don't you do that, and find out? Look, facts are facts, these sarcastic remarks don't help. I went to a majority Black high school growing up, and I saw the anti white cruel hateful nasty pettiness of BLACK bigotry first hand and personal. And the majority of violence in black areas is black on black crime, not little white paranoid cops that over react. Yep, blacks ARE their own worst enemies. So all the histrionics and protests in Ferguson or anywhere else won't change that one bit.

Guess what...the majority of white crime is white on white. Our crime is segregated....like your neighborhood
The problem with this picture, historically, is that all to often when whites commit crimes against black they are far more likely to be found innocent of wrong doing. Blacks are more often than not found guilty even when they are innocent.
It all comes down to perception, really.

If you say there is crime in those neighborhoods because of the extreme poverty thats a fact. But when someone who doesnt have a hint of empathy will simply see it as an excuse.

If an abused adult abuses a child psych 101 says that is a likely action to occur. But when someone who doesnt "care" about that persons past they will simply see it as an excuse.

See how that works? No one will ever convince a person who simply says "Thats an excuse" as being anything other than an excuse. Because everything looks like a nail to a hammer.
It all comes down to perception, really.

If you say there is crime in those neighborhoods because of the extreme poverty thats a fact. But when someone who doesnt have a hint of empathy will simply see it as an excuse.

If an abused adult abuses a child psych 101 says that is a likely action to occur. But when someone who doesnt "care" about that persons past they will simply see it as an excuse.

See how that works? No one will ever convince a person who simply says "Thats an excuse" as being anything other than an excuse. Because everything looks like a nail to a hammer.

Hammers and nails accomplish a lot more than excuses do.

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Drug addicts and that sort of people ....omg.... what a nightmare to have that sort of thing/people for neighbours...

Can you imagine??

I hope nobody here does.
You will view them as excuses as the National Review and the Town Hall have been broadcasting this very message within the last three days. Yes? So, mayhap we should just skip the BS and acknowledge that you are heading towards their same little message. It's values.

When you are dealing with crimes such as prostitution then you are looking at an economic situation. You may find a few women that will come forward from the ranches that say they do love it. The vast majority do not. They are engaged in prostitution due to the economics. The do gooders love to preach to this one but fail to address the economics which IS the primary issue. Every reform movement fails to address it.

When you look at some of these neighborhoods that have been excluded from the formal economy then you will find an underground economy at work. Everything from social services to hospice care is present, and in ways that you probably cannot even imagine, to meet the needs of the area. This is where many liberals fail. They are going to storm right in there and teach people that the way they are doing it is wrong. Everybody gives 'em the finger and tells them to take a hike because it comes down as a bunch of condescending crap. Further, it's where your little right wing charity praying will save the day also fails.

But, that isn't where the violent crime comes in. The violent crime comes in real and imaginary slights from gangs over drugs and money. In some areas the older gang bangers, the leaders, have been removed. In it's path there have been these much younger groups that have sprung up.

So, the key is understanding why it is that they are getting involved in the first place. Some times there is no choice but to join a gang. Sometimes it is assumed that you are in a gang simply because of the neighborhood that you live-that It is dangerous as hell. Sometimes it seemed like a cool idea at the time and what respect and manhood mean are interpreted in different ways. They can't get out.

Understanding behavior and understanding crime is not about excuses.

Nobody wants that shit there. In fact, sentencing and plea deals are key as are making sure that there are enough cops there is fundamental.

Well, I respect your opinion and value your effort in expressing it.

It seems as though you and I live in separate worlds at times though ... And we simply disagree on the matter of what is appropriate to excuse. Understanding what lies behind behavior does not excuse it in my opinion. Oversimplified ... I don't need to understand why Charles Manson felt the need to lead his people to mayhem in order to say that it was wrong.

I am guilty of being more interested in people willing to put forth the effort to do what we all can agree would be honorable. I don't live in a Polly-Anna world where people don't have faults and society can be blamed for the lack of personal responsibility.

I have lived in, worked in and helped develop areas of extreme poverty. The best remedy I have found for removing the pressures is to stabilize the environment through aggressive elimination of the bad influence created by the criminal element. Once you can handle that aspect ... Then people become more fearless .. And hope is allowed to flourish into action and success.

The people were never stuck in these areas because they were poor. They were stuck being poor because their shortcomings were excused over the insistence that success must be earned through effort and constant diligence.

I am also guilty of disregarding people who choose to give up and quit ... So, I am not perfect. I am not even crazy enough to call it values ... I am more of the "sink or swim" type.


We do live in different worlds.

Understanding is still not excusing.

I don't need to understand Charles Manson. I don't need to understand Khanji Fairley. I don't need to understand Lawrence Myers. I don't need to understand Jabari Williams, Derrick Allmon, Paris Denard or Michael Baker.

So, tell me, when you rebuild these areas, what did you do with the severely mentally ill people? What did you do with the intellectually disabled people? Did you change the economic situation for the prostitutes?
Tell me how you went about arranging transportation for the physically disabled. Tell me all about how you brought in good paying jobs to the area.
You must find a nice hood to live in.

you know...a little class here ....

not a

not an ordinary one.
but then I know...after 5 million illegals Hussein is letting in ....

USA is all down the drain.

sad but true.
We do live in different worlds.

Understanding is still not excusing.

I don't need to understand Charles Manson. I don't need to understand Khanji Fairley. I don't need to understand Lawrence Myers. I don't need to understand Jabari Williams, Derrick Allmon, Paris Denard or Michael Baker.

So, tell me, when you rebuild these areas, what did you do with the severely mentally ill people? What did you do with the intellectually disabled people? Did you change the economic situation for the prostitutes?
Tell me how you went about arranging transportation for the physically disabled. Tell me all about how you brought in good paying jobs to the area.

I have tried to stick with the principles of the argument responding in the thread. At the same time ... Since the questions you ask refer to specific solutions for real problems I have encountered and dealt with ... It makes them hard to answer in the public forum.

I am not very altruistic ... But it does involve matters I would like to express in a different form in attempts to avoid any appearance of self-aggrandizement. If you seriously want to discuss the measures involved ... Send me a private message with the expected format and desired length of response.

Hope you understand ... And I look forward to answering your questions should that be the case.

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one has to go to an expensive hood to live in.

that is if one wants peace.

A little class here again ....a little style.

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