25 most dangerous neighborhood have one things in common, care to guess???

I think what you're forgetting is that once a criminal makes it big, he or she also moves out of the poor neighborhoods. All that's left are the poor criminals.....and the "honest" poor people (like they exist.....HA).:bsflag:

I wasn't referring to "kingpins" who eventually move out of the neighborhood. I am referring to the income that is earned through illegal activity. It doesn't matter if the earner turns around a smokes all their income in crack (or whatever) ... They still earned the money they earned and it isn't reported income ... No matter what they do with it.


And therefore, they're still poor.

But it doesn't matter. Your attempt is to paint those neighborhoods as bustling centers of profitable criminals and welfare leeches, and don't seem to acknowledge that there are working poor people who live in these places. Do you think the criminals are going to improve the neighborhoods with their ill-gotten gains, if they somehow have to acknowledge them?

In the other thread they said that an big unarmed black man was still armed.

Then that a peace sign shown by a black person are gang signs

Now poor black areas arent poor...they're rich
In the other thread they said that an big unarmed black man was still armed.

Then that a peace sign shown by a black person are gang signs

Now poor black areas arent poor...they're rich

Just asking a question ... If you cannot answer the question, then cling to your bigotry. If you have to deny crime is profitable for criminals ... That is just as ludicrous.

The honest poor people in the black neighborhoods are not the people making them dangerous.

In the other thread they said that an big unarmed black man was still armed.

Then that a peace sign shown by a black person are gang signs

Now poor black areas arent poor...they're rich

Just asking a question ... If you cannot answer the question, then cling to your bigotry. If you have to deny crime is profitable for criminals ... That is just as ludicrous.

The honest poor people in the black neighborhoods are not the people making them dangerous.


Nobody denied that.
In the other thread they said that an big unarmed black man was still armed.

Then that a peace sign shown by a black person are gang signs

Now poor black areas arent poor...they're rich

Just asking a question ... If you cannot answer the question, then cling to your bigotry. If you have to deny crime is profitable for criminals ... That is just as ludicrous.

The honest poor people in the black neighborhoods are not the people making them dangerous.


Of course crime is usually profitable.

What is your question?
In the other thread they said that an big unarmed black man was still armed.

Then that a peace sign shown by a black person are gang signs

Now poor black areas arent poor...they're rich

Just asking a question ... If you cannot answer the question, then cling to your bigotry. If you have to deny crime is profitable for criminals ... That is just as ludicrous.

The honest poor people in the black neighborhoods are not the people making them dangerous.


Projection with a side of deflection
Of course crime is usually profitable.

What is your question?

I was just asking if you can call criminals poor without including their criminal income. As far as crime infested hell-holes are concerned ... I would suggest the profits of crime have more to do with the danger than the working poor do.

And nutcase Closed Caption seems to suggest the poor honest black workers contribute more to the danger ... And that I am a bigot for thinking so.

Of course crime is usually profitable.

What is your question?

I was just asking if you can call criminals poor without including their criminal income. As far as crime infested hell-holes are concerned ... I would suggest the profits of crime have more to do with the danger than the working poor do.


No, but as has been demonstrated, you can still call the neighborhood poor, because the criminal income isn't going into home repair and neighborhood beautification.

And no, the working poor don't have much to do with the danger of these neighborhoods.

My question is, why do you think there's such a criminal element in these neighborhoods?
No, but as has been demonstrated, you can still call the neighborhood poor, because the criminal income isn't going into home repair and neighborhood beautification.

And no, the working poor don't have much to do with the danger of these neighborhoods.

My question is, why do you think there's such a criminal element in these neighborhoods?

Because the thread is about the 25 most dangerous cities ... Not the 25 poorest cities. As far as why I think the danger is present due to a criminal element ... Is because the danger they are talking about is the result if crimes.

No, but as has been demonstrated, you can still call the neighborhood poor, because the criminal income isn't going into home repair and neighborhood beautification.

And no, the working poor don't have much to do with the danger of these neighborhoods.

My question is, why do you think there's such a criminal element in these neighborhoods?

Because the thread is about the 25 most dangerous cities ... Not the 25 poorest cities. As far is why I think the danger is present due to a criminal element ... Is because the danger they are talking about is the result if crimes.


BUT those neighborhoods are also poor. There's not a one of them on that list that is a rich neighborhood, criminal income notwithstanding.
Poverty, and especially in some of these areas, is a root cause to crime.
Poverty, and especially, in some of these areas is a root cause to crime.

Crime is the result of choosing to break the laws ... Why you choose to break the law is an excuse. I came from a poor family and we were not criminals ... Period.

Poverty, and especially, in some of these areas is a root cause to crime.

Crime is the result of choosing to break the laws ... Why you choose to break the law is an excuse. I came from a poor family and we were not criminals ... Period.



Stop what ... Do you care to disagree or are you interested in adding excuses?

I will show you the respect of listening to excuses ... But it won't change the fact that they are excuses.

Right. So maybe poor people just can't afford ethics.

As far as I know ... You cannot purchase ethics.

Honor and integrity are gifts you give yourself.


Gifts that are easier to give oneself when you're not in a constant state of financial worry.

Hey, I know, I know......growing up poor is no reason to commit crime. I, too, was brought up by poor yet ethical parents.

That never stopped me from seeing that it can be harder to be ethical when it doesn't pay out. And it doesn't stop me from knowing that I was lucky in that, in spite of not being very advantaged financially, I had two good parents to raise me, and I knew I was cared for.

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