25 most dangerous neighborhood have one things in common, care to guess???

in africa they still practice slavery, canniblism and burn witches today.

Where in Africa practices cannibalism and burns witches?

Please be specific.

btw. It is worth keeping in mind that there are still some slaves in the US today as well. Ever heard of human trafficking?
The fact that you feel the need to put "culture" in quotes tells something about you....

Advanced or not, it was a real culture. Demeaning it just points out your biases.

Yes..but we aren't talking about me.

17th century american culture was far more advanced than 17th century african "culture"...or even 21st century african "culture"...hell, in africa they still practice slavery, canniblism and burn witches today.



Thank you for your "contribution."

Where are these sources, pointing toward equitable, or advanced, contemporary, african nations, or cultures?
you are introducing EVOLUTIONARY FORCES------
a kind of genetic change based on natural selection----
blacks were not enslaved here in the USA long enough
for that sort of thing to happen

Not a natural evolution. A sort of social evolution spurred by a concerted effort of those in power to shape the oppressed group. I should have made it more clear, that some intelligent, ambitious, and independent-minded black folks remained alive, but learned to hide those "undesirable" traits. What are the odds they raised their children to be intelligent and ambitious, when those traits were considered dangerous?

Hell, I know someone now who can remember his mother telling him that while he was in the South as a child, to not look white people in the eyes. It was THAT serious, how they acted and what kinds of behaviors were encouraged and discouraged by the group in power.

yes----YES you make a very important point----A kind SOCIAL ADAPTATION -------believe it or not----my own
mother (I am her only daughter---four sons----our conflict
of nature-----can be made into an epic movie that would
rival BEN HUR) -----however ---to her credit----when she
was in the then DEEP SOUTH---(during world war II----when my dad was in the navy) she was HORRIFIED
at the submissive behavior of a black maid----who lived
in the house in which she was lodged. Way back then----before rosa parks-------my dad had to STOP her from sitting at the back of the bus--------he was the only jew on
the ship.<<<< true story Blacks in the south adapted by
being very submissive--------a kinda tragedy
in africa they still practice slavery, canniblism and burn witches today.

Where in Africa practices cannibalism and burns witches?

Please be specific.

My pleasure;
Cannibalism Africa Man Eat Man for Revenge in the Central Africa Republic Strange News

Victimized Christians Take Revenge in Central African Republic Man Eats Muslim After Christian Mob Attack

Congo crowd kills man eats him after militant massacres witnesses - Yahoo News

Look at how this modern "culture" in africa handles their "witch" problems. Fascinating, isn't it?

...but we're really all the same except for skin color, right? :rolleyes:

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Slavery in africa today

Slavery in contemporary Africa - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

btw. It is worth keeping in mind that there are still some slaves in the US today as well. Ever heard of human trafficking?
...and if we can ever get the president to close the border a lot of that will stop, too...but let's not try to change the subject, what say you?
The fact that you feel the need to put "culture" in quotes tells something about you....

Advanced or not, it was a real culture. Demeaning it just points out your biases.

Yes..but we aren't talking about me.

17th century american culture was far more advanced than 17th century african "culture"...or even 21st century african "culture"...hell, in africa they still practice slavery, canniblism and burn witches today.



Thank you for your "contribution."


Glad to help. Facts are my specialty.
Liberals Aghast as US s 25 Most Dangerous Neighborhoods All Happen to be Black - The New Observer

All of these neighborhood as nearly 100% black!!!

Not a shocker and it's and inconvenient truth to liberals and race hustlers. All the hands up don't shoot hypocrites and the fuck the police liars don't want to accept the fact that police should be in these areas more, police MUST profile blacks (since they commit a disproportionate amount of crimes) and police have to be more vigilante and quicker to their guns in these areas because these areas are so dangerous.

See the left won't accept the fact that if you removed the black inner city murder rate, then our murder rate would be closer to Europes! Another inconvenient fact. Same thing with eduction Glup!

Sorry to burst the PC bubble!
Liberals Aghast as US s 25 Most Dangerous Neighborhoods All Happen to be Black - The New Observer

All of these neighborhood as nearly 100% black!!!

Not a shocker and it's and inconvenient truth to liberals and race hustlers. All the hands up don't shoot hypocrites and the fuck the police liars don't want to accept the fact that police should be in these areas more, police MUST profile blacks (since they commit a disproportionate amount of crimes) and police have to be more vigilante and quicker to their guns in these areas because these areas are so dangerous.

See the left won't accept the fact that if you removed the black inner city murder rate, then our murder rate would be closer to Europes! Another inconvenient fact. Same thing with eduction Glup!

Sorry to burst the PC bubble!

Except you didn't. You wish it was that simple. The author of the article is obviously a really New observor.

First, let me be very clear about a few things that I have encountered. One group of people asks for help--say stop and frisk. Another group steps forward and ignores this and states it is a violation of rights. They offer no other solution. They do this, primarily, because that isn't their problem and that isn't their objective. This is true when we look at the ACLU involvement. They just get more airtime. I am an ACLU fan, but they are really limited. I get tired of some lame ass clown spokesperson that carries a condescending attitude like they really did something but has ignored the fact that it was born out of frustration to begin with. In reality--they did what they set out to do and they are done.

But, instead of people trying to resolve issues, afterward, they feel that they have done their part in supporting that one action. Solve the problem.

This one drives me bananas: release all people from prison that were not involved in a violent crime. Imply that the crimes for which the people are imprisoned are 1) drug related and 2) simply non violent and should not be sanctioned in this harsh manner.
It's a little more complicated than that. Yet, there are liberals that do not think this through.

Pay no attention to sentencing.

The reality is that there are locations that all of a sudden become eyeballed for gentrification and then people begin to pay attention. There are two ways to deal with this that I have seen. Pull services and allow the property value to drop low enough for someone else to come in and buy the property and evict all those living in that area. One way to accomplish that goal is to remove the cops from the area, refuse to hire more cops, refuse to pay the cops, defund maintenance of the area, end transportation to the area which has access to better paying jobs. Secondly, demolish low income housing so that people can no longer live in that community anymore. Make it someone elses problem.

But, we can't talk about what liberals really think because there is always some jack ass that has to make a comment about this being genetic and this allows the Righties to escape any problem solving either.
The reality is that there are locations that all of a sudden become eyeballed for gentrification and then people begin to pay attention. There are two ways to deal with this that I have seen. Pull services and allow the property value to drop low enough for someone else to come in and buy the property and evict all those living in that area. One way to accomplish that goal is to remove the cops from the area, refuse to hire more cops, refuse to pay the cops, defund maintenance of the area, end transportation to the area which has access to better paying jobs. Secondly, demolish low income housing so that people can no longer live in that community anymore. Make it someone elses problem.

I think I understand what you are suggesting ... But a similar situation has existed without the intended outcome.

Most employed people moved elsewhere. The police were not necessarily banned from the problem areas ... But there were areas they didn't go or were extremely slow in showing up to calls. The infrastructure was allowed to deteriorate ... And there were circumstances where utility services were shut off to residents. Property values plummeted.

Companies, businesses and developers didn't come in and snatch up the cheap property. The United Nations suggested the utilities should be turned back on. The crappy neighborhoods are still crappy neighborhoods.

I think they call it Detroit.

So if we could find some way to genetically alter them into white people these would be safe neighborhoods?

No. If we could genetically alter them to quit believing the Democratic lie that they are victims. That would help. Some accountability in the home would be a nice and refreshing addition to their lives as well.
As much as you believe the Republican lie that you're a victim?

In no way do I consider myself a victim. I've had my share of hard times. But, I work for a living, make no excuses for my shortcoming because of someone else, and I try realllllllly hard every day not to rob liquor stores or shoot someone who lives on the other side of the block from me to support my crack habit.
The reality is that there are locations that all of a sudden become eyeballed for gentrification and then people begin to pay attention. There are two ways to deal with this that I have seen. Pull services and allow the property value to drop low enough for someone else to come in and buy the property and evict all those living in that area. One way to accomplish that goal is to remove the cops from the area, refuse to hire more cops, refuse to pay the cops, defund maintenance of the area, end transportation to the area which has access to better paying jobs. Secondly, demolish low income housing so that people can no longer live in that community anymore. Make it someone elses problem.

I think I understand what you are suggesting ... But a similar situation has existed without the intended outcome.

Most employed people moved elsewhere. The police were not necessarily banned from the problem areas ... But there were areas they didn't go or were extremely slow in showing up to calls. The infrastructure was allowed to deteriorate ... And there were circumstances where utility services were shut off to residents. Property values plummeted.

Companies, businesses and developers didn't come in and snatch up the cheap property. The United Nations suggested the utilities should be turned back on. The crappy neighborhoods are still crappy neighborhoods.

I think they call it Detroit.


Yes, Detroit. Where we leave the elderly in elevators and shut the electricity off to teach them a lesson.
What is the cause of Detroit s Power Outage - Fox 2 News Headlines

A lesson in privatization.

Retirees Lose Last Shield Against Pension Cuts As Judge Approves Detroit s Payoff To Banks

Kevyn Orr, just for the record, is a bonafide jack ass. I was thinking of another area all together but Detroit is good.
Yes, Detroit. Where we leave the elderly in elevators and shut the electricity off to teach them a lesson.
What is the cause of Detroit s Power Outage - Fox 2 News Headlines

A lesson in privatization.

Retirees Lose Last Shield Against Pension Cuts As Judge Approves Detroit s Payoff To Banks

Kevyn Orr, just for the record, is a bonafide jack ass. I was thinking of another area all together but Detroit is good.

So you agree the plan doesn't work?


Which plan?
Which plan?

The one you described in your post I was responding to.

Perhaps you paid too much attention towards affixing blame/guilt or whatever to your response ... That you never noticed I was talking about the plan you described and how it related to reality.

Which plan?

The one you described in your post I was responding to.

Perhaps you paid too much attention towards affixing blame/guilt or whatever to your response ... That you never noticed I was talking about the plan you described and how it related to reality.


I was under the impression that you wanted to get real specific like the $25 million from copper or.... whatever.
Detroit to scrap its old copper for millions of dollars

But, no. It has never worked.

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