25 most dangerous neighborhood have one things in common, care to guess???

I am not going to live next door to trash ..ok?

well...sorry but its the truth.
Rotagilla -

So you found three incidents of capitalism in a continent of 51 countries - and you consider that as something which is 'practised in Africa'?

I could find three instances of cannibalism in Europe - I can remember two off the top of my head - but that does not mean cannibalism is still practised in Europe.

It's an ignorant, ludicrous claim from someone who knows nothing about Africa, dude.
That would be "facts."
refute any of them you think you can.
Don't sing it.
Bring it.

You posted three isolated incidents, and claimed it was practiced in 51 countries.A quick google search found 20 cases in the US.

You found ONE example of witchcraft and used it about an entire continent. I could find 100 incidents from the US.

I'll ask again - in what countries are cannibalism and witchcraft widely practised, as you claimed?

I'll also answer for you - nowhere.

Your is simply ignorant, ill-informed racism.

You also ignored the fact that slavery and human traffciking are also practiced in the US. It's nothing to do with the Mexican border. Girls are brought in from Asia and Eastern Europe every day so that they can be fucked by sad old white men.
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What is it in melanin that makes it cause violence?


SEIG HEIL~ Hitler too,would have wondered why Blacks are so violent against each other. That luxury, he thought, was far more suited to WHITES!
african "culture" in the 17th century was not far advanced beyond the stone age.

Really? And you studied African history, where, exactly?

It is nonsense, of course - many African cultures had methods of metal-working and construction that were far more advanced than in other parts of the world at that time.

Just because they weren't building multiplexes and Taco Bells doesn't mean they didn't have culture.
How many African metal-working cultures were there in the 1600s? And how many of them were more advanced than European cultures? Can you name them?
That would be "facts."
refute any of them you think you can.
Don't sing it.
Bring it.

You posted three isolated incidents, and claimed it was practiced in 51 countries.A quick google search found 20 cases in the US.

I claimed cannibalism still was practiced in africa and I proved it to you. Why are you trying to change the subject now?

You found ONE example of witchcraft and used it about an entire continent. I could find 100 incidents from the US.

psstt..there is no such thing as "witchcraft"...I said "witches" were still burned in africa and I proved it.

I fricking DOUBLE DOG DARE you to find "100 incidents from the u.s." of "witches" being burned to death in the 21st century.
Post the videos and accounts.

I'll ask again - in what countries are cannibalism and witchcraft widely practised, as you claimed?

I just gave you examples, video and valid links...and now you try to deny them.

I'll also answer for you - nowhere.
I just gave you examples, video and valid links...and now you try to deny them.

Your is simply ignorant, ill-informed racism.

What? I give proven examples with valid links and even include video to back up the fact that slavery, burning of "witches" and cannibalism are still practiced in africa .......so that makes me a "racist"?
LMAO..you're funny!
By the way....You use too many adverbs...expand your vocabulary...

You also ignored the fact that slavery and human traffciking are also practiced in the US.
No I didn't.You tried to change the subject and sneak that in as a diversion....
We weren't talking about the u.s. We were talking about africa......and you insisted I give you proof that slavery, burning of "witches" and cannibalism are still practiced in africa...
So I did.

...now you want to change the subject. Interesting.

It's nothing to do with the Mexican border.

How do illegals get in this country if they don't cross a border...illegally?
..but now we notice that you want to change the subject....again...

Girls are brought in from Asia and Eastern Europe every day so that they can be fucked by sad old white men.

Your racial jealousy, envy, anti white hatred and racism are showing. :)

What about happy, young white men?..What about happy old negros?..What about unhappy young asians?...What about mixed race men with bi polar disorder?

What about you not trying to change the subject every time you get backed into a corner, racist?
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Liberals Aghast as US s 25 Most Dangerous Neighborhoods All Happen to be Black - The New Observer

All of these neighborhood as nearly 100% black!!!

Not a shocker and it's and inconvenient truth to liberals and race hustlers. All the hands up don't shoot hypocrites and the fuck the police liars don't want to accept the fact that police should be in these areas more, police MUST profile blacks (since they commit a disproportionate amount of crimes) and police have to be more vigilante and quicker to their guns in these areas because these areas are so dangerous.

See the left won't accept the fact that if you removed the black inner city murder rate, then our murder rate would be closer to Europes! Another inconvenient fact. Same thing with eduction Glup!

Sorry to burst the PC bubble!

There can be no debate about the root cause of black failure. It is LIBERALISM....but liberals persist in their destruction of black society, while taking no blame for the tremendous damage they have caused.

The great Thomas Sowell spells it out:
If we wanted to be serious about evidence, we might compare where blacks stood a hundred years after the end of slavery with where they stood after 30 years of the liberal welfare state. In other words, we could compare hard evidence on "the legacy of slavery" with hard evidence on the legacy of liberals.

Despite the grand myth that black economic progress began or accelerated with the passage of the civil rights laws and "war on poverty" programs of the 1960s, the cold fact is that the poverty rate among blacks fell from 87 percent in 1940 to 47 percent by 1960. This was before any of those programs began.

Nearly a hundred years of the supposed "legacy of slavery" found most black children being raised in two-parent families in 1960. But thirty years after the liberal welfare state found the great majority of black children being raised by a single parent.

The murder rate among blacks in 1960 was one-half of what it became 20 years later, after a legacy of liberals' law enforcement policies. Public housing projects in the first half of the 20th century were clean, safe places, where people slept outside on hot summer nights, when they were too poor to afford air conditioning. That was before admissions standards for public housing projects were lowered or abandoned, in the euphoria of liberal non-judgmental notions. And it was before the toxic message of victimhood was spread by liberals. We all know what hell holes public housing has become in our times. The same toxic message produced similar social results among lower-income people in England, despite an absence of a "legacy of slavery" there.

If we are to go by evidence of social retrogression, liberals have wreaked more havoc on blacks than the supposed "legacy of slavery" they talk about. Liberals should heed the title of Jason Riley's insightful new book, "Please Stop Helping Us."
A Legacy of Liberalism - Thomas Sowell - Page 1
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We do live in different worlds.

Understanding is still not excusing.

I don't need to understand Charles Manson. I don't need to understand Khanji Fairley. I don't need to understand Lawrence Myers. I don't need to understand Jabari Williams, Derrick Allmon, Paris Denard or Michael Baker.

So, tell me, when you rebuild these areas, what did you do with the severely mentally ill people? What did you do with the intellectually disabled people? Did you change the economic situation for the prostitutes?
Tell me how you went about arranging transportation for the physically disabled. Tell me all about how you brought in good paying jobs to the area.

I have tried to stick with the principles of the argument responding in the thread. At the same time ... Since the questions you ask refer to specific solutions for real problems I have encountered and dealt with ... It makes them hard to answer in the public forum.

I am not very altruistic ... But it does involve matters I would like to express in a different form in attempts to avoid any appearance of self-aggrandizement. If you seriously want to discuss the measures involved ... Send me a private message with the expected format and desired length of response.

Hope you understand ... And I look forward to answering your questions should that be the case.

We do live in different worlds.

Understanding is still not excusing.

I don't need to understand Charles Manson. I don't need to understand Khanji Fairley. I don't need to understand Lawrence Myers. I don't need to understand Jabari Williams, Derrick Allmon, Paris Denard or Michael Baker.

So, tell me, when you rebuild these areas, what did you do with the severely mentally ill people? What did you do with the intellectually disabled people? Did you change the economic situation for the prostitutes?
Tell me how you went about arranging transportation for the physically disabled. Tell me all about how you brought in good paying jobs to the area.

I have tried to stick with the principles of the argument responding in the thread. At the same time ... Since the questions you ask refer to specific solutions for real problems I have encountered and dealt with ... It makes them hard to answer in the public forum.

I am not very altruistic ... But it does involve matters I would like to express in a different form in attempts to avoid any appearance of self-aggrandizement. If you seriously want to discuss the measures involved ... Send me a private message with the expected format and desired length of response.

Hope you understand ... And I look forward to answering your questions should that be the case.


You are in the position, right at this very moment, to change the world. The devil is in the details. I think that it is inherently important that solutions to these issues are fully discussed in an arena such as this. They shouldn't be hidden or buried.
You are in the position, right at this very moment, to change the world. The devil is in the details. I think that it is inherently important that solutions to these issues are fully discussed in an arena such as this. They shouldn't be hidden or buried.

Hmm ... Oddly enough you seem to be under the impression I value simply understanding over the reality of fixing problems where they exist. You also seem to suggest I might not be aware of what I have the capabilities to accomplish.

Both assertions (if they were correctly related in my understanding) couldn't be further from the practical application of actual assistance.

I have already changed the world ... Although my actions were not altruistic in nature. The best piece of advice for others has already been given ... Yet denied by people who intend to perpetuate the cycle of self-destruction. It is the desire to excuse behavior in attempts to associate blame with factors that seem unsurmountable suggesting that shortcomings are expected and acceptable.

Perhaps it is the idea I hold that requires being elbow deep in working out the individual conditions and complications over sitting back and discussing what the complicating factors may be.

You asked questions about handling mental disabilities, educational challenges, economic growth and crime. The key to fixing the problem is deciding the stance to take in addressing those problems. If you take the stance that people need to be cared for over your and their desires that they learn to care for themselves ... Then you are the person failing them. Crime and economic growth are handled with aggressive action, personal endangerment (skin in the game) and a relentless approach of not accepting failure, coupled with sufficient praise and reward.

If you want the specific details (and proof) of how I accomplished these things ... You are going to have to ask me privately and I will answer you privately. I don't, and never have had the desire to fix everything and save the world ... Which has always allowed me to focus on and fix what is in front of me.

Hammers and nails ... What you do us always more important than what you think.

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Liberals Aghast as US s 25 Most Dangerous Neighborhoods All Happen to be Black - The New Observer

All of these neighborhood as nearly 100% black!!!

Not a shocker and it's and inconvenient truth to liberals and race hustlers. All the hands up don't shoot hypocrites and the fuck the police liars don't want to accept the fact that police should be in these areas more, police MUST profile blacks (since they commit a disproportionate amount of crimes) and police have to be more vigilante and quicker to their guns in these areas because these areas are so dangerous.

See the left won't accept the fact that if you removed the black inner city murder rate, then our murder rate would be closer to Europes! Another inconvenient fact. Same thing with eduction Glup!

Sorry to burst the PC bubble!

Blame da blaaaaacks!!!

What an advanced coping mechanism you've developed GHook. Your ideas on what to do about it are also so well thought out!

Walk thru Compton at midnight or thru Harlem and get back with me on your findings,......once your injuries are healed of course.
I think this would be a wonderful opportunity to pause for a moment and give thanks for the many great contributions of the Black community and their culture to our society.
Their peaceful and generous nature make them ideal neighbors, lending testimony to their exceptional family values and parenting skills unrivaled by any other culture.

Their commitment to academic excellence enriches our schools and serves as an example to all who hope to achieve prominence as a people.

Real Estate values are fueled by the influx of African Americans into an area due to their caring and respectful nurturing of these communities, an example of all they have achieved by their enthusiasm for self improvement through hard work and a self-reliant can-do nature.
Without their industrious and creative drive, we would be poorer as a nation.

I think this would be a wonderful opportunity to pause for a moment and give thanks for the many great contributions of the Black community and their culture to our society.
Their peaceful and generous nature make them ideal neighbors, lending testimony to their exceptional family values and parenting skills unrivaled by any other culture.

Their commitment to academic excellence enriches our schools and serves as an example to all who hope to achieve prominence as a people.

Real Estate values are fueled by the influx of African Americans into an area due to their caring and respectful nurturing of these communities, an example of all they have achieved by their enthusiasm for self improvement through hard work and a self-reliant can-do nature.
Without their industrious and creative drive, we would be poorer as a nation.


What? you don't agree?
We do live in different worlds.

Understanding is still not excusing.

I don't need to understand Charles Manson. I don't need to understand Khanji Fairley. I don't need to understand Lawrence Myers. I don't need to understand Jabari Williams, Derrick Allmon, Paris Denard or Michael Baker.

So, tell me, when you rebuild these areas, what did you do with the severely mentally ill people? What did you do with the intellectually disabled people? Did you change the economic situation for the prostitutes?
Tell me how you went about arranging transportation for the physically disabled. Tell me all about how you brought in good paying jobs to the area.

I have tried to stick with the principles of the argument responding in the thread. At the same time ... Since the questions you ask refer to specific solutions for real problems I have encountered and dealt with ... It makes them hard to answer in the public forum.

I am not very altruistic ... But it does involve matters I would like to express in a different form in attempts to avoid any appearance of self-aggrandizement. If you seriously want to discuss the measures involved ... Send me a private message with the expected format and desired length of response.

Hope you understand ... And I look forward to answering your questions should that be the case.

We do live in different worlds.

Understanding is still not excusing.

I don't need to understand Charles Manson. I don't need to understand Khanji Fairley. I don't need to understand Lawrence Myers. I don't need to understand Jabari Williams, Derrick Allmon, Paris Denard or Michael Baker.

So, tell me, when you rebuild these areas, what did you do with the severely mentally ill people? What did you do with the intellectually disabled people? Did you change the economic situation for the prostitutes?
Tell me how you went about arranging transportation for the physically disabled. Tell me all about how you brought in good paying jobs to the area.

I have tried to stick with the principles of the argument responding in the thread. At the same time ... Since the questions you ask refer to specific solutions for real problems I have encountered and dealt with ... It makes them hard to answer in the public forum.

I am not very altruistic ... But it does involve matters I would like to express in a different form in attempts to avoid any appearance of self-aggrandizement. If you seriously want to discuss the measures involved ... Send me a private message with the expected format and desired length of response.

Hope you understand ... And I look forward to answering your questions should that be the case.


You are in the position, right at this very moment, to change the world. The devil is in the details. I think that it is inherently important that solutions to these issues are fully discussed in an arena such as this. They shouldn't be hidden or buried.

A president is in a much better position to change the world. So is a movie producer or director.

Here at USMB change is difficult because in order to fill a pot one must first make sure it is emptied of all of the old contents, and too many here have their pots already full.
Liberals Aghast as US s 25 Most Dangerous Neighborhoods All Happen to be Black - The New Observer

All of these neighborhood as nearly 100% black!!!

Not a shocker and it's and inconvenient truth to liberals and race hustlers. All the hands up don't shoot hypocrites and the fuck the police liars don't want to accept the fact that police should be in these areas more, police MUST profile blacks (since they commit a disproportionate amount of crimes) and police have to be more vigilante and quicker to their guns in these areas because these areas are so dangerous.

See the left won't accept the fact that if you removed the black inner city murder rate, then our murder rate would be closer to Europes! Another inconvenient fact. Same thing with eduction Glup!

Sorry to burst the PC bubble!

Blame da blaaaaacks!!!

What an advanced coping mechanism you've developed GHook. Your ideas on what to do about it are also so well thought out!

Walk thru Compton at midnight or thru Harlem and get back with me on your findings,......once your injuries are healed of course.

hahahaha.Compton?..LMAO...Harlem?....big deal....the city I live in is one of the top 25 most dangerous IN THE WORLD....IN THE WORLD...due to massively disproportionate rates of negro crime.
Liberals Aghast as US s 25 Most Dangerous Neighborhoods All Happen to be Black - The New Observer

All of these neighborhood as nearly 100% black!!!

Not a shocker and it's and inconvenient truth to liberals and race hustlers. All the hands up don't shoot hypocrites and the fuck the police liars don't want to accept the fact that police should be in these areas more, police MUST profile blacks (since they commit a disproportionate amount of crimes) and police have to be more vigilante and quicker to their guns in these areas because these areas are so dangerous.

See the left won't accept the fact that if you removed the black inner city murder rate, then our murder rate would be closer to Europes! Another inconvenient fact. Same thing with eduction Glup!

Sorry to burst the PC bubble!

Blame da blaaaaacks!!!

What an advanced coping mechanism you've developed GHook. Your ideas on what to do about it are also so well thought out!

Walk thru Compton at midnight or thru Harlem and get back with me on your findings,......once your injuries are healed of course.

hahahaha.Compton?..LMAO...Harlem?....big deal....the city I live in is one of the top 25 most dangerous IN THE WORLD....IN THE WORLD...due to massively disproportionate rates of negro crime.

But will everyone understand my meaning if I were to say Fucknuts New Jersey?

Fyi, Harlem and Compton aren't cities. They're municipalities, districts, or neighborhoods.
Liberals Aghast as US s 25 Most Dangerous Neighborhoods All Happen to be Black - The New Observer

All of these neighborhood as nearly 100% black!!!

Not a shocker and it's and inconvenient truth to liberals and race hustlers. All the hands up don't shoot hypocrites and the fuck the police liars don't want to accept the fact that police should be in these areas more, police MUST profile blacks (since they commit a disproportionate amount of crimes) and police have to be more vigilante and quicker to their guns in these areas because these areas are so dangerous.

See the left won't accept the fact that if you removed the black inner city murder rate, then our murder rate would be closer to Europes! Another inconvenient fact. Same thing with eduction Glup!

Sorry to burst the PC bubble!

Blame da blaaaaacks!!!

What an advanced coping mechanism you've developed GHook. Your ideas on what to do about it are also so well thought out!

Walk thru Compton at midnight or thru Harlem and get back with me on your findings,......once your injuries are healed of course.

hahahaha.Compton?..LMAO...Harlem?....big deal....the city I live in is one of the top 25 most dangerous IN THE WORLD....IN THE WORLD...due to massively disproportionate rates of negro crime.

But will everyone understand my meaning if I were to say Fucknuts New Jersey?

Fyi, Harlem and Compton aren't cities. They're municipalities.

Sure bro..I live in "fucknuts new jersey"
I live in one of the top 25 most dangerous cities in the world....a city name recognized worldwide.

I'm not going to parse words over which is a city or which is a municipality. It isn't really relevant.

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