25% Of Millennials Claim They Have PTSD From 2016 Election, Study Says

They should visit a VA hospital or talk to a child who experienced sexual assault and they will understand what PTSD really is. It's not being disappointed because they didn't get their way. Who in the hell raised these snowflakes?
Big Bird and Cookie Monster.

I was raised by a Navy Chief...if I had told my father I had PTSD because someone lost an election I shudder to think of his reaction

I'm a little bit drunk, and at a glance read this as "Nazi Chief". I was like, "Damn. Sassy is a hardcore chick,"

LOL Nah, US Navy. But seriously I'd have found what a boot up the ass was all about

Oh, you used to be able to get a boot in the ass at the drop of a dime. I remember having to pick my own switch off the tree. :D
Symptoms: using alcohol or drugs to numb your feelings, considering harming yourself or others. It sounds like the entire democrat party.
No wonder there are public cry rooms and random dog and pony shows with balloons



A new psychological study from San Francisco State University claims that a full quarter of millennials are suffering from bouts of post traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD, because of the 2016 elections.

The study is by no means comprehensive - the research pool was limited to 769 students studying psychology at Arizona State University - but of those millennials chosen for the test, 25% reported experiencing “clinically significant” levels of stress, along with other symptoms of PTSD.

Students were evaluated using an “Impact of Event” scale, which measures stress levels at various times following a major traumatic event, typically a tragedy or a personal illness or injury. The results, the Washington Examiner reports, "indicated that students’ average stress score was similar to those of witnesses of a mass shooting seven months after the incident."


25% Of Millennials Claim They Have PTSD From 2016 Election, Study Says

Which goes to prove how many indoctrinated front hole idiots we have in this country can you see these assholes having to go to war. LMFAO !!! These stupid fk idiots don't know what reality is until they step foot into a third world country which doesn't really give a fk about their feelings, nor chosen words.

LIBERAL UNIVERSITIES have taught your kids to be huge assholes with no backbone way to go leftist , liberal teachers from Grades K all the way to College..........
Not surprising. I find something like 80% of them seem to suffer PTSD if they are actually expected to work for a living.
It wasn’t the election. It’s that they have been fed bullshit left wing non sense. They can’t think for themselves, they just think they are special and entitled. I have a 24 year old and 20 year old twins who laugh at other millennials and know what the truth is and what the real issues are Not the ones the news try to jam down your throat.

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They should visit a VA hospital or talk to a child who experienced sexual assault and they will understand what PTSD really is. It's not being disappointed because they didn't get their way. Who in the hell raised these snowflakes?

To be fair - as the old saying goes - if you aren’t a liberal in your twenties you don’t have a heart. If you aren’t a conservative in your thirties you don’t have a brain.

These are just kids devoid of real responsibility and are fearful of life

I understand and agree but claiming PTSD over an election loss? Raised wrong, plain and simple. I was raised on the old suck it up buttercup analogy...and I'm glad I was


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It is because of the Resist!!! movement, formal or otherwise. Rather than reconcile themselves to the reality of a Trump Presidency, they have been perpetually stuck in waves of fear, pain, and hopelessness. By focusing on Da Resistance, they avoid confronting reality, including the realities of why they were pounded into the sand. Russians!!!! Gerrymandering!!!! Voter Purges!!!!!!!! anything pointing a finger at others to blame will do. I voted for Bernie Sanders and then Dr. Stein. According to democrats, people like me don't really exist. Trump just made us up with a magic wand and eye of Gingrich or something. Either way, the democrats have not changed their platform or strategy other than double down on the fear, pain, and hopelessness. It will be interesting to see if it works. I personally do not expect it to, but I have been wrong once or twice before in life so I might be due for a third time.
75% of them crapped their pants when mom sent them to the store for milk and they had to pay.
I really think the 'everyone gets a trophy' movement years ago screwed these folks good. Much like Obama's, "You didn't build that"... we have Johnny, the MVP to only be relegated to also ran...... Kind of like grading on a curve. And in this crappy deal, those who excel are dumbed down to the 'average' category. True that MVP's are a statistical outlier, but also true, the left wants to bring them back onto the bell curve of mediocrity
No wonder there are public cry rooms and random dog and pony shows with balloons



A new psychological study from San Francisco State University claims that a full quarter of millennials are suffering from bouts of post traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD, because of the 2016 elections.

The study is by no means comprehensive - the research pool was limited to 769 students studying psychology at Arizona State University - but of those millennials chosen for the test, 25% reported experiencing “clinically significant” levels of stress, along with other symptoms of PTSD.

Students were evaluated using an “Impact of Event” scale, which measures stress levels at various times following a major traumatic event, typically a tragedy or a personal illness or injury. The results, the Washington Examiner reports, "indicated that students’ average stress score was similar to those of witnesses of a mass shooting seven months after the incident."


25% Of Millennials Claim They Have PTSD From 2016 Election, Study Says

What a bunch of twisted pussy's...
It is because of the Resist!!! movement, formal or otherwise. Rather than reconcile themselves to the reality of a Trump Presidency, they have been perpetually stuck in waves of fear, pain, and hopelessness. By focusing on Da Resistance, they avoid confronting reality, including the realities of why they were pounded into the sand. Russians!!!! Gerrymandering!!!! Voter Purges!!!!!!!! anything pointing a finger at others to blame will do. I voted for Bernie Sanders and then Dr. Stein. According to democrats, people like me don't really exist. Trump just made us up with a magic wand and eye of Gingrich or something. Either way, the democrats have not changed their platform or strategy other than double down on the fear, pain, and hopelessness. It will be interesting to see if it works. I personally do not expect it to, but I have been wrong once or twice before in life so I might be due for a third time.

I dig it, dude. I dig it.

Does anybody know what this dude's saying?
You all have to admit, it's fun rubbing their noses in it that Trump pulled it off

I'll never forget Nov 10, 2016 on this forum, priceless

This November 6th is going to be a blast tooooooooooo………

The libtards are in for a real Ass Kicking...…..
Looking back to this past years HS reunion (stfu FZ) I think that my millennium class was the turning point of 'boot strappers' w/ any sort of blue collar gumption. But then again, every subset / class usually has those sort of 'illusions', lol. I do hope that these kids do figure out how to be productive in this evolving world as they seem more tied to their 'apps' than the inclinations of their hormones... (sad actually).
No wonder there are public cry rooms and random dog and pony shows with balloons



A new psychological study from San Francisco State University claims that a full quarter of millennials are suffering from bouts of post traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD, because of the 2016 elections.

The study is by no means comprehensive - the research pool was limited to 769 students studying psychology at Arizona State University - but of those millennials chosen for the test, 25% reported experiencing “clinically significant” levels of stress, along with other symptoms of PTSD.

Students were evaluated using an “Impact of Event” scale, which measures stress levels at various times following a major traumatic event, typically a tragedy or a personal illness or injury. The results, the Washington Examiner reports, "indicated that students’ average stress score was similar to those of witnesses of a mass shooting seven months after the incident."


25% Of Millennials Claim They Have PTSD From 2016 Election, Study Says

Which goes to prove how many indoctrinated front hole idiots we have in this country can you see these assholes having to go to war. LMFAO !!! These stupid fk idiots don't know what reality is until they step foot into a third world country which doesn't really give a fk about their feelings, nor chosen words.

LIBERAL UNIVERSITIES have taught your kids to be huge assholes with no backbone way to go leftist , liberal teachers from Grades K all the way to College..........

More idiot conspiracy theories from the Russian troll farm contingent
They should visit a VA hospital or talk to a child who experienced sexual assault and they will understand what PTSD really is.
Amen to this. If our leader winning the election is the biggest bump in a liberal's road, then I see no reason for them to ever put on a seat belt.

They should visit a VA hospital or talk to a child who experienced sexual assault and they will understand what PTSD really is. It's not being disappointed because they didn't get their way. Who in the hell raised these snowflakes?
Big Bird and Cookie Monster.
I must be an exception because these TV characters are a part of my childhood and I am nothing like these liberal people.

God bless you two and our leader always!!!

It is because of the Resist!!! movement, formal or otherwise. Rather than reconcile themselves to the reality of a Trump Presidency, they have been perpetually stuck in waves of fear, pain, and hopelessness. By focusing on Da Resistance, they avoid confronting reality, including the realities of why they were pounded into the sand. Russians!!!! Gerrymandering!!!! Voter Purges!!!!!!!! anything pointing a finger at others to blame will do. I voted for Bernie Sanders and then Dr. Stein. According to democrats, people like me don't really exist. Trump just made us up with a magic wand and eye of Gingrich or something. Either way, the democrats have not changed their platform or strategy other than double down on the fear, pain, and hopelessness. It will be interesting to see if it works. I personally do not expect it to, but I have been wrong once or twice before in life so I might be due for a third time.

I dig it, dude. I dig it.

Does anybody know what this dude's saying?

Carl Jung may or may not have said, "What you resist not only persists, but will grow in size."

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