250 Years of Tradition Sacrificed on Altar of Political Correctness

I don't care what's on what bill... It's just sad to see political correctness take its place in the forefront of American life.
She overcame the obstacles of being a slave, risked her life time after time working the Underground Railroad to free others, and became a Union spy and scout during the Civil War. If she weren't a 'she' and weren't black, Tubman represents all you admire in a human being: overcoming adversity, bravery, military service. What's not to like?
You can't put this one down to political correctness. It's history.
It's the principle that matters, political correctness is a cowardly behavior...

No need to be hysterical over it.
I really don't care who's on that bill, it's just a nothing action... Lol
It's making the usual suspects happy that they have shown that they "care". So that's good.
I don't care what's on what bill... It's just sad to see political correctness take its place in the forefront of American life.
She overcame the obstacles of being a slave, risked her life time after time working the Underground Railroad to free others, and became a Union spy and scout during the Civil War. If she weren't a 'she' and weren't black, Tubman represents all you admire in a human being: overcoming adversity, bravery, military service. What's not to like?
You can't put this one down to political correctness. It's history.

Technically speaking, it's PC. It's a hard to refute argument that Frederick Douglas was the more influential African-American of the era.
Well, Frederick Douglas was articulate and did a lot of writing and speechifying, I'll give you that. But SOME PEOPLE would say you only consider him more influential because he's a man. Besides, two birds with one stone? A female AND a minority? How can you say no?
Just like giving aid to Africa, it looks good a.k.a. busy work… It really does nothing
I don't know. The subliminal message in having a woman on the $20 gives little girls an idea maybe someday they could be important historical figures, that it isn't only men that can be important.
I don't care what's on what bill... It's just sad to see political correctness take its place in the forefront of American life.
She overcame the obstacles of being a slave, risked her life time after time working the Underground Railroad to free others, and became a Union spy and scout during the Civil War. If she weren't a 'she' and weren't black, Tubman represents all you admire in a human being: overcoming adversity, bravery, military service. What's not to like?
You can't put this one down to political correctness. It's history.

Technically speaking, it's PC. It's a hard to refute argument that Frederick Douglas was the more influential African-American of the era.
Well, Frederick Douglas was articulate and did a lot of writing and speechifying, I'll give you that. But SOME PEOPLE would say you only consider him more influential because he's a man. Besides, two birds with one stone? A female AND a minority? How can you say no?

It's history. Men WERE more influential then.

Maybe Harriet Beecher Stowe was more influential than either, given the effect of 'Uncle Tom's Cabin' on the abolition movement.
The Treasury Department plans to announce Wednesday that the new $20 bill will feature abolitionist Harriet Tubman, replacing former President Andrew Jackson.

A Treasury official confirmed the planned announcement to Fox Business Network. It would make Tubman the first woman on U.S. paper currency in 100 years.

Politico also reported that Alexander Hamilton will remain on the front of the $10 bill, and other design changes are also being rolled out.

The expected announcement from Treasury Secretary Jack Lew follows a heated debate ever since he said last summer the government planned to incorporate a woman on the $10 bill.

Lew's initial announcement set off a firestorm of protests from supporters of Hamilton, the first Treasury secretary. They argued that the founding father had molded the nation's financial architecture and should not be removed from his rightful place on the currency.
Current admin wants us to forget all about the founding fathers.
I don't care what's on what bill... It's just sad to see political correctness take its place in the forefront of American life.
She overcame the obstacles of being a slave, risked her life time after time working the Underground Railroad to free others, and became a Union spy and scout during the Civil War. If she weren't a 'she' and weren't black, Tubman represents all you admire in a human being: overcoming adversity, bravery, military service. What's not to like?
You can't put this one down to political correctness. It's history.
It's the principle that matters, political correctness is a cowardly behavior...

No need to be hysterical over it.
I really don't care who's on that bill, it's just a nothing action... Lol

Your apathy is well disguised.
The Treasury Department plans to announce Wednesday that the new $20 bill will feature abolitionist Harriet Tubman, replacing former President Andrew Jackson.

A Treasury official confirmed the planned announcement to Fox Business Network. It would make Tubman the first woman on U.S. paper currency in 100 years.

Politico also reported that Alexander Hamilton will remain on the front of the $10 bill, and other design changes are also being rolled out.

The expected announcement from Treasury Secretary Jack Lew follows a heated debate ever since he said last summer the government planned to incorporate a woman on the $10 bill.

Lew's initial announcement set off a firestorm of protests from supporters of Hamilton, the first Treasury secretary. They argued that the founding father had molded the nation's financial architecture and should not be removed from his rightful place on the currency.
Current admin wants us to forget all about the founding fathers.

Andrew Jackson was not founding father.
With the injustices all over the world, economically and morally and this is your bitch!
How utterly moronic.

The Treasury Department plans to announce Wednesday that the new $20 bill will feature abolitionist Harriet Tubman, replacing former President Andrew Jackson.

A Treasury official confirmed the planned announcement to Fox Business Network. It would make Tubman the first woman on U.S. paper currency in 100 years.

Politico also reported that Alexander Hamilton will remain on the front of the $10 bill, and other design changes are also being rolled out.

The expected announcement from Treasury Secretary Jack Lew follows a heated debate ever since he said last summer the government planned to incorporate a woman on the $10 bill.

Lew's initial announcement set off a firestorm of protests from supporters of Hamilton, the first Treasury secretary. They argued that the founding father had molded the nation's financial architecture and should not be removed from his rightful place on the currency.
With all the atrocities that this women had to endure and you sit behind your monitor and make a comment about cowardice!
If you had to live even a small amount of the horrors this woman endured in her life time, I would bet my last dollar you would have crawled into a hole and pissed all over yourself.
You fool!

I don't care what's on what bill... It's just sad to see political correctness take its place in the forefront of American life.
She overcame the obstacles of being a slave, risked her life time after time working the Underground Railroad to free others, and became a Union spy and scout during the Civil War. If she weren't a 'she' and weren't black, Tubman represents all you admire in a human being: overcoming adversity, bravery, military service. What's not to like?
You can't put this one down to political correctness. It's history.
It's the principle that matters, political correctness is a cowardly behavior...
With all the atrocities that this women had to endure and you sit behind your monitor and make a comment about cowardice!
If you had to live even a small amount of the horrors this woman endured in her life time, I would bet my last dollar you would have crawled into a hole and pissed all over yourself.
You fool!

I don't care what's on what bill... It's just sad to see political correctness take its place in the forefront of American life.
She overcame the obstacles of being a slave, risked her life time after time working the Underground Railroad to free others, and became a Union spy and scout during the Civil War. If she weren't a 'she' and weren't black, Tubman represents all you admire in a human being: overcoming adversity, bravery, military service. What's not to like?
You can't put this one down to political correctness. It's history.
It's the principle that matters, political correctness is a cowardly behavior...
Ha ha, how many miles have you walked in my shoes??
Back to your moms basement... Lol
Or they could have just created a new bill, like $25 or $30 or $75, kept what's-his-name where he is, start something new, and it's all good.

I do realize how important it is that we remove white people from things nowadays because payback 'n stuff, so whatever.

They're adding a bunch of white women to the back of the $10 bill. I hope that helps your delicate sensitivities.
I think you meant "sensibilities", but nice try on the catty comment.

As I said, meh. You'll have to try this on someone else.
Yeah that's what I meant. Good to see you sacking up. I hope you don't crumble when you're handed your first Tubman $20.

Isn't that Mooooch Oboma's mother on the $20? We used to call them double sawbucks...now it's going to be known as a "TUBBY"?

Call it a Harry. Even better.
The Treasury Department plans to announce Wednesday that the new $20 bill will feature abolitionist Harriet Tubman, replacing former President Andrew Jackson.

A Treasury official confirmed the planned announcement to Fox Business Network. It would make Tubman the first woman on U.S. paper currency in 100 years.

Politico also reported that Alexander Hamilton will remain on the front of the $10 bill, and other design changes are also being rolled out.

The expected announcement from Treasury Secretary Jack Lew follows a heated debate ever since he said last summer the government planned to incorporate a woman on the $10 bill.

Lew's initial announcement set off a firestorm of protests from supporters of Hamilton, the first Treasury secretary. They argued that the founding father had molded the nation's financial architecture and should not be removed from his rightful place on the currency.
Conservatives are such whiners – they complain about the most ridiculous things, and try to contrive ‘controversies’ where none exist, this idiotic thread premise being one of many examples.
Or they could have just created a new bill, like $25 or $30 or $75, kept what's-his-name where he is, start something new, and it's all good.

I do realize how important it is that we remove white people from things nowadays because payback 'n stuff, so whatever.

They're adding a bunch of white women to the back of the $10 bill. I hope that helps your delicate sensitivities.
I think you meant "sensibilities", but nice try on the catty comment.

As I said, meh. You'll have to try this on someone else.
Yeah that's what I meant. Good to see you sacking up. I hope you don't crumble when you're handed your first Tubman $20.

Isn't that Mooooch Oboma's mother on the $20? We used to call them double sawbucks...now it's going to be known as a "TUBBY"?

Call it a Harry. Even better.
I've never heard the term "double sawbucks" before.

Learn something new every day, I reckon.
Or they could have just created a new bill, like $25 or $30 or $75, kept what's-his-name where he is, start something new, and it's all good.

I do realize how important it is that we remove white people from things nowadays because payback 'n stuff, so whatever.

They're adding a bunch of white women to the back of the $10 bill. I hope that helps your delicate sensitivities.
I think you meant "sensibilities", but nice try on the catty comment.

As I said, meh. You'll have to try this on someone else.
Yeah that's what I meant. Good to see you sacking up. I hope you don't crumble when you're handed your first Tubman $20.

Isn't that Mooooch Oboma's mother on the $20? We used to call them double sawbucks...now it's going to be known as a "TUBBY"?

Call it a Harry. Even better.
They're adding a bunch of white women to the back of the $10 bill. I hope that helps your delicate sensitivities.
I think you meant "sensibilities", but nice try on the catty comment.

As I said, meh. You'll have to try this on someone else.
Yeah that's what I meant. Good to see you sacking up. I hope you don't crumble when you're handed your first Tubman $20.

Isn't that Mooooch Oboma's mother on the $20? We used to call them double sawbucks...now it's going to be known as a "TUBBY"?

Call it a Harry. Even better.
I've never heard the term "double sawbucks" before.

Learn something new every day, I reckon.
  1. Double sawbuck | Define Double sawbuck at …
    Slang definitions & phrases for double sawbuck Expand double sawbuck noun phrase Twenty dollars; a $20 bill: so many sheets of dollars, ten-spots and double saws ...

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