28% of Americans say US is #1


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
July 4th bummer: Just 28% say U.S. is No. 1 | WashingtonExaminer.com

A new poll says that only 28% of Americans think the US is the best country in the world. This has dropped much over the last 4 years.

This is Murika damn it!!


Are we gonna stand for this?
And Americans ages 18-29 are at the bottom of those who view the nation as standing alone in greatness. Said Pew, “Just 15 percent of those under 30 express that view today, down from 27 percent three years ago.”

.....from the end of the article.

And that is what I hear from my kids and their friends. They do not seem very impressed with America.
They watched Mom and Dad lose their asses in the economic collapse. Watched Moms and Dads not be able to find work. Watched their friends not be able to find good work. To many in that age group have to live with mom and dad. Watched a Congress do nothing. Watched a segment of the nation try and destroy a President that many, many, many of these young people voted FOR. Watched their student loan debt rise and their hourly income fall. Listened to Mom and Dad talk about how good it USED to be and these kids wonder why it isn't like that for them.

I could go on. But I do understand why the young people are not to impressed with America. I'm feeling the same.
the propaganda from the left certainly is taking hold. Tear down America is what their aim is. Make nothing matter. Discriminate about nothing. No truth, no morals, just everyone is the same there is nothing remarkable in their version of the world. Why? Because they are not remarkable people.

I'll take a poll, how many are trying to cross our southern border into the country verses how many are trying to cross out of the country. Although I have heard that the rich are giving up their citizenships in record numbers and are being replaced by disease ridden children, that sure will work to make America better.

America is still number 1 in spite of the damage liberals have brought us.
8]the propaganda from the left certainly is taking hold.[/B] Tear down America is what their aim is. Make nothing matter. Discriminate about nothing. No truth, no morals, just everyone is the same there is nothing remarkable in their version of the world. Why? Because they are not remarkable people.

I'll take a poll, how many are trying to cross our southern border into the country verses how many are trying to cross out of the country. Although I have heard that the rich are giving up their citizenships in record numbers and are being replaced by disease ridden children, that sure will work to make America better.

America is still number 1 in spite of the damage liberals have brought us.

YOU are full of shit there freewilly.

Every single damned day, Repubs and people like you make it a point to say how awful the USA is today. Gas prices, food prices, no jobs, Muslim President, etc etc etc.

And YOU have the balls to say it is the left wingers saying how bad it is in America?
Fuck that. And you to freewilly.
America USED to be #1 but now, thanks to the last 3 poser "Presidents", all of whom have been Zionist sock puppets who never served in the military, were liberal, communistic in essence and traitorous to America by destroying the morals, values and ethics of our country we are now # 3 or perhaps #2.
We are no longer a nation of Americans, but a nation of turd world immigrants who aren't interested in becoming Americans but rather socio-parasites; sponging off of welfare, remaining apart FROM our society instead of becoming a part OF our society. They refuse to comply with our laws, they bring turd world religions with them, practice savage and inhumane eating habits, no respect for the Americans who actually fought and died to make this country what it was.
We have jews trying to take away our 1st Amendment and making us so afraid to call a spade a spade because that would be racist. we have Zionists trying to take away our 2nd Amendment Rights because in order for them to make us a Communist country, they must get rid of all opposition and possible threats to their plans. They are giving the police lessons on how to shoot civilians (thank you ADL) and abuse their positions of authority and again, they are removed FROM the community and are forced to treat all neighbors as the possible enemy and deadly force is always option #1.
We have homos who are a mere 1% of the US population getting more special treatment and respect than the 99% of the normal people who abhor their perverted lifestyle. We have a 3% population of jews who now control over 40% of the congress and senate seats. The jews are also in charge of our Federal reserve and bankrupting us with their banking and mortgage scams. We have a jew in charge of border security and while Israel is adamantly and rabidly against ALL non-Jewish immigration, they freely make laws for the illegals who come here criminally.
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8]the propaganda from the left certainly is taking hold.[/B] Tear down America is what their aim is. Make nothing matter. Discriminate about nothing. No truth, no morals, just everyone is the same there is nothing remarkable in their version of the world. Why? Because they are not remarkable people.

I'll take a poll, how many are trying to cross our southern border into the country verses how many are trying to cross out of the country. Although I have heard that the rich are giving up their citizenships in record numbers and are being replaced by disease ridden children, that sure will work to make America better.

America is still number 1 in spite of the damage liberals have brought us.

YOU are full of shit there freewilly.

Every single damned day, Repubs and people like you make it a point to say how awful the USA is today. Gas prices, food prices, no jobs, Muslim President, etc etc etc.

And YOU have the balls to say it is the left wingers saying how bad it is in America?
Fuck that. And you to freewilly.

A realization of the truth is not putting down America as does your side.

Are you happy with the price of gasoline when America is producing more oil then ever? Are you happy with the inflation of the food prices? Are you happy with the 6 percent unemployment? Who exactly these days is pointing out the religion of the president? Does he even have religion?

No one is saying that America is perfect but it sure isn't as damn bad as the left wishes to paint it. Sorry I refuse to join in with the cesspool of sadness being spewed by the liberal left. Are you that uninformed to think that 72 percent think that American is not number 1 because people bitch about gasoline, and food prices? Really?
America USED to be #1 but now, thanks to the last 3 poser "Presidents", all of whom have been Zionist sock puppets who never served in the military, were liberal, communistic in essence and traitorous to America by destroying the morals, values and ethics of our country.
We are no longer a nation of Americans, but a nation of turd world immigrants who aren't interested in becoming Americans but rather socio-parasites; sponging off of welfare, remaining apart FROM our society instead of becoming a part OF our society. They refuse to comply with our laws, they bring turd world religions with them, practice savage and inhumane eating habits, no respect for the Americans who actually fought and died to make this country what it was.

WOW dude. That is quite the charge. You have any concrete examples of these actions.

Or do you just "feel" like that is what's going on?

But really, what "morals, values and ethics" have been destroyed by the past three Presidents. Be specific if you can.
America is a great nation full of millions of great people and beautiful places.

Sadly it is lead by a bunch of buffoons, criminals. and liars.
We are the richest and most powerful plutocracy in the world, there's that, not sure it's anything a reasonable person would be proud of.
#1 at what?

Well, I think it's a general "America fuck yeah" kind of #1, not actual #1 (which may have something to do with the "fuck yeah" decrease).

But, to your question, what are we #1 at...not much worth bragging about. Prisons, war, cost to have a baby...all "good stuff".

America, fuck yeah....{sigh}
8]the propaganda from the left certainly is taking hold.[/B] Tear down America is what their aim is. Make nothing matter. Discriminate about nothing. No truth, no morals, just everyone is the same there is nothing remarkable in their version of the world. Why? Because they are not remarkable people.

I'll take a poll, how many are trying to cross our southern border into the country verses how many are trying to cross out of the country. Although I have heard that the rich are giving up their citizenships in record numbers and are being replaced by disease ridden children, that sure will work to make America better.

America is still number 1 in spite of the damage liberals have brought us.

YOU are full of shit there freewilly.

Every single damned day, Repubs and people like you make it a point to say how awful the USA is today. Gas prices, food prices, no jobs, Muslim President, etc etc etc.

And YOU have the balls to say it is the left wingers saying how bad it is in America?
Fuck that. And you to freewilly.

A realization of the truth is not putting down America as does your side.

Are you happy with the price of gasoline when America is producing more oil then ever? Are you happy with the inflation of the food prices? Are you happy with the 6 percent unemployment? Who exactly these days is pointing out the religion of the president? Does he even have religion?

No one is saying that America is perfect but it sure isn't as damn bad as the left wishes to paint it. Sorry I refuse to join in with the cesspool of sadness being spewed by the liberal left. Are you that uninformed to think that 72 percent think that American is not number 1 because people bitch about gasoline, and food prices? Really?

Who is it in America that controls the price of gas, food and UE?

Is it the POTUS? Or is it the industries that make gas, food and do the hiring?

You want to complain about those issues, take it up with the vaunted "free market capitalists" that you Rethugs love so much.
YOU are full of shit there freewilly.

Every single damned day, Repubs and people like you make it a point to say how awful the USA is today. Gas prices, food prices, no jobs, Muslim President, etc etc etc.

And YOU have the balls to say it is the left wingers saying how bad it is in America?
Fuck that. And you to freewilly.

A realization of the truth is not putting down America as does your side.

Are you happy with the price of gasoline when America is producing more oil then ever? Are you happy with the inflation of the food prices? Are you happy with the 6 percent unemployment? Who exactly these days is pointing out the religion of the president? Does he even have religion?

No one is saying that America is perfect but it sure isn't as damn bad as the left wishes to paint it. Sorry I refuse to join in with the cesspool of sadness being spewed by the liberal left. Are you that uninformed to think that 72 percent think that American is not number 1 because people bitch about gasoline, and food prices? Really?

Who is it in America that controls the price of gas, food and UE?

Is it the POTUS? Or is it the industries that make gas, food and do the hiring?

You want to complain about those issues, take it up with the vaunted "free market capitalists" that you Rethugs love so much.

Yes those who actively worked to send our entire industrial base to China and other places have done the most to damage our standing in the world. This lousy fragile service based economy fraught with fraud and dangerous bubbles has made most of us poorer and much less eager to buy the narrative that anyone can be wildly successful with only some good old American determination.

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