3,300+ Cold Records this week in USA

Summer in 3... 2...

Srsly, I'm curious about the next 11 years. The sun is peaking and will soon be waning.
Seriously scooter are there any other issues that in the least bit interest you? You are obsessed.
Should be close to 80 in the mid-Atlantic this time of the year but it barely hit 50 today. The nut-case true global warming believers have the argument surrounded though. They expect sane people to accept the doctrine that black is white and cold is warm because they do.
3,318 cold records set this week in U.S.

The media is curiously silent on this.........


Its called L O S I N G

Oh......and by the way.......global temperatures are falling = more L O S I N G

Joe Bastardi On Global Temperature: ?The Fall Is Very Very Plain To See?You?ll See This Trend Continue?

dont you worry

a hot day will come soon

and disgraced weather shaman al gore will be able to come out

from under his rock

and lecture us on the hell fire and brimstone

headed our way if we do not pass a carbon tax

I cant stop laughing.........

Several US cities experienced more snow in April thatn at any time in recorded history.........

Awful April: Spring hard to find across northern USA

Poll those people on the threat of warming!!:fu::lmao::fu::lmao::fu:

25 more cm of snow today in Manitoba.
Weather Radar - Prairies - Environment Canada

So far not a good year for the blood sucking parasites that normally start breeding `round this time of year.
Last Saturday we had a few hours above zero C, a few geese showed up did a 180 deg turn and headed back south.
Maybe all that cold weather was caused by the 2300 liters liquid Helium coolant that leaked out of the Herschel space telescope ?

Kühlmittel aufgebraucht: Missionsende für Weltraumteleskop "Herschel" - SPIEGEL ONLINE
"Herschel" stirbt den Hitzetod
The kookster is so retarded that he imagines that there aren't known scientific reasons for the very different spring we're having this year compared to the scorching spring we had last year.

March 2013 Falls Well Short of Last Year's Records
By Anthony Sagliani, Meteorologist
April 03, 2013

In Washington, D.C. this year, cherry blossoms will reach their peak between April 3 and April 6. Last year they reached their peak by March 20, one of the earliest dates since record keeping began. As lingering winter cold keeps spring greenery away, many residents from Chicago to New York City remember it was only a year ago when record warmth had already snapped the landscape to life. Record temperatures began around the middle of March 2012 and continued for much of the month. According to the National Climatic Data Center (NCDC), by the time all was said and done, more than 7,500 record highs were broken across the U.S. March 2012 went down not only as the warmest March on record for many cities and towns throughout the eastern and central part of the country, but also as the warmest March for the entire United States. Over the last 30 days, a persistent chill over many of the same locations for March 2013 has led to more than 2,600 record cold temperatures. To put some of these numbers into better perspective, consider Chicago, Ill. For March 2012, the highest temperature the city had was an astounding 87 degrees. This March, the highest temperature was a meager 59 degrees. The March 2012 temperature average for Chicago was 53.5 degrees, or 15.6 degrees above normal. This year, the average temperature was only 32.6 degrees, or 5.3 degrees below normal.
In New York City, March 2012 brought temperatures as high as 78 degrees, but this year the temperature failed to crack 60 degrees.

The driving mechanism for this March flip-flop was the jet stream, a thin river of air miles high that directs the path of not only weather systems, but temperatures as well. During March 2012, the jet stream buckled so far north into Canada that it took on more of a summer pattern than winter. Constant southerly winds allowed tremendous warmth to build into areas that even touched the Arctic circle.

On the flip side, March 2013 had the jet stream dip well to the south, running more along the Gulf of Mexico than anywhere else. This is more like a December or January weather pattern, so we ended up stuck with that kind of chill for much of the month.

Scientists link frozen spring to dramatic Arctic sea ice loss
Melting sea ice, exposing huge parts of the ocean to the atmosphere, explains extreme weather both hot and cold

The Guardian
John Vidal, environment editor
Monday 25 March 2013
Climate scientists have linked the massive snowstorms and bitter spring weather now being experienced across Britain and large parts of Europe and North America to the dramatic loss of Arctic sea ice. Both the extent and the volume of the sea ice that forms and melts each year in the Arctic Ocean fell to an historic low last autumn, and satellite records published on Monday by the National Snow and Ice Data Centre (NSIDC) in Boulder, Colorado, show the ice extent is close to the minimum recorded for this time of year. "The sea ice is going rapidly. It's 80% less than it was just 30 years ago. There has been a dramatic loss. This is a symptom of global warming and it contributes to enhanced warming of the Arctic," said Jennifer Francis, research professor with the Rutgers Institute of Coastal and Marine Science. According to Francis and a growing body of other researchers, the Arctic ice loss adds heat to the ocean and atmosphere which shifts the position of the jet stream – the high-altitude river of air that steers storm systems and governs most weather in northern hemisphere. "This is what is affecting the jet stream and leading to the extreme weather we are seeing in mid-latitudes," she said. "It allows the cold air from the Arctic to plunge much further south. The pattern can be slow to change because the [southern] wave of the jet stream is getting bigger. It's now at a near record position, so whatever weather you have now is going to stick around," she said.

Francis linked the Arctic temperature rises to extreme weather in mid latitudes last year and warned in September that 2012's record sea ice melt could lead to a cold winter in the UK and northern Europe. She was backed by Vladimir Petoukhov, professor of Earth system analysis at Potsdam Institute in Germany, whose research suggests the loss of ice this year could be changing the direction of the jet stream. "The ice was at a record low last year and is now exceptionally low in some parts of the Arctic like the Labrador and Greenland seas. This could be one reason why anticyclones are developing," he said. The heavy snowfall and freezing temperatures which have marked March 2013 across the northern hemisphere are in stark contrast to March 2012 when many countries experienced their warmest ever springs. The hypothesis that wind patterns are being changed because melting Arctic sea ice has exposed huge swaths of normally frozen ocean to the atmosphere would explain both the extremes of heat and cold, say the scientists. A recent paper by the US government's National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) also found that enhanced warming of the Arctic influenced weather across the northern hemisphere. "With more solar energy going into the Arctic Ocean because of lost ice, there is reason to expect more extreme weather events, such as heavy snowfall, heat waves, and flooding in North America and Europe," said the researchers. The Met Office's chief scientist has previously said the melting Arctic ice is in part responsible for the UK's recent colder winters. The possible links between Arctic sea ice loss and extreme weather were made as the UK's government's outgoing chief scientific adviser Sir John Beddington warned that the world could expect more extremes of weather. "The [current] variation we are seeing in temperature or rainfall is double the rate of the average. That suggests that we are going to have more droughts, we are going to have more floods, we are going to have more sea surges and we are going to have more storms." He said that said there was a "need for urgency" in tackling climate change. "These are the sort of changes that are going to affect us in quite a short timescale," he warned. Last year saw record heat, rainfall, drought and floods in the northern hemisphere.
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Well. we are due to have some warm weather, in the 80's for the next four days. And no rain in sight for a while, according to the weathermen.
The "scientists" (who depend on federal funding) say we are freezing our asses off in May because it is getting warmer in the Arctic. They don't have time to offer evidence, just quick sound bites because their mortgages depend on taxpayer funding and you can bet your ass(ets) that they will come up with whatever data that keeps their fat asses behind the wheel of their Lexus.
The "scientists" (who depend on federal funding) say we are freezing our asses off in May because it is getting warmer in the Arctic. They don't have time to offer evidence, just quick sound bites because their mortgages depend on taxpayer funding and you can bet your ass(ets) that they will come up with whatever data that keeps their fat asses behind the wheel of their Lexus.

Oh my, another ignorant post from a really ignorant fuck. Dr. Francis, Phd Meteorologist;

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RtRvcXUIyZg]Weather and Climate Summit - Day 5, Jennifer Francis - YouTube[/ame]
The "scientists" (who depend on federal funding) say we are freezing our asses off in May because it is getting warmer in the Arctic. They don't have time to offer evidence
The evidence is published, nitwit, you're just too brainwashed and retarded to look at it. I just cited some of it in my last post.
10 Signs Climate Change Is Already Happening : Discovery News

There is no real debate about whether climate change is occurring. The only dissent comes from the fringes, and generally from those whose research institutions or blogs are devoted, for ideological or other reasons, to attempting to debunk the notion that human activities are altering the planet's climate.

For scientists studying the impacts of climate change, such questions - and answers - are constantly being revised and refined as more information is gathered, models are fine-tuned, and feedbacks are better understood. But even as they focus their forecasts, those scientists are increasingly seeing the evidence of global warming happening right now, many of them in line with predictions and some of them even more severe and more rapid than anticipated.

U.S. Shows Rapid Rise of Temps Since First Earth Day | Climate Central

I have to admit, I love it when "hillbillies" mock science. Remember now, these are the same tards that insist more than 6% of scientists are Republican. They despise science so that means the majority of scientists must be Republican?

It's part of their circular logic. I wonder how many still believe the earth is flat or the center of the moon is made from soft gooey cheese?

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