3/5 Of A Human Being

As the subject is illegal immigrants, the starting point should be the number of same.

1. Only a fool accepts the bogus 11 million number.....simply remember how you have to press #1 for English these days.

2. The statistics indicate that the real number, the number hidden by the Democrats and their allies, is between 50 and 80 million illegal aliens living in the USofA.

3. James H. Walsh, formerly an Associate General Counsel of the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) in the United States Department of Justice, writes

"... the U.S. Census Bureau routinely undercounts and then adjusts upward total census numbers of Hispanics and other foreign nationals residing in the United States––counting only, of course, those willing to be counted. For the year 2000, the Census Bureau reported a total U.S. population count of “about 275 million” men, women, and children.

When the states and local governments challenged that number as an undercount, the total was corrected upward to 281.4 million, with no clear count of illegal aliens. The Hispanic 2000 census count was 32.8 million, but on re-count the Census Bureau adjusted this number upward to 35.3 million, a 13 percent increase."
How many illegal aliens reside in the United States? | CAIRCO - Colorado Alliance for Immigration Reform | issues legislation projects research

Increased the totals by 13%!!!

Now....hold on tight....this is gonna involve mathematics, so I may lose you here:

Soooo....if we apply that same 'adjustment' to the fabled 11 million....over a decade of so....we have almost 40 million.

But wait!!!

There's more!

4. Another way to arrive at the numbers of illegals in the country is to base it on the number of apprehensions and escapes.

"The average number of recorded apprehensions of illegal aliens in the United States now hovers at 1.2 million a year [in 2007].
A DHS report, Border Apprehensions: 2005, documented 1.3 million apprehensions in 2005. For the 10-year period (1996–2005), the highest number of apprehensions, 1.8 million, occurred in 2000, and the lowest, 1 million, in 2003. These DHS statistics contradict persistent statements by other government agencies that only 400,000 to 500,000 illegal aliens enter the country each year.

Journeymen Border Patrol agents (on the job five years or more) estimate that a minimum of five illegal aliens enter the United States for each apprehension, and more likely seven. That informed estimate would raise the total number of illegal aliens entering the United States in 2003 to 8 million men, women, and children.

He concludes that:

My estimate of 38 million illegal aliens residing in the United States is calculated, however, using a conservative annual rate of entry (allowing for deaths and returns to their homelands) of three illegal aliens entering the United States for each one apprehended. My estimate includes apprehensions at the Southern Border (by far, the majority), at the Northern Border, along the Pacific, Atlantic, and Gulf of Mexico coasts, and at seaports and airports.

5. Taking the DHS average of 1.2 million apprehensions per year and multiplying it by 3 comes to 3.6 million illegal entries per year; then multiplying that number by 10 for the 1996–2005 period, my calculations come to 36 million illegal entries into the United States. Add to this the approximately 2 million visa overstays during the same period, and the total is 38 million illegal aliens currently in the United States."

How many illegal aliens reside in the United States? | CAIRCO - Colorado Alliance for Immigration Reform | issues legislation projects research

....and that number is over a decade old!!!!!!

Gettin' nervous?

6. But other Border Patrol agents estimate that a minimum of five illegal aliens enter the United States for each apprehension, and more likely seven......which would give a total of nearly 80 million illegals occupying our country.

The number of illegals would be at least.....at least.....60-80 million at this time.....permanently residing right here is this country.

Hence...even a tiny fraction of them voting would be 3-6 million votes.


Judging by the amount of time and effort that the Democrats spend advancing the aims and claims of illegal aliens....one can begin to see what a huge constituency they make up for the Democrat Party.

" Democrats had extensive get-out-the-vote campaigns in areas heavily populated by illegal aliens. As far back as 2008, Obama made sure that those who wanted to vote knew it was safe, announcing that election records would not be cross-checked with immigration databases.

... the Obama White House supported a court injunction that kept Kansas, Alabama and Georgia from requiring proof of citizenship to register to vote. The message was sent, loud and clear: If you're a noncitizen or here illegally, don't be afraid. You're free to vote. No one will stop you."
Who's fault is it right wingers? There is no Immigration clause in our federal Constitution and we should have no illegal problem or illegal underclass.

Don't be illegal to the laws, right wingers.

The three fifths clause would be much simpler by bearing true witness to our naturalization clause.

All foreign nationals in the US should be known to the general Government and federally identified for civil purposes.

No need for right wing bigotry at all.
" Ass Clowns On The Left Fight Not To Correct A Standard Of Gluttony And Constitutional Thwarting While The Right Ignores The Consequences Saying It Is Not My Socioeconomic Class And Does not Affect Me "

* Demands For The Same Standard From Both Wings *

Nothing but right wing bigotry. Who was he talking to? Y'all make it seem like he was only talking to illegals instead of the electorate.
It is nothing but a stipulation that a state is comprised of citizens on whose behalf the interests of state lay , which excludes non jurisdiction sojourners from state interests , so step back from authoritarianism through a bureaucratic collective and own up that private interests be funded by private ventures .
" More From The Artisans Of Banal Drivel "

* Hypocrite Arguments Of A Thief Ranting About Legality *

This is the Law, right wingers; don't be illegal to the law and just be hypocrites to the less fortunate:

To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization,
There are rules for naturalizatin and non jurisdiction sojourners do not qualify for naturalization by virtue of vagrancy , except that they follow the legal process of registering to become a subject of a title in us legal immigration system ; and , neither are their cash cow , anchor babies , for social security theft , entitled to citizenship by birth .

There are 800 million people in the bureaucratic collective slum that is latin america and the peoples importing themselves outside of the naturalization process are too idiotic to not continue breeding themselves into poverty and taking everyone else with them .
Only right wingers seem to prefer their bigotry to being legal to the laws; and, we have a Commerce Clause and a central bank. Only the right wing prefers to eschew Capitalism at every opportunity for their socialism on a national and international basis while alleging they are not really like that, in socialism threads.

Tourism is the first, second, or third largest employer in twenty-nine States. What is wrong with Capitalism, right wingers?
The people who wanted to count the slaves were their masters who wanted to keep them enslaved.

The people who want to count the illegals are the white people who want to keep them in the gray market of illegal work.
Yep, Democrats always denigrate human life. Rioting, Abortion.....etc.
The people who wanted to count the slaves were their masters who wanted to keep them enslaved.

The people who want to count the illegals are the white people who want to keep them in the gray market of illegal work.
Yep, Democrats always denigrate human life. Rioting, Abortion.....etc.
Instigated by right wingers who merely practice the abomination of hypocrisy about it.
You know how the lying propagandists love to claim that the Founders didn't acknowledge the humanity of the slaves, and counted them as only 3/5 of a person for the census?

Of course, the truth is that the anti-slavers knew that the slave owners wanted to use the numbers to increase their political power in the Congress, and the abolitionists knew that if they did, slavery would never be abolished. So....the 3/5 compromise to get the union formed.

"Just three years after ratification, in the census of 1790, the numbers were determined according to the Constitution proscription of “adding to the whole Number of free Persons, including those bound to Service for a Term of Years…three-fifths of all other Persons.”

Rather than this representing racial animus, this compromise prevented the South from having the representation to always outvote the North on the issue of slavery.

In 1790, the slave population of South Carolina was 77% of the white population. By 1820, slaves outnumbered whites, 265,000 to 237,000, and by 1860, 412,000 to 291,000. Georgia and Virginia, similarly."
Full text of "Heads of families at the first census of the United States taken in the year 1790 .."

Well......the Democrats are using the same plan, but now that they own the judiciary, they get their way:

"Judges halt plan to exclude unauthorized immigrants from count used to award seats in Congress"

Why was it necessary......Obama just told them to go and vote: "When you vote, you're a citizen yourself."
One day i will understand you, then promptly jump
It's really easy to understand instead of allowing the slaveholding state unbalanced representation through slaves the actual representation number for slaves was reduced to 3/5th
The 3/5 compromise used the term "person" in reference to slaves. The 14th Amendment used the same term to eliminate this 3/5 provision for Congressional representation. It was never intended to add temporary or illegal residents for this purpose.
You know how the lying propagandists love to claim that the Founders didn't acknowledge the humanity of the slaves, and counted them as only 3/5 of a person for the census?

Of course, the truth is that the anti-slavers knew that the slave owners wanted to use the numbers to increase their political power in the Congress, and the abolitionists knew that if they did, slavery would never be abolished. So....the 3/5 compromise to get the union formed.

"Just three years after ratification, in the census of 1790, the numbers were determined according to the Constitution proscription of “adding to the whole Number of free Persons, including those bound to Service for a Term of Years…three-fifths of all other Persons.”

Rather than this representing racial animus, this compromise prevented the South from having the representation to always outvote the North on the issue of slavery.

In 1790, the slave population of South Carolina was 77% of the white population. By 1820, slaves outnumbered whites, 265,000 to 237,000, and by 1860, 412,000 to 291,000. Georgia and Virginia, similarly."
Full text of "Heads of families at the first census of the United States taken in the year 1790 .."

Well......the Democrats are using the same plan, but now that they own the judiciary, they get their way:

"Judges halt plan to exclude unauthorized immigrants from count used to award seats in Congress"

Why was it necessary......Obama just told them to go and vote: "When you vote, you're a citizen yourself."
1/5 sounds more accurate lol
The 3/5 compromise used the term "person" in reference to slaves. The 14th Amendment used the same term to eliminate this 3/5 provision for Congressional representation. It was never intended to add temporary or illegal residents for this purpose.
I agree to disagree. We don't have an immigration clause in our federal Constitution. Foreign nationals in the US are not citizens for franchise purposes and don't have to be counted as whole persons for census purposes, especially in modern transportation times. Our federal Constitution was object oriented before the technology sector provided the term.
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Instigated by right wingers who merely practice the abomination of hypocrisy about it.

Ah yes, the standard leftist, juvenile line...."My bad behavior is the fault of everyone else......but me." They never take personal responsibility for their own fucked up lives.
Why our Civil War? The North was willing to give up the moral turpitude of slavery why wasn't the South.
You know how the lying propagandists love to claim that the Founders didn't acknowledge the humanity of the slaves, and counted them as only 3/5 of a person for the census?

Of course, the truth is that the anti-slavers knew that the slave owners wanted to use the numbers to increase their political power in the Congress, and the abolitionists knew that if they did, slavery would never be abolished. So....the 3/5 compromise to get the union formed.

"Just three years after ratification, in the census of 1790, the numbers were determined according to the Constitution proscription of “adding to the whole Number of free Persons, including those bound to Service for a Term of Years…three-fifths of all other Persons.”

Rather than this representing racial animus, this compromise prevented the South from having the representation to always outvote the North on the issue of slavery.

In 1790, the slave population of South Carolina was 77% of the white population. By 1820, slaves outnumbered whites, 265,000 to 237,000, and by 1860, 412,000 to 291,000. Georgia and Virginia, similarly."
Full text of "Heads of families at the first census of the United States taken in the year 1790 .."

Well......the Democrats are using the same plan, but now that they own the judiciary, they get their way:

"Judges halt plan to exclude unauthorized immigrants from count used to award seats in Congress"

Why was it necessary......Obama just told them to go and vote: "When you vote, you're a citizen yourself."
One day i will understand you, then promptly jump
It's really easy to understand instead of allowing the slaveholding state unbalanced representation through slaves the actual representation number for slaves was reduced to 3/5th
3/5 of what?
You know how the lying propagandists love to claim that the Founders didn't acknowledge the humanity of the slaves, and counted them as only 3/5 of a person for the census?

Of course, the truth is that the anti-slavers knew that the slave owners wanted to use the numbers to increase their political power in the Congress, and the abolitionists knew that if they did, slavery would never be abolished. So....the 3/5 compromise to get the union formed.

"Just three years after ratification, in the census of 1790, the numbers were determined according to the Constitution proscription of “adding to the whole Number of free Persons, including those bound to Service for a Term of Years…three-fifths of all other Persons.”

Rather than this representing racial animus, this compromise prevented the South from having the representation to always outvote the North on the issue of slavery.

In 1790, the slave population of South Carolina was 77% of the white population. By 1820, slaves outnumbered whites, 265,000 to 237,000, and by 1860, 412,000 to 291,000. Georgia and Virginia, similarly."
Full text of "Heads of families at the first census of the United States taken in the year 1790 .."

Well......the Democrats are using the same plan, but now that they own the judiciary, they get their way:

"Judges halt plan to exclude unauthorized immigrants from count used to award seats in Congress"

Why was it necessary......Obama just told them to go and vote: "When you vote, you're a citizen yourself."
One day i will understand you, then promptly jump
It's really easy to understand instead of allowing the slaveholding state unbalanced representation through slaves the actual representation number for slaves was reduced to 3/5th
3/5 of what?
Representation in the house of representatives
You know how the lying propagandists love to claim that the Founders didn't acknowledge the humanity of the slaves, and counted them as only 3/5 of a person for the census?

Of course, the truth is that the anti-slavers knew that the slave owners wanted to use the numbers to increase their political power in the Congress, and the abolitionists knew that if they did, slavery would never be abolished. So....the 3/5 compromise to get the union formed.

"Just three years after ratification, in the census of 1790, the numbers were determined according to the Constitution proscription of “adding to the whole Number of free Persons, including those bound to Service for a Term of Years…three-fifths of all other Persons.”

Rather than this representing racial animus, this compromise prevented the South from having the representation to always outvote the North on the issue of slavery.

In 1790, the slave population of South Carolina was 77% of the white population. By 1820, slaves outnumbered whites, 265,000 to 237,000, and by 1860, 412,000 to 291,000. Georgia and Virginia, similarly."
Full text of "Heads of families at the first census of the United States taken in the year 1790 .."

Well......the Democrats are using the same plan, but now that they own the judiciary, they get their way:

"Judges halt plan to exclude unauthorized immigrants from count used to award seats in Congress"

Why was it necessary......Obama just told them to go and vote: "When you vote, you're a citizen yourself."
One day i will understand you, then promptly jump
It's really easy to understand instead of allowing the slaveholding state unbalanced representation through slaves the actual representation number for slaves was reduced to 3/5th
3/5 of what?
Representation in the house of representatives
Slaves were not 3/5 of anything at the time
Why our Civil War? The North was willing to give up the moral turpitude of slavery why wasn't the South.
Read some history, slavery was an economic institution at the time. There were slaves in the North as well. The morays AT THE TIME were different than today. We fought a Civil War over it and shed lots of blood. You seem to want to completely erase history in order to satisfy your soyboy moral relativity. History is a lot more complicated than your simplistic views, dufus.
Why our Civil War? The North was willing to give up the moral turpitude of slavery why wasn't the South.
Read some history, slavery was an economic institution at the time. There were slaves in the North as well. The morays AT THE TIME were different than today. We fought a Civil War over it and shed lots of blood. You seem to want to completely erase history in order to satisfy your soyboy moral relativity. History is a lot more complicated than your simplistic views, dufus.
Behavior is still behavior. Why are confederate statues coming down after over a hundred years?
So here's the thing: Leftist jurists long ago declared that all benefits made available to residents of a state were to be made available to all PERSONS residing there. Hence, ALL of the Social Safety Net MUST be made available to people who are ILLEGALLY IN THE COUNTRY. Free public school for their children (a dubious benefit to be sure, but whatever...), food stamps, welfare, housing subsidies, in-state college tuition rates, MEDICAID, and on and on. ILLEGALS GET THEM ON THE SAME BASIS AS CITIZENS AND LEGAL RESIDENTS, because of Leftists judges who declared it.

So now, the states can say with a straight face that the illegals should be counted for census purposes because THEY HAVE TO PROVIDE FOR THEM WITH TAX DOLLARS.

But it goes further than that. Democrats WANT to provide for illegals, because they plan to LEGALIZE then NATURALIZE them the minute they take over the Federal government. Then the former-illegals will be guaranteed Democrat votes for GENERATIONS.

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