3/5 Of A Human Being

you're having a discussion with someone who actually believes slaves in the U.S. had citizenship rights lol
Yeah and also someone with no real understanding of American history or even world history.
This is his view on 19th century U.S. history
"Anyone born in the US after 1808 was a citizen by natural born birth because that is when the general Government of the Union assumed supremacy over entry into the Union. Women should have also had the franchise by birth because our federal Constitution and Bill of Rights are both gender and race neutral. "
You are even more of a simpleton. Lousy laws do not make a right.
I did not say slavery was right. Apparently you think you're debating someone else.
you're having a discussion with someone who actually believes slaves in the U.S. had citizenship rights lol
I stated blacks (persons) were natural born citizens after 1808 when the general Government of the Union assumed control over entry into the Union. Why do right wingers have such lousy comprehension but want to be considered Right? Just being on the right wing only works in right wing fantasy.
you're having a discussion with someone who actually believes slaves in the U.S. had citizenship rights lol
Yeah and also someone with no real understanding of American history or even world history.
This is his view on 19th century U.S. history
"Anyone born in the US after 1808 was a citizen by natural born birth because that is when the general Government of the Union assumed supremacy over entry into the Union. Women should have also had the franchise by birth because our federal Constitution and Bill of Rights are both gender and race neutral. "
I am citing Constitutional law; only right wingers have a problem with it; go figure.
You know how the lying propagandists love to claim that the Founders didn't acknowledge the humanity of the slaves, and counted them as only 3/5 of a person for the census?

Of course, the truth is that the anti-slavers knew that the slave owners wanted to use the numbers to increase their political power in the Congress, and the abolitionists knew that if they did, slavery would never be abolished. So....the 3/5 compromise to get the union formed.

"Just three years after ratification, in the census of 1790, the numbers were determined according to the Constitution proscription of “adding to the whole Number of free Persons, including those bound to Service for a Term of Years…three-fifths of all other Persons.”

Rather than this representing racial animus, this compromise prevented the South from having the representation to always outvote the North on the issue of slavery.

In 1790, the slave population of South Carolina was 77% of the white population. By 1820, slaves outnumbered whites, 265,000 to 237,000, and by 1860, 412,000 to 291,000. Georgia and Virginia, similarly."
Full text of "Heads of families at the first census of the United States taken in the year 1790 .."

Well......the Democrats are using the same plan, but now that they own the judiciary, they get their way:

"Judges halt plan to exclude unauthorized immigrants from count used to award seats in Congress"

Why was it necessary......Obama just told them to go and vote: "When you vote, you're a citizen yourself."
One day i will understand you, then promptly jump
It's really easy to understand instead of allowing the slaveholding state unbalanced representation through slaves the actual representation number for slaves was reduced to 3/5th
3/5 of what?
Representation in the house of representatives
Slaves were not 3/5 of anything at the time
did slaves have voting rights before 1866?
They were citizens after 1808. The North was emancipating their slave population.
link where slaves in the U.S had voting rights.
Anyone born in the US after 1808 was a citizen by natural born birth because that is when the general Government of the Union assumed supremacy over entry into the Union.
Request number 2 link where slaves in the U.S had voting rights.
They did not have voting rights at the time, and neither did women.
they didn't have voting rights more did they have a citizenship
They didn't get citizenship until after 1866 with the 1st civil rights act of 1866
The Naturalization Act of 1790 limited naturalization (and citizenship) to "free white persons," ruling out slaves and free blacks, as well.
Slaves did not have rights, Free blacks in the north had some rights within some states until dread scott decision of 1857 that specifically set forth that African slaves (and their descendants) could never be citizens and had no citizenship rights.
They should have been natural born citizens after 1808. Entry into the Union was a federal matter then.
all I can do is laugh at your limited knowledge of 19th century U.S. history
They should have would have could have but didn't have any citizenship until after the civil rights act of 1866
you're having a discussion with someone who actually believes slaves in the U.S. had citizenship rights lol
Yeah and also someone with no real understanding of American history or even world history.
This is his view on 19th century U.S. history
"Anyone born in the US after 1808 was a citizen by natural born birth because that is when the general Government of the Union assumed supremacy over entry into the Union. Women should have also had the franchise by birth because our federal Constitution and Bill of Rights are both gender and race neutral. "
I am citing Constitutional law; only right wingers have a problem with it; go figure.
No fuck you aren't
You know how the lying propagandists love to claim that the Founders didn't acknowledge the humanity of the slaves, and counted them as only 3/5 of a person for the census?

Of course, the truth is that the anti-slavers knew that the slave owners wanted to use the numbers to increase their political power in the Congress, and the abolitionists knew that if they did, slavery would never be abolished. So....the 3/5 compromise to get the union formed.

"Just three years after ratification, in the census of 1790, the numbers were determined according to the Constitution proscription of “adding to the whole Number of free Persons, including those bound to Service for a Term of Years…three-fifths of all other Persons.”

Rather than this representing racial animus, this compromise prevented the South from having the representation to always outvote the North on the issue of slavery.

In 1790, the slave population of South Carolina was 77% of the white population. By 1820, slaves outnumbered whites, 265,000 to 237,000, and by 1860, 412,000 to 291,000. Georgia and Virginia, similarly."
Full text of "Heads of families at the first census of the United States taken in the year 1790 .."

Well......the Democrats are using the same plan, but now that they own the judiciary, they get their way:

"Judges halt plan to exclude unauthorized immigrants from count used to award seats in Congress"

Why was it necessary......Obama just told them to go and vote: "When you vote, you're a citizen yourself."
One day i will understand you, then promptly jump
It's really easy to understand instead of allowing the slaveholding state unbalanced representation through slaves the actual representation number for slaves was reduced to 3/5th
3/5 of what?
Representation in the house of representatives
Slaves were not 3/5 of anything at the time
did slaves have voting rights before 1866?
They were citizens after 1808. The North was emancipating their slave population.
link where slaves in the U.S had voting rights.
Anyone born in the US after 1808 was a citizen by natural born birth because that is when the general Government of the Union assumed supremacy over entry into the Union.
Request number 2 link where slaves in the U.S had voting rights.
They did not have voting rights at the time, and neither did women.
they didn't have voting rights more did they have a citizenship
They didn't get citizenship until after 1866 with the 1st civil rights act of 1866
The Naturalization Act of 1790 limited naturalization (and citizenship) to "free white persons," ruling out slaves and free blacks, as well.
Slaves did not have rights, Free blacks in the north had some rights within some states until dread scott decision of 1857 that specifically set forth that African slaves (and their descendants) could never be citizens and had no citizenship rights.
They should have been natural born citizens after 1808. Entry into the Union was a federal matter then.
all I can do is laugh at your limited knowledge of 19th century U.S. history
They should have would have could have but didn't have any citizenship until after the civil rights act of 1866
Right wingers have a problem being legal to the laws but like to blame the less fortunate.
you're having a discussion with someone who actually believes slaves in the U.S. had citizenship rights lol
Yeah and also someone with no real understanding of American history or even world history.
This is his view on 19th century U.S. history
"Anyone born in the US after 1808 was a citizen by natural born birth because that is when the general Government of the Union assumed supremacy over entry into the Union. Women should have also had the franchise by birth because our federal Constitution and Bill of Rights are both gender and race neutral. "
I am citing Constitutional law; only right wingers have a problem with it; go figure.
No fuck you aren't
Yes fuck, I am.
You know how the lying propagandists love to claim that the Founders didn't acknowledge the humanity of the slaves, and counted them as only 3/5 of a person for the census?

Of course, the truth is that the anti-slavers knew that the slave owners wanted to use the numbers to increase their political power in the Congress, and the abolitionists knew that if they did, slavery would never be abolished. So....the 3/5 compromise to get the union formed.

"Just three years after ratification, in the census of 1790, the numbers were determined according to the Constitution proscription of “adding to the whole Number of free Persons, including those bound to Service for a Term of Years…three-fifths of all other Persons.”

Rather than this representing racial animus, this compromise prevented the South from having the representation to always outvote the North on the issue of slavery.

In 1790, the slave population of South Carolina was 77% of the white population. By 1820, slaves outnumbered whites, 265,000 to 237,000, and by 1860, 412,000 to 291,000. Georgia and Virginia, similarly."
Full text of "Heads of families at the first census of the United States taken in the year 1790 .."

Well......the Democrats are using the same plan, but now that they own the judiciary, they get their way:

"Judges halt plan to exclude unauthorized immigrants from count used to award seats in Congress"

Why was it necessary......Obama just told them to go and vote: "When you vote, you're a citizen yourself."
One day i will understand you, then promptly jump
It's really easy to understand instead of allowing the slaveholding state unbalanced representation through slaves the actual representation number for slaves was reduced to 3/5th
3/5 of what?
Representation in the house of representatives
Slaves were not 3/5 of anything at the time
did slaves have voting rights before 1866?
They were citizens after 1808. The North was emancipating their slave population.
link where slaves in the U.S had voting rights.
Anyone born in the US after 1808 was a citizen by natural born birth because that is when the general Government of the Union assumed supremacy over entry into the Union.
Request number 2 link where slaves in the U.S had voting rights.
They did not have voting rights at the time, and neither did women.
they didn't have voting rights more did they have a citizenship
They didn't get citizenship until after 1866 with the 1st civil rights act of 1866
The Naturalization Act of 1790 limited naturalization (and citizenship) to "free white persons," ruling out slaves and free blacks, as well.
Slaves did not have rights, Free blacks in the north had some rights within some states until the Dread Scott decision of 1857 that specifically set forth that African slaves (and their descendants) could never be citizens and had no citizenship rights.
They should have been natural born citizens after 1808. Entry into the Union was a federal matter then.
all I can do is laugh at your limited knowledge of 19th century U.S. history
They should have would have could have but didn't have any citizenship until after the civil rights act of 1866
Right wingers have a problem being legal to the laws but like to blame the less fortunate.
Your concession is accepted
The Naturalization Act of 1790 ONLY GAVE FREE WHITES CITIZENSHIP
Slaves did not have rights, Free blacks in the north had some rights within some states until the Dread Scott decision of 1857 that specifically set forth that African slaves (and their descendants) could never be citizens and had no citizenship rights.

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