3.7 GDP Growth

So now that the poor record of Obama - only 4 quarters higher than 3% (out of 32), a measly 12%, we now have Trump who has already rung up 2 quarters of 3%+ GDP out of only 4 quarters (a healthy 50%), and a third of his quarters was 2.9%+, so he's had 3 of 4 quarters at 2.9% or higher (75%).

What a comparison. Good thing Trump won, or with Hillary we'd be nose diving down below 1.2%, where it was in Obama's last days.

How Trump Got Economy Booming in Less Than a Year | RealClearPolitics

The Trump Economy, One Year In: A Success By All Measures | Investor's Business Daily

Trump’s Economy Booming

Sorry Democrats, Economists Say Trump, Not Obama, Should Be Credited For Booming Economy
You already said that graph was no good because it didn't match this one:
You are already buried in this thread. Take a nap. Go to sleep.


How Trump Got Economy Booming in Less Than a Year | RealClearPolitics

The Trump Economy, One Year In: A Success By All Measures | Investor's Business Daily

Trump’s Economy Booming

Sorry Democrats, Economists Say Trump, Not Obama, Should Be Credited For Booming Economy
So now that the poor record of Obama - only 4 quarters higher than 3% (out of 32), a measly 12%, we now have Trump who has already rung up 2 quarters of 3%+ GDP out of only 4 quarters (a healthy 50%), and a third of his quarters was 2.9%+, so he's had 3 of 4 quarters at 2.9% or higher (75%).
Sorry but the graph you used to claim Obama had only 4 quarters above 3% GDP shows NO quarters for Tramp above 3% GDP. and the graph you use to show Tramp with 2 quarters above 3% shows Obama with 8 above 3% and one of which is above 5%.

You knowingly use two different graphs with two different titles from the same source when you compare the lying loser Tramp to Obama. That is why I say that the Right are worthless premeditated lying scum.
All your links prove is the worthless lying scum Right lie in packs, each citing the others' lies as confirmation.
Tramp? You spelling is off. He's the Orange Chimp, and we are Trumpists, Trumpers, Trumpkins, Trumpites. Get your little school girl names correct!
Tramp? You spelling is off. He's the Orange Chimp, and we are Trumpists, Trumpers, Trumpkins, Trumpites. Get your little school girl names correct!
I will call the worthless lying scum POS whatever I want, Tramp hasn't repealed the Constitution YET!
So now that the poor record of Obama - only 4 quarters higher than 3% (out of 32)
Wow, thanks a lot! You actually proved for the forum you’re an unabashed liar better than I could prove.

Even after I proved Obama had 8 quarters above 3%...


2009Q4 3.9
2010Q2 3.9
2011Q4 4.6
2013Q3 3.1
2013Q4 4.0
2014Q2 4.6
2014Q3 5.2
2015Q1 3.2

... you continue to lie and claim those 8 quarters are only 4 quarters.
So now that the poor record of Obama - only 4 quarters higher than 3% (out of 32), a measly 12%, we now have Trump who has already rung up 2 quarters of 3%+ GDP out of only 4 quarters (a healthy 50%), and a third of his quarters was 2.9%+, so he's had 3 of 4 quarters at 2.9% or higher (75%). :biggrin:

What a comparison. Good thing Trump won, or with Hillary we'd be nose diving down below 1.2%, where it was in Obama's last days.

How Trump Got Economy Booming in Less Than a Year | RealClearPolitics

The Trump Economy, One Year In: A Success By All Measures | Investor's Business Daily

Trump’s Economy Booming

Sorry Democrats, Economists Say Trump, Not Obama, Should Be Credited For Booming Economy
So now that the poor record of Obama - only 4 quarters higher than 3% (out of 32), a measly 12%, we now have Trump who has already rung up 2 quarters of 3%+ GDP out of only 4
As is typical of the worthless lying scum Right, they just can't stop themselves from lying.
YOUR same source that you use to claim Obama had only 4 quarters above 3%, (it actually says Obama had 4 YEARS above 3%) says Tramp had NONE, ZERO, ZILCH, NADA.
Trump is the FIRST non-politician since Ike to be elected president. He wants to improve the quality of life for ALL Americans and the American left despises him for it. Why?
OH Horseshit. Your adulation of that fraud is sickening! And why are you blaming the left as the only portion of the electorate holding nothing but disdain for that fucking fat fraud? For Christ's sake, wake up!

Trump ran on a platform of improving the economy and putting Americans first. What is your issue with that platform?
That's not a platform, fool! That's sophistry and pablum for the gullible and easily led, the useful idiots. Have another swallow of Trump piss sucker!

Trump ran on the waves of discrimination, hate and fear employing a tactic of division and marginalization, and Hispanics and Muslims were the "OTHERS" who were disposable and set as the targets for your daily two minutes of hate. Obviously that resonated within you and your fellow travelers. I pity your type of miserable unthinking person who has turned their allegiance from Country to Dogma and "Leader".

America is dying and you dumb bastards are killing her by ignoring Constitutional First Principles and elevating a manipulative Man above those Principles! And don't even protest to the contrary! You and many others have been played, sucker!
Opinions are like assholes.......Everyone has one and they all stink. Your opinion and that of the left that said NOTHING as Obama weaponized Federal Agencies against citizens simply because of their beliefs. No one went to jail, and others left and got big paying jobs at BOUGHT OFF NEWS agencies.

Let's get a few things straight. I agree with his promises........and he's keeping a bunch of them even as he's attacked by liberal scum everyday like you.

Cut taxes to promote growth.
Cutting Regulations which he is doing.
Pushing for more energy independence.....doesn't get all that credit but we are now producing more when some said it couldn't be done.
Coal is no longer dead..........attacked by the EPA.
Keystone is going after the left's attack.
TPP is dead.
Paris Agreement is dead.
BS Iranian deal is offline.
A NEW SCOTUS is appointed and not a shrill liberal one. Will probably be another one before he leaves.
Catch and Release is ending and Sanctuary States and cities are being challenged,
We are no longer pussy footing around in the world and are seeing results.
China is finally being challenged on it's Trade abuses. Your side stomping it's feet.
Obama's legacy of a Pen and a paper DYING. His executive actions can be undone easily because he went around Congress.
Unemployment lowering .............lowest in quite some time.
ISIS is almost dead. ROE's changed from retarded to kill the dang enemy.
N. and S. Korea at the table.

And more............Voted for a Fraud.........that fraud was in office for 8 years.

Weaponized agencies to attack citizens.
IRS pleading the 5th because they knew they did it.
Pay for Play scumbag politicians both sides.
Weak ass foreign policy.
Use of Pen and a phone policy maker.
DOJ doesn't prosecute criminals for behavior.

His legacy is dying.......and it's WELL DESERVED.
Trumps policies are winning.

The investigation is being shown a Freak Show.

Those investigating are being uncovered for being Lying scumbags.

Evidence is still being uncovered of crimes by the ones going after Trump.

The Investigation is a Cover up of the crimes committed by the Previous Administration. And yes they are crimes.

While this thread is based on estimates for next quarter.............it just shows how the left come unglued on anything positive Trump has done. They can't even give the slightest credit for 3 Americans coming home. It's NON STOP I HATE TRUMP MONSTER MASH...........Shows the lefts attack machine when they don't get their way.......

Poor things.
The manufacturing sector has been on fire since Trump was elected — March was another strong month for the industry

  • The manufacturing industry has added roughly 293,000 jobs since President Trump's election, according to the Department of Labor data.
  • Much of last month's gains — as well as the yearly uptick — came from durable goods manufacturing, the Labor Department said.
The manufacturing industry led job gains for the month of March, adding to the sector's streak of solid employment numbers over the past year under President Donald Trump.

The manufacturing sector added 22,000 jobs in March bringing its 12-month gain to 232,000 jobs, the Labor Department said Friday. Much of last month's gains — as well as the yearly uptick — came from durable goods manufacturing, the department said.

Business services also posted strong numbers, up 33,000 in March after increases in hiring by insurance, securities and commodities companies led to a strong gain in February.

Here are the net changes by industry for the month of February, according to Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Overall, nonfarm payrolls rose 103,000 in March and the unemployment rate held at 4.1 percent, coming up short of Wall Street expectations. Economists had been expecting a payrolls gain of 193,000 and the unemployment rate to decline one-tenth of a point to 4 percent.
Under Mexifonia policies.......

California: The Golden State has some big problems. Its taxes keep soaring, home prices are stratospheric, regulations are proliferating, and the quality of life continues to diminish. Now add what might be its most serious problem: People are leaving the state by the thousands.

Don't worry. California won't empty out anytime soon. It has nearly 40 million people. Yet, Census data point to a serious issue: Many of those who helped create California's golden lifestyle can no longer afford to live there and are departing the state.

The temptation, of course, is to simply say, "good riddance." But it's a sign that the state has serious problems, as a recent CNBC report showed.

"Rents here are crazy, if you can find a place, and they're going to tax us to death," said Dave Senser, who is moving to Las Vegas, where there is no state income tax.

Taxed to death, over regulated..............and they are hauling ass. LIBERAL POLICY at work.

Your WRONG and we are right. Conservative States like Texas are getting these companies. In California they are leaving even though Brown gave Tax Cuts, LOL IMAGINE THAT, for number of jobs given. They leave anyway because Mexifornia is NOT BUSINESS FRIENDLY.

Californians Doing The Once-Unthinkable: Leaving California | Investor's Business Daily
Texas Has Nation's Largest Annual State Population Growth

Texas continues to have strong population growth in the second decade of the 21st century. This growth is from a robust and balanced combination of natural increase and net migration that pushed the state’s population to almost 28 million.

For each year between 2010 and 2016, Texas has had the nation’s largest annual population growth. During this period, the state added about 211,000 people per year through natural increase.

As for migration, Texas is a primary destination for both domestic and international migrants. Average annual net domestic migration between 2010 and 2016 was close to 140,000 while net international migration averaged around 82,000. The state’s major metropolitan statistical areas (Austin-Round Rock, Dallas-Fort Worth-Arlington, Houston-The Woodlands-Sugar Land, and San Antonio-New Braunfels) are leading areas of population growth in Texas.

While these areas have high rates of natural increase, net migration is the dominant source of population growth in Texas’ metro areas.

“The most likely reasons people relocate to Texas are its resilient economy and relatively affordable housing,” said Lloyd Potter, Texas state demographer at the University of Texas San Antonio. “Oil and gas production continues to be a major component in the state’s economy, but other sectors such as information technology, manufacturing and biomedicine are important sources of job growth.”
Undocumented immigrants get posts in California as Trump administration cracks down

Undocumented immigrant Lizbeth Mateo paid in-state college tuition in California. During law school, the state Supreme Court confirmed her eligibility to practice law.

This week, Mateo, residing in California without legal authorization, got an appointment to a statewide post.

"I hope this is just the beginning of more undocumented people having access to places we’re usually not accepted into," said Mateo, a 33-year-old attorney and immigrant rights activist.

The Senate announced that the appointment was a first for the state, but that wasn't true. Mateo's appointment is only one of the latest decisions in deep-blue California to expand opportunities for immigrants living in the country illegally as the Trump administration moves in the opposite direction.

Gov. Jerry Brown in 2016 named Jorge Reyes Salinas, an undocumented immigrant enrolled in the Obama-era Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, to the California State University board of trustees as a student trustee. Dan Reeves, chief-of-staff to Senate President Pro Tem Kevin de León, said Friday the appointment was historic because Mateo is not protected under DACA.

A pair of undocumented immigrants, Julian Zatarian and Francisco Medina, were appointed to lead local commissions in Huntington Park in 2014. The California Supreme Court granted a motion filed by the State Bar to allow Sergio Garcia, another undocumented immigrant, to practice law in California that same year.

Laws approved by the Legislature allow immigrants without legal status to apply for in-state college tuition and financial aid. Undocumented children can enroll in state-funded health insurance plans and adults can seek a state driver's license, among other rights and services granted under law.

California law says that someone is incapable of holding a "civil office" if they are not a citizen at the time of their appointment.

While I have no problem with that lady's success...................it shows how California IGNORES THE LAW..............Immigration laws should be fixed. Overwelmingly the people of this country have DEMANDED it. Unless you are a Nut job from Mexifornia..............Where Liberals ONLY OBEY THE LAW if they LIKE IT...........

And they FORCE their IDEOLOGY on others.............and say it's RIGHTEOUS........Like you WILL INSTALL SOLAR PANELS on new homes.............WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT.
Trumps policies are winning.

The investigation is being shown a Freak Show.

Those investigating are being uncovered for being Lying scumbags.

Evidence is still being uncovered of crimes by the ones going after Trump.

The Investigation is a Cover up of the crimes committed by the Previous Administration. And yes they are crimes.

While this thread is based on estimates for next quarter.............it just shows how the left come unglued on anything positive Trump has done. They can't even give the slightest credit for 3 Americans coming home. It's NON STOP I HATE TRUMP MONSTER MASH...........Shows the lefts attack machine when they don't get their way.......

Poor things.

"Winning", until they cause loads of problems and then you'll pretend it was someone else's fault.

Unless you face all the truth head on, instead of ignoring it all, you'll always be looking at a "false truth".
Trumps policies are winning.

The investigation is being shown a Freak Show.

Those investigating are being uncovered for being Lying scumbags.

Evidence is still being uncovered of crimes by the ones going after Trump.

The Investigation is a Cover up of the crimes committed by the Previous Administration. And yes they are crimes.

While this thread is based on estimates for next quarter.............it just shows how the left come unglued on anything positive Trump has done. They can't even give the slightest credit for 3 Americans coming home. It's NON STOP I HATE TRUMP MONSTER MASH...........Shows the lefts attack machine when they don't get their way.......

Poor things.

"Winning", until they cause loads of problems and then you'll pretend it was someone else's fault.

Unless you face all the truth head on, instead of ignoring it all, you'll always be looking at a "false truth".

Tell me about the Truth.....................Did Federal Agencies attack citizens applying for Non Profit under Obama.

Did Hillary mishandle Classified data.
Did she then destroy evidence ordered by a court order.
Did a Video do it in Libya.
Are businesses leaving California...and why are they moving to states like Texas.

Trumps policies are winning.

The investigation is being shown a Freak Show.

Those investigating are being uncovered for being Lying scumbags.

Evidence is still being uncovered of crimes by the ones going after Trump.

The Investigation is a Cover up of the crimes committed by the Previous Administration. And yes they are crimes.

While this thread is based on estimates for next quarter.............it just shows how the left come unglued on anything positive Trump has done. They can't even give the slightest credit for 3 Americans coming home. It's NON STOP I HATE TRUMP MONSTER MASH...........Shows the lefts attack machine when they don't get their way.......

Poor things.

"Winning", until they cause loads of problems and then you'll pretend it was someone else's fault.

Unless you face all the truth head on, instead of ignoring it all, you'll always be looking at a "false truth".

Tell me about the Truth.....................Did Federal Agencies attack citizens applying for Non Profit under Obama.

Did Hillary mishandle Classified data.
Did she then destroy evidence ordered by a court order.
Did a Video do it in Libya.
Are businesses leaving California...and why are they moving to states like Texas.


You're probably thinking that I'm a Democratic partisan.

I'm not.

I didn't trust Obama's regime, I don't trust Trumps. Politicians are politicians. Some are better than others. Better doesn't mean good.

The problem is the truth for you will be whatever someone tells you they want the truth to be. Not what you've found for yourself, and not what you found in a non-biased way.

That's the problem here.

Trump is doing things that are potentially harmful for the US in the future, and you'll ignore this. Why? Who the fuck knows.

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