3 Manhattan police officers poisoned.

FAKE NEWS!!! Police not poisoned.
What's the point of posting this?

It does relate to something I did a search on and came up empty.
How does Shake Shack make their Shakes?
I'd think they'd do it the old fashioned way with a mixer like this using frozen Ice cream.
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They claim the bleach was in a machine they were cleaning out. I dont see them using soft serve Ice Cream dispensers with all the flavors they have.
So the old method seems more plausible...which would of course throw the whole "we were cleaning the machine" crap right out the window.
Haha...don't hurt yourself reaching like that....
Shake Shack does indeed use those Hamilton Beach mixers to blend its shake ingredients. Sadly though :( that has nothing to do with this story. Nice try, but it isn't called "soft-serve" just for kicks and giggles. You see Shake Shack has chosen fresh made "frozen custard" as their "soft" ice cream base. Here's how that's made:

Clean that^

You'd think that one could smell and taste bleach pretty quickly before drinking much of it. Still, Chlorine is a very highly toxic halogen that oxidizes into hydrochloric acid in the body. Nasty. That shit can kill you. This shit is getting way out of hand. People are attacking innocent strangers indescriminantly now. Plain stupid. This isn't justice, it is terrorism.
Hey. Just drink some tapwater. It also has fluoride so your teeth dont get bad.
A cowardly act. If they can prove it, they will take the shake shack insurance company and owners for a fortune and they will deserve it.
Why the owners ànd insurance company? Unless they had something to do with the act?
Suspect there is a lawsuit in this, even though the NYPD no longer thinks it was and intentional act, attacking policemen. Product and service liability is still applicable. Heck, some idiot sued McDonalds and won because they spill their own coffee in their lap and I do not think Mcdonalds or their employees should have been responsible for some idiot that dropped a cup of hot coffee while driving.
A cowardly act. If they can prove it, they will take the shake shack insurance company and owners for a fortune and they will deserve it.
Why the owners ànd insurance company? Unless they had something to do with the act?
Suspect there is a lawsuit in this, even though the NYPD no longer thinks it was and intentional act, attacking policemen. Product and service liability is still applicable. Heck, some idiot sued McDonalds and won because they spill their own coffee in their lap and I do not think Mcdonalds or their employees should have been responsible for some idiot that dropped a cup of hot coffee while driving.
I haven't seen anything about the NYPD thinking it was intentional. The police union, sure. Both have now made public statements denying the possibility of it being an intentional act. Insurance supposedly exists to cover for when such shit inevitably happens, only it really exists now to make huge profits by cooking up excuses to deny such claims. Also, you clearly have no idea what that McDonald's case was all about. No one got rich. The coffee back then was served way too hot in cups that were deceptively flimsy, easily leading to second and third degree burns. No picnic. The woman was severely and permanently damaged. The settlement only covered her expenses at best.
A cowardly act. If they can prove it, they will take the shake shack insurance company and owners for a fortune and they will deserve it.
Why the owners ànd insurance company? Unless they had something to do with the act?
Suspect there is a lawsuit in this, even though the NYPD no longer thinks it was and intentional act, attacking policemen. Product and service liability is still applicable. Heck, some idiot sued McDonalds and won because they spill their own coffee in their lap and I do not think Mcdonalds or their employees should have been responsible for some idiot that dropped a cup of hot coffee while driving.
I haven't seen anything about the NYPD thinking it was intentional. The police union, sure. Both have now made public statements denying the possibility of it being an intentional act. Insurance supposedly exists to cover for when such shit inevitably happens, only it really exists now to make huge profits by cooking up excuses to deny such claims. Also, you clearly have no idea what that McDonald's case was all about. No one got rich. The coffee back then was served way too hot in cups that were deceptively flimsy, easily leading to second and third degree burns. No picnic. The woman was severely and permanently damaged. The settlement only covered her expenses at best.
Product and service liability is a bitch, ain't it? Totally agree that many times people are just looking for a big score. I have never dumped coffee from a drive thru in my lap. A New Mexico jury awarded $2.86 MILLION DOLLARS. Judge reduced it to $640,000 including $160,000.00 of medical expenses for the (permanently damaged crotch?) and McDonald,s was brought to a private undisclosed settlement, rather than face appeal. Cha-CHING! Hey, Must be the money! It has become the American Way.
I've never dumped coffee from a drive-thru into my lap either. Nor stepped off a tall building into an oncoming train. Lucky us. I have, however, accidentally spilled way too hot Burger King coffee down my cowboy boot, resulting in a large third degree burn on my ankle. No, I didn't sue. Should have in retrospect. Not so though, for example, the time I accidentally chainsawed the hell out of that same leg. That was entirely my own fault. I also "Totally agree that" big banks and insurance corporations, among others, now only exist to score big at our expense.
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I've never dumped coffee from a drive-thru into my lap either. Nor stepped off a tall building into an oncoming train. Lucky us. I have, however, accidentally spilled way too hot Burger King coffee down my cowboy boot, resulting in a large third degree burn on my ankle. No, I didn't sue. Should have in retrospect. Not so though, for example, the time I accidentally chainsawed the hell out of that same leg. That was entirely my own fault. I also "Totally agree that" big banks and insurance corporations, among others, now only exist to score big at our expense.
Understand about chainsaw or axes (bet you been more care full since), as right handed folk usually have left foot forward on the down stroke, but coffee down the left boot? Did you ride a horse through the drive-thru, cowboy?
Right handed, true. Right leg though. I was completely exhausted both times so uncoordinated. The large coffee slid on the tray as I was setting it on a table and trying to sit at the same time. Upon hitting the tray's edge it did a perfect nosedive, hit my inner calf squarely, popped off its lid, then dumped the bulk of its scalding contents right down the gaping top of my boot. After chain sawing a small fir tree off at its base, the bar continued travelling the few inches required to grab the pool fence causing it to then shoot back square into my leg. Much stupidity led to that incident. Main lesson: don't saw while angry (and tired). And of course I've done equally stupid things since. Getting much better at preserving myself now.
Right handed, true. Right leg though. I was completely exhausted both times so uncoordinated. The large coffee slid on the tray as I was setting it on a table and trying to sit at the same time. Upon hitting the tray's edge it did a perfect nosedive, hit my inner calf squarely, popped off its lid, then dumped the bulk of its scalding contents right down the gaping top of my boot. After chain sawing a small fir tree off at its base, the bar continued travelling the few inches required to grab the pool fence causing it to then shoot back square into my leg. Much stupidity led to that incident. Main lesson: don't saw while angry (and tired). And of course I've done equally stupid things since. Getting much better at preserving myself now.
We all do goofy crap. Was way up extension ladder cutting large oak branch to my right. Thought I was "Mr. Safety." I was belayed to limb on left. Saw belayed to limb on left. Cut limb. It swung down took out the ladder. I dropped to limit of my belay. Saw dropped to it's limit while cutting off, smacking me right in the side of the head where I dangled. Was lucky. Thank God for smart product liability engineering. I looked like a YouTube video.

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